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What's a classic horror game I can get cheaply for PS or XBox? I've already played most RE and SH games and I'm craving more.

The original Xbox?

I meant 360, don't know why I left that out.

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Oh, then my rec is worthless.

Uhm... condemned, Alan wake or deadly premonition are the only decent ones I can think of for the 360.

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Oh, then my rec is worthless.

Uhm... condemned, Alan wake or deadly premonition are the only decent ones I can think of for the 360.

Alan Wake and Deadly Premonition are great.


Slender is another option, Metro I guess is another option, but it's not really horror.


Outlast definitely fits the bill if you have PS4.

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i've been following those screenshots from gta v someone here did but i'm still dumbfounded by the attention to details when playing it by myself. i've never seen a more accomplished video game world.

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Guest transmisiones ferox



Just started this game for the first time, god damn.

so good, it makes me sad tho

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I got to Rank 101 on Psychonauts a few days ago which was an absolute bitch. It requires obtaining every single collectable (baggage, cobwebs, figments, cards, markers, scavenger hunt items, brains, vaults, etc.) and fully completing the punching mini-game, which is painfully difficult with a mouse and keyboard. This is right up there as one of my most braggable gaming achievements.


Coincidentally, Psychonauts turns 10 years old today. I was hoping for a sequel announcement, or at least a HD remaster, but it doesn't seem likely. Bummer.


Anyway, I managed to snatch up Goat Simulator in the Steam sale so I'll probably give that a blast once I finally get around to starting/finishing BioShock Infinite.

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Grand Theft Auto vuh FIVE for pc (check the logo, that's the proper name of the game)


gotta say, I'm about 7 hours into the game and it kinda seems like GTA IV but a bit better looking. Maybe I need to run around a bit more, but I'm not finding myself enjoying at more than GTA IV, it's just about equal. I thought biggerer the number, biggerer the fun?

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Grand Theft Auto vuh FIVE for pc (check the logo, that's the proper name of the game)


gotta say, I'm about 7 hours into the game and it kinda seems like GTA IV but a bit better looking. Maybe I need to run around a bit more, but I'm not finding myself enjoying at more than GTA IV, it's just about equal. I thought biggerer the number, biggerer the fun?


The story is probably just about to take off... just wait for it... waaaait for it...

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Grand Theft Auto vuh FIVE for pc (check the logo, that's the proper name of the game)


gotta say, I'm about 7 hours into the game and it kinda seems like GTA IV but a bit better looking. Maybe I need to run around a bit more, but I'm not finding myself enjoying at more than GTA IV, it's just about equal. I thought biggerer the number, biggerer the fun?


The story is probably just about to take off... just wait for it... waaaait for it...


I dunno, it just seems like more of the same. Drive around, go whack that group of people. go pick up this thing. Oh noes, your daughter is being grinded by Lazlo, go after him. Lose the cops.


Admittedly, it does in some cases really blow away GTA IV as far as graphics are concerned, however having played Max Payne 3 on PC, it's not a massive leap in fidelity and stuff....Max Payne 3 was pretty much similar, to the point where sometimes I keep trying to put myself in bullet time mode and do shoot dodges.


I know it sounds like I'm complaining, I'm not really. It's just I thought GTA vuh FIVE was meant to be like a massive leap, and it doesn't really feel like it. Of course, I'll still play it though. It's not like it was made by Gearbox or something...

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They've matured when it comes to the stories and the story-telling, but it's still a GTA game. And if you love GTA then you should be more than pleased by GTAV.

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I felt that after Niko Bellic and his excellent story in IV, GTA V felt very hollow, almost parodic of the GTA series itself than being a parody of the world. The gameplay and online is fantastic though, jump into that as soon as you can for the greater rewards.

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They've matured when it comes to the stories and the story-telling, but it's still a GTA game. And if you love GTA then you should be more than pleased by GTAV.

Yeah it's still an enjoyable game, it must be since I'm still playing it and I haven't just stopped playing, which I did with Bioshock. I guess my expectations were just set a bit higher than reality, probably.


I felt that after Niko Bellic and his excellent story in IV, GTA V felt very hollow, almost parodic of the GTA series itself than being a parody of the world. The gameplay and online is fantastic though, jump into that as soon as you can for the greater rewards.

definitely feel this way about the game, however I think that the NPCs have been massively improved with regard to the interactive aspect and just how autonomous they are. It looks like a lot more effort was put into that, so in that respect it's already bettered GTA IV. But yeah, I get what you mean about it feeling a bit hollow. It feels a bit flat sometimes. I dunno. Like I said, I clearly don't hate it since I'm still playing it, but sometimes I'm sat there like "Really?"

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I remember playing GTA IV six years ago, but only for about fifteen or twenty minutes. Had to turn it off because Niko Bellic's cousin wouldn't shut the hell up. Never made it past the beginning.

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I thought 4's storyline blew 5's out of the water, so much so that I ended up playing through it a number of times. I loved the characters, the setting, the soundtrack (big up Z-Twig!), the missions, and visually it was a massive leap from San Andreas. The DLC episodes were also brilliant. I'll admit that GTA V wins in the gameplay aspect (which I know is the most crucial element of a GTA game) but overall I had a more enjoyable experience with IV.


tl;dr - IV for an immersive, cinematic experience. V for fucking around. (imo)

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Guest bitroast

IV takes such a super long painful length of time to actually get going, although once the story kicks off it does become pretty fun. Def preferred V imo tbh.

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