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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I've a 'friend' who lies all the damn time, just lies to your face like you're retarded, on almost every single conversation, doesn't matter how short. For example I was telling him about me going running and he goes "yeah I saw you at this one place I was doing some cardio too", and I tell him, I've never gone running at that one place, and I know for a fact you havent done cardio since it was mandatory in high school... Like it's not even a lie that's plausible, I know where I've been, what are you even trying to achieve here? And he doesnt bend, no way. Doesnt even go "well it might've been someone else", no, he goes "no man I saw you"  :psyduck:

why is this person in your life? lol

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I've known a few people like that. I typically just say 'uh huh' to everything after a while and appear to be generally unimpressed/uninterested. Or start to suggest even more outlandish things.

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had a frenemy like that who I used to work with. it's a pathological necessity for some people. this guy's trip was having to constantly tout himself and his achievements to make him seem supremely worldly and capable, like a massive inferiority complex compensation thing. he once alleged he received a blowjob from a hot co-worker of his in a moving elevator. the rest of us just lol'd at how impossible that would be between 3 floors unless he finished in 5 seconds. he still insisted it was true.

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They must have other qualities which makes the people who they lie to overlook their flaws and want to keep them in their lives, Bulk. Until you've walked in their shoes you don't know how you would react. They may emit positive energy in other aspects of their being that you just can't get enough of, preventing you from confronting their untruths. The most diplomatic way to deal with this problem would be to take them to one side and say "this is my truth, tell me yours..."

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fwp: keep accidentally using the same shortcake recipe and it burns the underside of the little bastards every time. tonight is the third time I've done it.


corollary fwp: lost the recipe for a bitchin' beer bread I used to make and can't remember the ratios. I miss that bread.

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i made a major screw up at my janitorial job by spilling a mop bucket all over carpet. dude i was with was really chill about it but had to report to the senior supervisor who was cool too. sounds like my manager will not find out. now just to never do that again


ps fuccccckk




pps (i'm not lying)

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had a frenemy like that who I used to work with. it's a pathological necessity for some people. this guy's trip was having to constantly tout himself and his achievements to make him seem supremely worldly and capable, like a massive inferiority complex compensation thing.

yeah, that's exactly what it is with this guy... that's why it doesn't bother me more than it does

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What the fuck did they do to Tapatalk? That shit is totally unusable on the last update.

Also neither cats nor dogs should be domesticated, but if one must have an animal in the house, the cat is clearly the correct option.

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I was sick all last week, felt better over the weekend, now I feel like it's coming back. Time to clean every fucking thing in my house.


Also, on the subject of cleaning: one of my roommates likes to invite people over, make a mess, and clean it up weeks later. God fucking damn. I washed a mountain of dishes last week because I was tired of staring at them (for two weeks) and then two days later he comes home and makes a giant mess again. It's still there.

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^ Have at the motherfucker, people like that won't make the effort unless you have a go at them (preferably in a gently-gently manner, of course) and remind them how inconsiderate they're being.


My fwp: went to Tescos today, loaded up a full big shop, got everything laid out at the till, and realised I'd left my card at home in my other jeans. Had to do the walk of shame around the shop putting everything back, go home, get the card, come back to the shops, re-do the exact same shop, and finally pay up and walk home. Groundhog shop. In hindsight I probably could have asked them if I could leave the trolley there until I'd gone home, but ho hum.

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Gotta meet up with a restaurant owner at midnight to discuss doing sound for a show tomorrow night.  Doing sound for a show tomorrow night is a FWS but having to have a midnight meeting the night before is slightly FWP.  

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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I've done this a few times as well as I am generally unorganised in my personal life and dislike carrying a wallet, so just carry round my bank card in whichever trousers I wear...


BUT each time Morrison's just let me park the full trolley to the side while I drive home and pick up the card - at least 10-15 minutes in total probably.  (Granted I don't tend to by any frozen stuff) but they have no issue with me leaving that trolley there.


Did Tesco staff make you return everything to the shelf...stuff that.

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They must have other qualities which makes the people who they lie to overlook their flaws and want to keep them in their lives, Bulk. Until you've walked in their shoes you don't know how you would react. They may emit positive energy in other aspects of their being that you just can't get enough of, preventing you from confronting their untruths. The most diplomatic way to deal with this problem would be to take them to one side and say "this is my truth, tell me yours..."


and furthermore, that "if you tolerate this" then "your children will be next"

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My grandmother passed away a couple of weeks ago and it's been weird. I feel like she's still here but I miss her like crazy.

My condolences, that sucks. I lost my Danish grandma a couple of years back and I still miss her a lot. Danish grandmas are the best! They bring the hygge and a never-ending stream of delish homely foods.
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My grandmother passed away a couple of weeks ago and it's been weird. I feel like she's still here but I miss her like crazy.

My condolences, that sucks. I lost my Danish grandma a couple of years back and I still miss her a lot. Danish grandmas are the best! They bring the hygge and a never-ending stream of delish homely foods.



They do.


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