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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

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it's an amazing track, a toothless north korean general trying to powerup his dusted russian nuclear silo's, the system overloads and causes a nuclear meltdown,

Ii have no idea how you find that noodling and wanky lumpenprol, that track is some state of the art commy shit

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I know i'm wasting my time on here saying this, but never the less I'd thought I'd chime in and say i'm really not feeling the Exai lovefest.


I just find it fucking depressing and cheerless, like wading through thick black soup. Just can't wrap my head around it's glumness.


Dunno, perhaps the hot English summer wasn't the ideal ambience for it. Maybe as the nights draw in I'll feel it a bit more.

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I know i'm wasting my time on here saying this, but never the less I'd thought I'd chime in and say i'm really not feeling the Exai lovefest.


I just find it fucking depressing and cheerless, like wading through thick black soup. Just can't wrap my head around it's glumness.


Dunno, perhaps the hot English summer wasn't the ideal ambience for it. Maybe as the nights draw in I'll feel it a bit more.

could be that it snaps with you in a few years/month's, i'm still strugling with some draft tracks :cerious:

i had to have a few experiences myself 2 with exai, almost everything on it is not instant wang like tac lacora and it does sound very cheerless but don't give up, remember it's autechre :diablo:

my fucking toprelease of 2013

cheers for the beerwolfmeng :beer:

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the second half of fleure is pretty nice but I don't really care for the beginning.


Oops, it's exactly vice versa. Please correct your posting.

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I know i'm wasting my time on here saying this, but never the less I'd thought I'd chime in and say i'm really not feeling the Exai lovefest.


I just find it fucking depressing and cheerless, like wading through thick black soup. Just can't wrap my head around it's glumness.


Dunno, perhaps the hot English summer wasn't the ideal ambience for it. Maybe as the nights draw in I'll feel it a bit more.


it is quite dark, I agree with that much.

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I've always gravitated towards 'dark' music, okay there is some shit I draw the line at but it has to be really pitchblack for me not to like it. Exai just depresses me. I can play 3 tracks then I feel the need to swallow a jar of St Johns Wort. Even the more spacy ambient track Cloudline just leaves me cold, stone cold and Autechre Ambient is usualy something special for me.


I'm not coming on here trying to be a pain, I just find it a bit odd that everyone loves this so much and i'm prepared to say along with Draft its my least favorite. Weird.


Seeing as its Autechre I'll still listen to it probably another thousand times though. I think they're the only artists I can keep replaying albums I hate, which is pretty trippy if you think about it.

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After a long time of listening, I've come to the conclusion that 1 1 is may be the deepest, most interesting track on the album. That looming bubbling melody that never fully resolves itself.


Not to mention the clean pinch at 2:25. Chills up my spine every time.


Great track. The second section of 1 1 is has started to sound to me like a possible intro to Drane2

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I've always gravitated towards 'dark' music, okay there is some shit I draw the line at but it has to be really pitchblack for me not to like it. Exai just depresses me. I can play 3 tracks then I feel the need to swallow a jar of St Johns Wort. Even the more spacy ambient track Cloudline just leaves me cold, stone cold and Autechre Ambient is usualy something special for me.


I'm not coming on here trying to be a pain, I just find it a bit odd that everyone loves this so much and i'm prepared to say along with Draft its my least favorite. Weird.


Seeing as its Autechre I'll still listen to it probably another thousand times though. I think they're the only artists I can keep replaying albums I hate, which is pretty trippy if you think about it.


Draft was terrible, IMO. But exai delivers in that it's dark but it also seems playful to me. I didn't find it depressing. It felt in a similar vein to some RDJ tracks actually, dark and a little twisted but playful.


Some of the tracks are absolutely jaw dropping, some of the best composition and programming I've ever heard... VekoS and 1 1 Is come to mind immediately. Tomorrow's Harvest was absolutely depressing; Tomorrow's Harvest was a good look at our bleak future. I find that one of the most depressing albums I've ever heard but I don't feel that way when I put on Exai.

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Draft was terrible, IMO.

I cannot even comprehend this!



me neither. I was about to ask why anybody would think this but decided it was best left alone.

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There's a very fine line between inaccessibility/complexity and wankery and I think it crosses that line and is far too often lacking musicality. I didn't enjoy it, that's all.


Exai on the other hand straddles that line and does so successfully. In my opinion of course.


Theme of a sudden roundabout is a good track though.

Edited by StephenG
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funny, I only like the first part of Fleure. The end seems a bit noodly and wanky to me.

no I just find the end a little directionless (to me). But I love the choppy melody bit at the start, it makes me want to punch god

Lump, I'm wondering where these bad connotations for "wank" come from. To me "wank" is definitely not directionless. It has plenty direction and lots of good vibes and happy feelings. Is everything OK with you?

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I just didn't like it. No big deal.


But feel the funky grooves of 6.1cr and v-proc and the head boppin booty shakin robot nature of these tracks. It's pretty swell.

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I'm not a big fan of draft either. I wouldn't say I hate it, it contains moments if jaw dropping bliss


Also not a big fan of Draft BUT! it has Surripere. Also Reniform Pulse. Sublimit is a massive standout.


Standout track of Quaristice (whatever edition): -

Decent tracks of Quaristice: -


rm -rf quaristice*

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I can totally see actively disliking Draft, by the way, but I can't see thinking it's terrible. Too much effort and care involved to be terrible.


I think it's amazing but it's the one ae album I have to be in a certain headspace to enjoy. And even then it's prickly and confrontational.


Baseless speculation but I have to imagine whatever place the 'chre were in when they made it is probably not a place they want to dwell in too frequently.

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