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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

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Obel when you are submod can you ban the guy who called me an asshole because of skull trumpet?


Triachus I give you my word that behaviour like that would not be tolerated if I was AE subforum mod.



This message was brought to you by the Obel for AE Subforum Mod campaign 2013. Please vote Obel as your next AE Subforum mod. Change we can believe in.

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Obel, if you ever became a AE subforum mod, would you allow me to post some of my poems based on overlooked AE tracks?


Yes but it would have to be a dedicated AE poetry thread, unfortunately it would not be stickied though.

Edited by Obel
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Joyrex, so are you confirming it has leaked? Also, why have you become increasingly more intolerant of things over the years? Did WATMM contact you?

I could care less if it leaked or not. And no, I don't have any promos or anything - I can easily wait until March for it to come out.




So you do care at least a little bit?

Edit: did Warp contact Joyrex directly?

No, I haven't had dealings with WARP (or any other label or artist for that matter) for years now - they all distanced themselves from this site when it started to descend into a Something Awful/Reddit knockoff with all the poop humour and porn stuff. That was one of the reasons behind the rule changes a few years ago, but at this point I think my reputation is shot. It was also one of the reasons Snares (privately) didn't want to be associated with this site - the juvenile humour and behaviour of it's members, and my condoning of it. Same for Cylob. Mentioned the same thing with the homophobic slurs thrown around here.



To be fair, SomethingAwful is no longer a shithole (perhaps FYAD still is, even GBS has improved). They have strict modding, but people are still allowed to be silly/awful in the appropriate places.

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Joyrex, so are you confirming it has leaked? Also, why have you become increasingly more intolerant of things over the years? Did WATMM contact you?

I could care less if it leaked or not. And no, I don't have any promos or anything - I can easily wait until March for it to come out.



So you do care at least a little bit?

Edit: did Warp contact Joyrex directly?

No, I haven't had dealings with WARP (or any other label or artist for that matter) for years now - they all distanced themselves from this site when it started to descend into a Something Awful/Reddit knockoff with all the poop humour and porn stuff. That was one of the reasons behind the rule changes a few years ago, but at this point I think my reputation is shot. It was also one of the reasons Snares (privately) didn't want to be associated with this site - the juvenile humour and behaviour of it's members, and my condoning of it. Same for Cylob. Mentioned the same thing with the homophobic slurs thrown around here.

To be fair, SomethingAwful is no longer a shithole (perhaps FYAD still is, even GBS has improved). They have strict modding, but people are still allowed to be silly/awful in the appropriate places.


Well, their purpose is that kind of humour, so it's to be expected - this is an electronic music forum with a General Discussion forum that shouldn't be the focus of the site.


Sorry about that American grammar misuse - I couldn't care less if Exai leaked. I hope it doesn't so it doesn't cannibalize album sales.

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if it laeks i'll listen and if i like then i will buy the uncompressed goodness. it it doesn't laek then i may just download the uncompressed goodness


am i a baed person?


edit: preordered on bleep :P

Edited by sysyphus
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if it laeks i'll listen and if i like then i will buy the uncompressed goodness. it it doesn't laek then i may just download the uncompressed goodness


am i a baed person?

yes you are and joyrex should ban you

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If it leaks I might just briefly dip in to get a sense of the album and whet my appetite, but I wouldn't cane the thing until I receive the official download. I'd also be happy if it did not leak.


I do enjoy the pre-leak watmm wind up, largely because of the faeks and the collective, good-humored celebration of the 'chre.

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as far as I have been able to tell, the album is made up of the purest silence the mp3 has to offer


lol, I totally get what you're saying! ... :(

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I won't bother with the leaks. I have the patience to wait a few weeks and it will be nice to finally put the record on the turntable for the first time.


Anyway, the last time I downloaded a leak before the album was released was in 2000 or 2001 when the Orb's Cydonia leaked before it was released and it was because the fucker just kept being constantly pushed into the future. Also the early leaked version was better than the actual release (which I bought) which had a different set of tracks.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="triachus" data-cid="1933905" data-time="1358533847"><p>

Obel when you are submod.... </p></blockquote>

Obel for Sublimod

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I remember when Oversteps leaked and people said it has ilanders on there twice, once at the beginning and once at the end and some people were insisting that the second one was a different version.


The moral of this story? Leaks. Not even once.

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Here's an idea: Don't announce an album 2 months before its release date and that potential leak problem? Tada!

Seriously I don't want to wait another month and a bit. I hope they just send out the mp3's within the next week or so.

Edited by thehauntingsoul
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hey guys its sean from 'techre

I should prob verify this to make sure its not another fake leak

pm me and ill verify if its the real deal!


i'm too desperate to not try this


wait. you mean i have to send you the leak. nah, i thought u had one. fml

Edited by Franciscus
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