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Absolutely loved Axiom Verge because it's so much like Metroid. The glitch gun is such fun. By far my favorite game from last year. I'm in the middle of replaying on hard.

It was a great game and had me addicted from start to finish - Think I beat it in a couple of weeks which for me is super quick (Fallout 3 took me like 5+ years!).
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Absolutely loved Axiom Verge because it's so much like Metroid. The glitch gun is such fun. By far my favorite game from last year. I'm in the middle of replaying on hard.

It was a great game and had me addicted from start to finish - Think I beat it in a couple of weeks which for me is super quick (Fallout 3 took me like 5+ years!).



Is it that long to finish ? I was afraid it might be too short, because of the "Metroidvania" genre itself (only played Metroid Fusion, one of my favorite games but kind of quick to beat !)

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Absolutely loved Axiom Verge because it's so much like Metroid. The glitch gun is such fun. By far my favorite game from last year. I'm in the middle of replaying on hard.

It was a great game and had me addicted from start to finish - Think I beat it in a couple of weeks which for me is super quick (Fallout 3 took me like 5+ years!).


Me too. I beat it in about a week. Playing it is all I did after work.


I just finished Skyrim's main quest a few weeks ago after 5+ years as well!

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Absolutely loved Axiom Verge because it's so much like Metroid. The glitch gun is such fun. By far my favorite game from last year. I'm in the middle of replaying on hard.

It was a great game and had me addicted from start to finish - Think I beat it in a couple of weeks which for me is super quick (Fallout 3 took me like 5+ years!).


Is it that long to finish ? I was afraid it might be too short, because of the "Metroidvania" genre itself (only played Metroid Fusion, one of my favorite games but kind of quick to beat !)


Think my total Steam play time was something like 15-20 hours - I've not 100%'d it though, still some hidden bits to find. Think my second play through would be considerably quicker though, just never followed a guide so hit a few dead ends and retreaded a lot of steps !
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Finally beat XCOM 2!!! Just barely. Took down the last enemy Avatar with my own Commander's Avatar, but by a missed shot with my psionic repeater resulting in the enemy Avatar catching fire. It was already being whittled down with Acid damage from an Andromedon I MC'd earlier, all while my own Avatar and soldiers were getting overwhelmed by aliens surrounding them. Hell of a finish.


I know this will get drowned out by WATMM's ever-pervasive DS and BB hype. But I know at least two other members mentioned XCOM 2 nearly a month ago. And just when I was on the verge of quitting, I decided to give it one more go. Guess I never truly gave up, and it paid off.



No, congrats, finishing XCOM is kind of a big deal tbh


Cheers :)


Yeah it was tougher than any mission I played prior to it, appropriately enough. Didn't have any Psi-Ops soldiers on this playthrough, but I plan to on the next one. Same with robot hackers.



I'm close to the end and savoring it... trying to knock out another advent facility before i launch into the endgame. Definitely play it again for the psionics, i've been stalling basically just for the sake of training new psionic abilities and they're so much fun to use.


Have you installed any mods? I've been using the "stop wasting my time" mod, which cuts out some of the pauses after shots and such, it works great. I forget that I'm even using it since it just makes things flow a little more smoothly.

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I haven't used any mods yet for XCOM 2...didn't know there were any out yet. I'ma take a break from it for a while, as intense as the ending was.

Yeah I'll definitely be training up some Psi-Ops units next playthrough. Already had a Psi-Lab being built but got impatient and launched the final assault before it could get finished because I didn't want the Avatar Project progressing any further. I managed to bring it down to like one or two squares after taking a more aggressive approach.

I'd also like to have my Specialists hack and take control of enemy robots next time as well, especially MECs and Sectopods. I hear the final mission is pretty much a cake walk if you master your hacking and psionic MC skills. Gonna make sure every non-psionic soldier has a Mind Shield equipped next time as well so the Avatars (and Sectoids) have no chance of controlling your squad members at the very end.

Sorry if I spoiled it.

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Does anyone know an easy way to change back from being a vampire in Skyrim? I wouldn't mind if you could kill every single NPC as I'd just go on a rampage and wipe out the entire map but you can't, they just get winded for a bit then chase after you again, it's bullshit.

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SNES games on the New 3DS oh nice!


March 3rd: Pilotwings, Super Mario World, F-Zero.


March 24th: Super Mario Kart, Earthbound, Donkey Kong Country.


April 14th: A Link To The Past, Super Metroid, Donkey Kong Country 2.


There's also an SNES themed New 3DS XL

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Just pre-ordered No Man's Sky. Haters gonna hate, but I'm excited.


Ars Technica (I know I know) wrote about a preview that got to play a few days ago.




Honestly, I'm still not 100% convinced the game will have lasting staying power. The way Sean Murray shows off his fancy planet generation engine and describing the algorithms behind it, combined with the slightly lacklustre description of actual gameplay and combat, feels like it's another case of a talented engineer who isn't a very good game designer. I really want to be wrong, though, they may be keeping stuff under wraps. I'll be waiting until more people play it before thinking about buying it at least.


I bet it'd be lush with VR though. Wandering a virtual planet the size of Earth with nooks, crannies, caves, forgotten factories and alien civilizations to explore is IDM as fuck.


If y'all looking for something similar to scratch that itch before NMS though, check out Noctis - Basically the same idea but much simplified and running in DOS, 16 years ago.



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Just pre-ordered No Man's Sky. Haters gonna hate, but I'm excited.


Ars Technica (I know I know) wrote about a preview that got to play a few days ago.




Honestly, I'm still not 100% convinced the game will have lasting staying power. The way Sean Murray shows off his fancy planet generation engine and describing the algorithms behind it, combined with the slightly lacklustre description of actual gameplay and combat, feels like it's another case of a talented engineer who isn't a very good game designer. I really want to be wrong, though, they may be keeping stuff under wraps. I'll be waiting until more people play it before thinking about buying it at least.


I bet it'd be lush with VR though. Wandering a virtual planet the size of Earth with nooks, crannies, caves, forgotten factories and alien civilizations to explore is IDM as fuck.


If y'all looking for something similar to scratch that itch before NMS though, check out Noctis - Basically the same idea but much simplified and running in DOS, 16 years ago.





I played a lot of Noctis back in the day. NMS looks like what Noctis V was supposed to be and a lot more, so I'm excited to try it.

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SNES games on the New 3DS oh nice!


March 3rd: Pilotwings, Super Mario World, F-Zero.


March 24th: Super Mario Kart, Earthbound, Donkey Kong Country.


April 14th: A Link To The Past, Super Metroid, Donkey Kong Country 2.


There's also an SNES themed New 3DS XL

Yes, and that lovely Super Famicom/SNES 3DS XL is Japan-only...


And in case anyone didn't realize, you can only play these SNES games on the "new" 3DS, not the older models. Surely if the DS can emulate a N64, a normal 3DS can run a Super Famicom/SNES emulator?

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Hell yeah - Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap (the SMS/Game Gear/PC Engine one) was my first introduction to Metroidvania games before I'd even played a Metroid game

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