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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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One of the nice things about having a unique small native language is that in Finland we actually have an institute that defines the standards. So any argument about writing, syntax, pronunciation or other linguistic rules can be ended by just referring to them. Although sometimes even professional writers just ignore their decision, particularly translations for foreign words which sometimes are pretty hilarious.

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3 hours ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

Sorry.  I did not know the pandora's box I was opening.

shows you just how easily an off the cuff remark, which wasn't made to be taken seriously, can snowball and escalate into something that divides the population, and leads to both sides attacking each other and believing they are right!

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40 minutes ago, milkface said:

sliced my cunting finger on my friends broken glass ashtray about an hour ago - was bleeding everywhere


5 hours ago, Squee said:

My new first world problem is this thread.

you should pull it. 



Edited by ignatius
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16 hours ago, IDEM said:

Oh, you're still going at it, are you? You know, I was going to let it slide because of your useful tips concerning the onion problem (thanks for that!), but perhaps you can regard this as a chance to enlighten yourself. So consider this: If you were to further maintain that you're actually not wrong, to which I would reply, "You tell yourself that son ...", would you see any room whatsoever to add "additional clarity" to that sentence? If not, go on your merry ways.

If you do, however, admit that there is the slightest room for ambiguity in that sentence, why on earth would you not strive to extinguish said ambiguity? Grammar is the most beautiful when it is at its most clear, there are no two ways about this, that is its function, and in this sentence, the comma does indeed add "additional clarity". Again, please just google "direct address comma" and get lost in that wonderful rabbit-hole. Happy trails! (By the way, I did the same with the Oxford comma (which I constantly forget to use myself), and Google tells me that it is not in any way "sacrosanct", but that "[u]se of the Oxford comma is stylistic, meaning that some style guides demand its use while others don't." It's literally the first Google hit I get. In other words, direct address comma > Oxford comma.) ?

Lastly, how could you consider it even remotely okay to continually discriminate @dingformungand other members with regards to their alleged nationality? It is rude, offensive and just plainly disgraceful behavior, not only for a moderator of a public forum, but for any human being, and I would like to politely ask you to stop it. TIA!

There’s literally only one way to read that sentence. 

Im well aware of what the direct address comma is, and when you use them (to separate the noun you are addressing from the rest of the sentence). In that interjection, separating “Google” from “Fuck you”, makes no sense. Additionally, as Google is the subject in the following clause, “suck my dick.”, it should not be punctuated in the vocative case, as nouns of direct address cannot be subjects. That is as simple as it gets. 
I will allow that direct address commas can be used in some context to clarify the person you are speaking to, but it is falling out of fashion, and language evolves. Hence the constant diatribe on my part about the linguistic prescription. 

How could you think I’m insulting ding? Anything to do with comments about his German nationality are tongue in cheek (which would be obvious if you weren’t so German ? )I love Germany by the way, even if you continually beat us up in football. How could you not? Great cars, beer, music, and David Hasselhoff. 

Jesus. What am I doing. Have at it. Post away, IDEM. 

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5 hours ago, chenGOD said:

There’s literally only one way to read that sentence. 

Im well aware of what the direct address comma is, and when you use them (to separate the noun you are addressing from the rest of the sentence). In that interjection, separating “Google” from “Fuck you”, makes no sense. Additionally, as Google is the subject in the following clause, “suck my dick.”, it should not be punctuated in the vocative case, as nouns of direct address cannot be subjects. That is as simple as it gets. 
I will allow that direct address commas can be used in some context to clarify the person you are speaking to, but it is falling out of fashion, and language evolves. Hence the constant diatribe on my part about the linguistic prescription. 

How could you think I’m insulting ding? Anything to do with comments about his German nationality are tongue in cheek (which would be obvious if you weren’t so German ? )I love Germany by the way, even if you continually beat us up in football. How could you not? Great cars, beer, music, and David Hasselhoff. 

Jesus. What am I doing. Have at it. Post away, IDEM. 

Do you really not see this man?


And with that deadly final blast, I'm out. This time for good. Feel free to pm me if you'd like to discuss beer, cars, engineering, lederhosen, dachshunds, cuckoo clocks or national stereotypes per se.

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21 hours ago, zkom said:

One of the nice things about having a unique small native language is that in Finland we actually have an institute that defines the standards. So any argument about writing, syntax, pronunciation or other linguistic rules can be ended by just referring to them. Although sometimes even professional writers just ignore their decision, particularly translations for foreign words which sometimes are pretty hilarious.

German has that, too. It's useful because the spelling gets updated and isn't hundreds of years old and actually matches the pronunciation. I think the biggest privilege of speaking a language that doesn't have many speakers is that you know other languages, too, almost by default. Learning English is easy for you because there is no dubbing and you probably consume more foreign media than people who live in larger countries anyway. And because your language is so small almost everyone learns a third language at school, too, often to a fluent level. Imagine being born in the US. There is no reason to learn a different language because everyone speaks English and everything is in English and there are only two countries bordering it, and one of them is English speaking. To some extent that's also true if you're born in France or Germany: You can get through life pretty well without any language skills because everything is translated and there is a large body of literature/movies/music/art that's in French/German, either originally or translated.

9 hours ago, chenGOD said:

David Hasselhoff

David Hasselhoff isn't German, though, he is US American. He isn't even popular in Germany, as far as I know. It's a weird stereotype because it's so random.

Edited by dingformung
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ugh. just found out that Peel was apparently a predator perv. do i scratch out the 'peel' on my peel sessions so they just say sessions? ?

i guess old news. being american i only experienced the revery of john peel 3rd hand. still. it sucks to find out someone held in such high esteem is of course totally flawed in a tragic sad horrible way.  fuck you heroes i guess. 


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By the way, I actually love that English isn't standardized.  Languages are living creatures that are meant to have their boundaries challenged, and they oughtn't be entrapped in regulations.  English is supposed to be the wild language of the untamed islanders, and none shall saddle it.  When the pedants try to cage it, it puts them in their place.  You fellers would have a grand old time with Joyce's early essays (or Chaucer, for that matter).

Edited by drillkicker
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3 hours ago, ignatius said:

ugh. just found out that Peel was apparently a predator perv. do i scratch out the 'peel' on my peel sessions so they just say sessions? ?

i guess old news. being american i only experienced the revery of john peel 3rd hand. still. it sucks to find out someone held in such high esteem is of course totally flawed in a tragic sad horrible way.  fuck you heroes i guess. 


Does everyone have to be perfect ?  Why do people expect celebrities to be saints ?  I like John Peel's sessions and don't care to know about his sex life;  that's between him and the state and God.  I have the actual saints, so I don't need him to be one.  Sorry, muckrakers, but I have nothing that you can ruin for me.

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9 minutes ago, drillkicker said:

Does everyone have to be perfect ?  Why do people expect celebrities to be saints ?  I like John Peel's sessions and don't care to know about his sex life;  that's between him and the state and God.  I have the actual saints, so I don't need him to be one.  Sorry, muckrakers, but I have nothing that you can ruin for me.

The dude boned 13-year olds and was married to a 15-year-old (how is that even possible?)

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1 hour ago, drillkicker said:

Does everyone have to be perfect ?  Why do people expect celebrities to be saints ?  I like John Peel's sessions and don't care to know about his sex life;  that's between him and the state and God.  I have the actual saints, so I don't need him to be one.  Sorry, muckrakers, but I have nothing that you can ruin for me.

i didn't care to know about it either but it made its way into the feed of all the things. I don't expect people to be perfect.. we're all flawed.. but i don't think it's asking for much to not expect people to be pedophiles. i mean.. we know it's happening but it's a shame that it's tolerated for long periods of time while the person in questions enjoys big praise and success in their world while the bad deeds are covered up or people look the other way. 

i'm not a holier than thou sanctimonious type of person who's clutching pearls at every offense and ready to cancel someone for farting and laughing or having complicated tweets 10 years ago but.. shit.. sex with kids isn't ok. i'm not going to get on a soap box about it but thought it fit in the FWP thread because it seems every so often another 'hero' is shot down by their less than honorable past coming to light. in his favor.. it looks like Peel had good teeth for a british person. 

btw was being tongue in cheek about scratching the 'peel' off my peel sessions vinyl. 

btw.. regarding The Saints.. half of them were fucking assholes. Mother Theresa was notoriously cruel and awful. 

i also find it ironic that some of the saints met their ends at the hands of the church that would later make them saints.  or maybe i'm imagining that. 

Edited by ignatius
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2 hours ago, ignatius said:

i didn't care to know about it either but it made its way into the feed of all the things. I don't expect people to be perfect.. we're all flawed.. but i don't think it's asking for much to not expect people to be pedophiles. i mean.. we know it's happening but it's a shame that it's tolerated for long periods of time while the person in questions enjoys big praise and success in their world while the bad deeds are covered up or people look the other way. 

i'm not a holier than thou sanctimonious type of person who's clutching pearls at every offense and ready to cancel someone for farting and laughing or having complicated tweets 10 years ago but.. shit.. sex with kids isn't ok. i'm not going to get on a soap box about it but thought it fit in the FWP thread because it seems every so often another 'hero' is shot down by their less than honorable past coming to light. in his favor.. it looks like Peel had good teeth for a british person. 

btw was being tongue in cheek about scratching the 'peel' off my peel sessions vinyl. 

btw.. regarding The Saints.. half of them were fucking assholes. Mother Theresa was notoriously cruel and awful. 

i also find it ironic that some of the saints met their ends at the hands of the church that would later make them saints.  or maybe i'm imagining that. 

John Peel is dead


(Also I'm not a Catholic)

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14 minutes ago, drillkicker said:

John Peel is dead


(Also I'm not a Catholic)

indeed he is. in deed he is. 

are there non-catholic saints?  i know there's anointed types in different religions but do they call them saints? were you even referring to saints of a religious nature or did i assume that? shame on me. 

p.s. at least i didn't use any communist commas in my post. 

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