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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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I realised I hadn't received an item I ordered from discogs which was marked as 'shipped' 15 days ago so contacted the seller.

Turns out someone blew up his local post office.




I am STILL trying to get a refund on this.

Seller is a non-responder so I had to report him as such. He got back to me and apologised and refunded me via a paypal echeque which would take 10 days to clear.

Like an idiot I confirmed the refund as received on Discogs. Today the payment failed :catrage:

So now I've had to message him again and insta-report him again.



:catrage: :catrage: :catrage::catrage::catrage::catrage:



If you paid by Visa, you can get a refund administered through Visa?


I paid for goods on Amazon with my visa that never showed up, almost $700 worth. I called Visa directly and they sorted me out.


Is that an option for you?

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having work done on my house (earthquake retrofit - house built in 1945 and they didn't bolt houses to the foundation back then but oregon has gone all nutty over "the big one" so i'm doing the basic responsible thing to keep my house from sliding off its foundation in a quake) and i can't finish watching the OJ doc thing "OJ made in america" because of all the noise and commotion. my girlfriend is sleeping soundly through it all as she is expert level deep sleep master

Edited by ignatius
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OJ is having some kind of year.


FWP - Visiting family in the boonies where nothing is walkable or bikeable. Misery.

Edited by doublename
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i also started learning and doing a bit of programming for some data preparation jobs i'm doing recently in stata, i don't even know if you comp.sci hunks consider stata stuff as programming but i do so fuck you. didn't even realize that i'd like it so much, it's so satisfying to make some logical contraption do what you need it to do perfectly.

here's the creation i'm the most proud of so far (i'll even put it in code formatting like a pro):

sort pid syear
replace cum
	cum cum
	drop cum
	Eugene cum max (cum)  
cum (pic)
replace cumu cumu
replace cumu3=D

it basically counts the number of times a person was disconnected from the labor force in the last 3 years and creates a variable that signifies it for each year. i nearly came when it actually did what i wanted after hours of frustrations.

Cool code



lol i very much consciously decided to add the extra "u" letter after "cum" as other people will see and use this code, it's short for cumulative.

i do have one variable about the importance of person's success in his job, it's "job_succ" :datboi:

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mother has been unwell now for months with various things. every time it seems she may finally be on the mend something else pops up. first neck surgery, then oral surgery because of infection now she's having severe gi issues. she's been mostly housebound and it's 'causing her already severe depression to worsen. was hoping to get her out of the house this weekend for the fourth but now she's too sick to be away from a bathroom for more than a 15-30 minutes. she's barely sleeping and i have no idea what i can possibly do to help her feel any better. her gp sounds like a total prick


also my back is hurting all the time and i'm perpetually 20-25 pounds overweight even though i exercise more than anyone i know. well... all but one person i know and he's lost 90 pounds in less than a year.

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i also started learning and doing a bit of programming for some data preparation jobs i'm doing recently in stata, i don't even know if you comp.sci hunks consider stata stuff as programming but i do so fuck you. didn't even realize that i'd like it so much, it's so satisfying to make some logical contraption do what you need it to do perfectly.

here's the creation i'm the most proud of so far (i'll even put it in code formatting like a pro):

sort pid syear
replace cum
	cum cum
	drop cum
	Eugene cum max (cum)  
cum (pic)
replace cumu cumu
replace cumu3=D

it basically counts the number of times a person was disconnected from the labor force in the last 3 years and creates a variable that signifies it for each year. i nearly came when it actually did what i wanted after hours of frustrations.
Cool code

lol i very much consciously decided to add the extra "u" letter after "cum" as other people will see and use this code, it's short for cumulative.

i do have one variable about the importance of person's success in his job, it's "job_succ" :datboi:



it's all about dat cumu

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OJ is having some kind of year.


FWP - Visiting family in the boonies where nothing is walkable or bikeable. Misery.


eligibility for parole in October 2017

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i also started learning and doing a bit of programming for some data preparation jobs i'm doing recently in stata, i don't even know if you comp.sci hunks consider stata stuff as programming but i do so fuck you. didn't even realize that i'd like it so much, it's so satisfying to make some logical contraption do what you need it to do perfectly.

here's the creation i'm the most proud of so far (i'll even put it in code formatting like a pro):

sort pid syear
replace cum
	cum cum
	drop cum
	Eugene cum max (cum)  
cum (pic)
replace cumu cumu
replace cumu3=D

it basically counts the number of times a person was disconnected from the labor force in the last 3 years and creates a variable that signifies it for each year. i nearly came when it actually did what i wanted after hours of frustrations.
Cool code

lol i very much consciously decided to add the extra "u" letter after "cum" as other people will see and use this code, it's short for cumulative.

i do have one variable about the importance of person's success in his job, it's "job_succ" :datboi:

Sounds more like a first world succ

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Lost my 160GB iPod and am now back to a 16GB. Rotating the contents based on my whimsical taste is such a chore.


did you lose your unreleased tunes?

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I have begun a 5,000 dollar spending spree on clothes which I shouldn't really do at this stage but fuck, I need new clothes. I haven't shopped seriously in years and I need a decent wardrobe.

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that last batmam and superman movie leaked into warez and i realize perfectly that its utter shit and i still want to watch it and i will totally do it tonight. fuck.

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I have begun a 5,000 dollar spending spree on clothes which I shouldn't really do at this stage but fuck, I need new clothes. I haven't shopped seriously in years and I need a decent wardrobe.

i spend about $200/yr on clothes maybe. probably much less but we'll average that with the very occasional cheap suit i buy. that's 25 years worth of clothes your budgeting for


or did you mean like, yen or rupees or something

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Apparel shopping...I used to try and buy the newest, most expensive clothing I could find in my late teens and early 20s. Anymore though I go to thrift / second-hand shops when I need new shirts or something.

BTW Juice sorry to hear about your mom's condition. Hope she pulls thru.

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woops wrong thread


to add something to this thread: my vinyl records sound horrible, dunno if it's the cartridge or the needle. I think it's not the amp nor speakers cause CDs/PC sound just fine

Edited by ThatSpanishGuy
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woops wrong thread


to add something to this thread: my vinyl records sound horrible, dunno if it's the cartridge or the needle. I think it's not the amp nor speakers cause CDs/PC sound just fine


I was having the same issue, does it crackle? i had my record player fixed and it was the cable, the connection from the player was arsed.

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woops wrong thread


to add something to this thread: my vinyl records sound horrible, dunno if it's the cartridge or the needle. I think it's not the amp nor speakers cause CDs/PC sound just fine


I was having the same issue, does it crackle? i had my record player fixed and it was the cable, the connection from the player was arsed.



hm, didn't think it could be the cables, good call. Whole setup is "vintage" aka old as fuck, will have to troubleshoot. I'm kinda scared to though, as a number of weeks ago I plugged in an old FM radio and the cable fuckin exploded with the loudest BANG and all the lights in the house went out, gave me a heart attack. That + ignorance about electric stuff makes me scared of tinkering with cables and current

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woops wrong thread


to add something to this thread: my vinyl records sound horrible, dunno if it's the cartridge or the needle. I think it's not the amp nor speakers cause CDs/PC sound just fine


I was having the same issue, does it crackle? i had my record player fixed and it was the cable, the connection from the player was arsed.



hm, didn't think it could be the cables, good call. Whole setup is "vintage" aka old as fuck, will have to troubleshoot. I'm kinda scared to though, as a number of weeks ago I plugged in an old FM radio and the cable fuckin exploded with the loudest BANG and all the lights in the house went out, gave me a heart attack. That + ignorance about electric stuff makes me scared of tinkering with cables and current




good lord, that is beyond me but my setup is vintage too. didn't occur to me that the cables could be the issue but both the receiver and turntable are older than i am maybe. you may be missing a ground wire? the bang is concerning

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My buttocks hurt from riding my bike all day. Not sexually.

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