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this is my favorite hiphop movie. even though it's "kinda" a b-movie, it has a couple of very serious discussions about the rap music industry and racism. it's also got a very tribe-called-quest type soundtrack particularly like the below "hit"




then there's this killer group called under the gun that's got bangers for days



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One of the most despicable and cowardly pieces of film making I've ever seen. Would have walked out if I'd been alone. Nearly on a par with Magnolia in terms of nausea inducing shiteness. Gf quite liked it though.



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One of the most despicable and cowardly pieces of film making I've ever seen. Would have walked out if I'd been alone. Nearly on a par with Where The Wild Things Are in terms of nausea inducing shiteness. Gf quite liked it though.





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One of the most despicable and cowardly pieces of film making I've ever seen. Would have walked out if I'd been alone. Nearly on a par with Where The Wild Things Are in terms of nausea inducing shiteness. Gf quite liked it though.






This fix made my evening, I hated that movie.l

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Broken flowers is great


and Coffee and Cigarettes. I don't care what anyone says, I love Coffee and Cigarettes. that Bill Murray + RZA + GZA scene is one of my favourite movie scenes.

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Pan's Labyrinth - 8/10 - Finally got talked into watching this. Don't know why I held out till now. Fantastic film, has a real sense of grandeur. Love the darkness of it all as well. Definitely merits a rewatch.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

I don't get the hate for Her I really liked it.

The only criticism I would have of it is that the tech seems a bit wrong. everything currently is heading visual and gesture, not voice command.


Didnt see where the wild things are.

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Guest bitroast

Bringing Out The Dead - pretty good!/10


Watched it based on it being directed by Martin Scorsese and starting Nicolas cage, with no real knowledge on what the film was about.

Turns out its this late 90s, pseudo noir film about a late night ambulance driver struggling with everyone dying on the job and not saving anyone. Cage doesn't really act like Nicolas Cage, which is good for the film. It felt a bit dumb at parts, but I felt the film played more with emotions more than it did intelligence. It was an enjoyable, absorbing viewing.. Somehow! Actually enjoyed it:)/10

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Her: Probably one of the "weirdest" movies I've seen. Not because the concept is new to me, but it's something people wasn't expecting. First of all, though, it has a fucking load shit of plotholes. The acting is pretty good, and the teaching is interesting, but, again. fucking plotholes. This is like a movie that needed to exist like it is. It's like the only "good" way to teach people about technology and shit. I'm too tired that's why my review sucks. Also, all the Jackass jokes were irrelevant. I think people love the movie because it's like hipster science-fiction, and also because it's a love story. Well, everything love is a money machine, really. I didn't liked it. But I can't rate it with numbers this time... I just say I didn't liked it.

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such a great idea but not very well executed. the director was a master at making opening title sequences but even this doesn't have one. why? a barrage of close ups of ants doing "unusual" things for ants such as communicating, attacking horses, building obelisks in the desert and even crawling up a really hot babes body. what's up with them ants?


also very good soundtrack.




a classic piece of 90s skinemax sci-fi. 3 really hot babes.from another planet (sarah bellomo, tamara landry & nicole posey) steal their parents space-ship, crash land in california (malibu) then end up boinking some surfer bros. besides that, there's also a bikini contest (compulsory in any late 80s early 90s sleazefest like this). a visionary piece of work by the bold auteur david decoteau

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Symbol (2009)


Mixing a beautifully told story about an aging Lucha Libre wrestler and his son in Mexico and a seemingly un-related story about man trapped in an all but blank room, surrounded by hundreds of baby penises.

Just watch it/10



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revenge of the nerds - how this is considered an 80's classic is beyond me. creepy and boring.


valhalla rising - pretty good. would've been fun if they'd kept the original ending where one-eye gets picked up by a spaceship at the end.

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