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Watch Dogs delayed

Shovel Knight delayed

Hyper Light Drifter delayed

South Park delayed


2014, the year we waited for 2015


Watch Dogs comes out in April ;D

I fear all the hype has killed it, though...

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I installed Skyrim the other day and played for 20 mins. I'm sorry to say it bored the fuck out of me. I think I'm completely over medieval fantasy stuff for good, with the possible exception of Dark Souls. Skyrim is apparently the 5th most played on Steam or something. I have no idea what people see in it, story looks mad boring.

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yeah,its looking more and more like assassins creed smartphone app the more i see of watchdogs,shame

currently losing the will to live(literally)in blighttown/dark souls

The recent gameplay videos have taken a major hit in resolution revealing that yet again a studio fooled everyone with prerendered "gameplay" bullshit.
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I have begun my decent into Dark Souls II - kinda surprised at how the frame rate stutters pretty frequently so far, but at the same time can go silky smooth (30+) at the oddest moments. Hope it's not my BD drive or HDD packing it in...

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I have begun my decent into Dark Souls II - kinda surprised at how the frame rate stutters pretty frequently so far, but at the same time can go silky smooth (30+) at the oddest moments. Hope it's not my BD drive or HDD packing it in...

I think the first one had an issue too on most versions (barring the PC version after the DSfix was installed) so I guess it's probably a hangover from the previous engine.


Has anyone seen this:


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I have begun my decent into Dark Souls II - kinda surprised at how the frame rate stutters pretty frequently so far, but at the same time can go silky smooth (30+) at the oddest moments. Hope it's not my BD drive or HDD packing it in...

I think the first one had an issue too on most versions (barring the PC version after the DSfix was installed) so I guess it's probably a hangover from the previous engine.


Has anyone seen this:



why is it scaled so far back in the retail version? The "april" version honestly looks like PC and the other one is console...

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why is it scaled so far back in the retail version? The "april" version honestly looks like PC and the other one is console...

Hoping the 'April' version will be what the PC version ends up being, hence the delay in release date. Otherwise, flipping 'eck don't know what they were doing !
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Been playing Retrocity Rampage DX on 3DS. Stupid fun. Worth the 9 euros.




The world is pretty extensive actually. I've been having all kinds of fun. Hijacked an ice cream van, painted it orange and installed a rocket launcher. Then drove around blasting everything.

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this nostalgia wave just wouldn't pass... when will game people start making effort and come up with proper art and graphic design for games instead of copying shit from the 80'-90's ?

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yeah i don't care, i just don't like seeing 80's shit in the 2010's, and there's way too much of it. it feels like a lot of human energy and effort is wasted on it instead of coming with something more imaginative and groundbreaking.

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My point was that there is lots out there that push the boundaries of art styles. Pixel art is just one form of that, whether you particularly like it or not is just your taste on that style - but even within that sub-genre there's things that subvert the art , eg:











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Yeah, I like the minimalist graphics and art style in general and pixel art just pushes the right buttons. I really don't care for the sort of hyperrealistic superdetailed 3D HD CGI thing that most FPS's etc have. It makes me feel like I'm watching the fucking Transformers or something.

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I'm loving this generation of indie game makers. I love short, difficult games like FTL, Rogue Legacy, Spelunky, Teleglitch, etc. since it takes so much time to grind in MMOs or do errands in Bethesda games as brilliant as they are.

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Guest potabo

Been on a hella fun DOOM rush the past few days, beat the first and second already and I'm half way through the first again with the Brutal Doom wad installed. So much blood.

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Been on a hella fun DOOM rush the past few days, beat the first and second already and I'm half way through the first again with the Brutal Doom wad installed. So much blood.

thats funny. I've been playing doom2

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