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Looks like they're going to revive the X-files for a limited run with Mulder/Scully. Although the show faltered for several seasons, I still have a huge soft-spot for it. I'll gladly jump in.



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Last Man on Earth - Cringe-worthy episode, but there's something I enjoy about this show.

yeah the previous one sucked, but this new one was pretty funny. they should focus more on the whole concept of being alone in the world and not just their relationships, which gets really cringey at times when it comes to forte's acting.

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Last Man on Earth - Cringe-worthy episode, but there's something I enjoy about this show.

yeah the previous one sucked, but this new one was pretty funny. they should focus more on the whole concept of being alone in the world and not just their relationships, which gets really cringey at times when it comes to forte's acting.



This show is definitely cringe-comedy. Not sure if I like that term, but that's what it is. Like you said, especially Forte's. I actually preferred the show with just him, but, that could only go so long I guess. Not sure about adding character after character, which seems like is what's happening. I didn't see last nights 2 episodes yet to comment.

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Looks like AMC got a new series coming out with William Hurt called "Humans" based on a swedish show "Real Humans". Any of our overseas watmmers have anything good/bad to say about the show? Sounds like it has some possibilities.



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Some good animes to watch are


Paranoia Agent

Serial Experiments Lain


Steins Gate

Welcome to the NHK


There's also an anime thread here somewhere where you'll find more recommendations

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Looks like they're going to revive the X-files for a limited run with Mulder/Scully. Although the show faltered for several seasons, I still have a huge soft-spot for it. I'll gladly jump in.



holy fuuuuck no way.

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Looks like they're going to revive the X-files for a limited run with Mulder/Scully. Although the show faltered for several seasons, I still have a huge soft-spot for it. I'll gladly jump in.



holy fuuuuck no way.




I know this can't possibly be good, but if they announce that Darin Morgan is handling an episode I'm going to have to see a doctor about nerd priapism lasting more than 4 hours.



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I somehow came across House Of Fools on YouTube, so I decided to watch it... "Ooh, I love many British series, so let's see waddup..." ...Watch a couple episodes... Holy fuck motherfucker, what an absolute garbage show, what in the hell... But then I laughed at some bitz, which might also mean that my brain is melting from too much jazzercise.


So I dunno about "watching at the moment", but I did watch it, for a moment, and now, I, punch myself in the dick. It's like the shit sitcom series in Extras, except it's real?! From that perspective I was tripping hard. Like a newborn on blotter acid hard.

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I can't be dealing with watching the pilot till the rest drops.




Just finished an AU show called The Code which is about an autistic and very funny hacker accidentally fucking up shit hard. Worth a watch and only 6 episodes.

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Last Man on Earth - LOL @ Todd.

I'm starting to think Will Forte is too good looking to be the last (semi) last male with functioning penis. They should have picked an ugo like John Lovitz, that'll show the human spirit to procreate!

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The frame-rate in The Man In The High Castle pilot is a bit wonky @ times and it doesnt quite follow the sequence of the book directly, but, compared to A Scanner Darkly's abortive attempt at reconstructing such an imaginary world, its a much more fully realized production. Cant wait for the full series. The detail and scope of how they've constructed all the various American Reich imagery was rrrrrrockin & the guy who plays Mr Tagomi is next level. Does the TARDIS do private hire?

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Fargo was pretty intense. That prequel murder story with the retired dad cop should be interesting.


Also The Knick is fucking brilliant. Great writing, characters, filming, lore. Loved that episode when the filming shows how Thack is ultra high on cocaine. It's always a bliss when things are only suggested like that and not over demonstrated.


Fuck Dr. House.

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Yeah The Knick was very well put together. Subject matter pretty interesting too.


Latest season of Archer is better than the last couple, but I think alot of the in-jokes are starting to fall pretty flat, and most everything involving the other characters has been pretty weak (Lana/Archer stuff has been good though), seems like it's just been jammed in there to fill up the time.


Last Man on Earth is alright, not a huge number of laughs, but Forte is good to watch.


Wasn't a big fan of the Man In The High Castle pilot, thought it deviated a bit too much from the book, focused too much on the evil nazis, I seem to remember the book treating the alternate universe as much more normal as if not much really changed for the main characters after the war, mostly people just getting on with things. Looked really weird too, like some shitty instagram filter was over the whole thing.

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Trailer Park Boys returns to Netflix this Friday



Yes!! Can't wait for more. The short on set things on YouTube are worth a watch. There's over 20. The Lahey one where he goes off on one about pissing had me in hysterics.
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