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Legion (ep3) - Still messy, but really like how they blend horror into this show with the golden eye, blob alien guy setting up shop in David's brain. Don't talk to stars Dave.


Fargo Season 3 starts April 19th! woot! Thought it was not going to air until fall, pleasantly surprised.

Edited by olo
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Fargo Season 3 starts April 19th! woot! Thought it was not going to air until fall, pleasantly surprised.


Can't wait. Loved the first two, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead is supposedly in this new one. Double hype!




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Lilihammer seemed like a semi sequel to Sopranos, take one of the main goombas, have him flip for the Feds, then send him off to witness protection. Albeit, a more humorous take on the Italian American mafia. Van Zant is still great in it.

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Re-watching Space 1999. When I was a kid I remember it being hard-sci-fi, but they've just added a space princess so I guess I must have stopped watching at some point...

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Legion needs to figure out where it's going, I mean have the kid turn on a TV or something to show what world this exists in. Was the Mutant Registration Act passed in this continuity? Is Section 3 or whatever part of the Feds, or some villainous org, who runs it, funds it? Playing mind games will get old after a while, this episode seemed to heavily lean on Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind, IMO.

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March / April / May looking good for Spring premieres:


Iron Fist


Better Call Saul

Gotham (ymmv, lol)

The Last Man on Earth

The Americans

Into the Badlands


Samurai Jack

Mystery Science Theater 3000

Doctor Who

American Gods

Twin Peaks

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High Maintenance....if they'd set it another country it might have worked, but that way of talking so endemic in the States really started to boil my piss with every character seeming like a self-involved narcissist (apart from the Asians & the actual dealer)


structurally it worked, the premise, the episodes link & build characters, funny in the right places but my god apart from the swingers & chlamydia i wanted to knock most of the cast out


same with Girls, someone needs to tell these folks the world doesnt revolve around them and their fuckin neurotic self-centered world views


gonna have to hit the vape just from the flashbacks these hacks have caused

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High Maintenance....if they'd set it another country it might have worked, but that way of talking so endemic in the States really started to boil my piss with every character seeming like a self-involved narcissist




i tried watching this show but it's no good. it's like girls, i take exception to the characters to such a degree that i can't see through my hatred. i also know a lot of people who speak in the drawn out, vocally fried, nasal way that literally everyone on this show speaks and it drives me insane. i think it's american millenials and younger gen x people who employed too much sarcasm as children and short circuited their ability to vary their vocal mannerisms.

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finished the Metal Evolution series, fookin' fantastic and an easy 9/10


where's the industrial episode though? No Killing Joke, NiN, Ministry, Prong???

Have u watched Fix, the documentary on Ministry? Basically all those guys are in it, but it focuses way too much on Al Jourgensen's heroin addiction sometimes, and not enough on the music. It is funny to see the heyday of 90s industrial rock reflected on by the musicians who were there.

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Legion needs to figure out where it's going, I mean have the kid turn on a TV or something to show what world this exists in. Was the Mutant Registration Act passed in this continuity? Is Section 3 or whatever part of the Feds, or some villainous org, who runs it, funds it? Playing mind games will get old after a while, this episode seemed to heavily lean on Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind, IMO.


If the alien blob guy is the same as the comics, this whole thing could be the cosmic reality show with none of it being real. Hopefully it goes in a different direction, but all signs are kinda pointing that way. Blob mind blocking, young David talking to stars, etc...

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High Maintenance....if they'd set it another country it might have worked, but that way of talking so endemic in the States really started to boil my piss with every character seeming like a self-involved narcissist (apart from the Asians & the actual dealer)


structurally it worked, the premise, the episodes link & build characters, funny in the right places but my god apart from the swingers & chlamydia i wanted to knock most of the cast out


same with Girls, someone needs to tell these folks the world doesnt revolve around them and their fuckin neurotic self-centered world views


gonna have to hit the vape just from the flashbacks these hacks have caused


about Girls - you mean the characters? I mean, they are supposed to be selfish, that's part of the point of the whole thing - at least that's how I see it. And I know Hannah is awful but I really love that character




I was really enjoying Girls until season 2, it just got even more self indulgent than it already was and I found myself just hating Hannah. So why carry on watching it?


I've been watching Seinfeld from the beginning recently. Now if I'm going to watch a show where I hate the people but find them entertaining, that's the one for me.

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High Maintenance....if they'd set it another country it might have worked, but that way of talking so endemic in the States really started to boil my piss with every character seeming like a self-involved narcissist (apart from the Asians & the actual dealer)


structurally it worked, the premise, the episodes link & build characters, funny in the right places but my god apart from the swingers & chlamydia i wanted to knock most of the cast out


same with Girls, someone needs to tell these folks the world doesnt revolve around them and their fuckin neurotic self-centered world views


gonna have to hit the vape just from the flashbacks these hacks have caused


about Girls - you mean the characters? I mean, they are supposed to be selfish, that's part of the point of the whole thing - at least that's how I see it. And I know Hannah is awful but I really love that character




I was really enjoying Girls until season 2, it just got even more self indulgent than it already was and I found myself just hating Hannah. So why carry on watching it?


I've been watching Seinfeld from the beginning recently. Now if I'm going to watch a show where I hate the people but find them entertaining, that's the one for me.


i absolutely hated girls for this reason aswell. hannah was such an absolute boner. 

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That whole "you're meant to hate the characters" thing is bullshit. Girls plays it straight most of the time, you're obviously expected to empathize with these people. I think lena dunham thinks highly of hannah, probably feels girls speaks to a universal

experience. And even if it were just hateable horrible people, be entertaining! Seinfeld was, so is curb and always sunny.

Edited by keanu reeves
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theres a difference between the savagely funny hypocrisy & uber ironic rage of Larry David in CYE & the self-centered narcissistic sense of unfulfilled entitlement that pours out of shows like Girls & High Mainenance


thats not a sexist comment, more a case of portraying this collective "look we have everything & we still moan about everything" world view


& to flip the feminist critique, ALL the males in Girls are fukn gimps, props for emasculating so-called emotionally stunted dicks


its shallow, boring & not even funny, but the demographic supports this type of toss so networks keep making it


CYE is genius, more ridiculous than Seinfeld (which is also over-rated) but ultimately funnier than anything in eons.....The Weatherman, The Swan & Palestinian Chicken....theres been nowt better since Richard Pryor


quality>quantity & theres a record surplus of bs with competing broadcasters, but even papers like the Guardian do wanky episode reviews so assholes can lock themselves into "yeah i'm watching this which keeps me culturally informed" blah



vape time, deffo

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