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I have a soft spot for the old conan/red sonja films, so unfortunately I decided to watch the 2011 reboot of Conan the barbarian. Worst shit seen in ages. fuckin hell/10

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Great Gatsby

what the hell was this mess?

i don't know, it was somehow worse than Pacific Rim.



Girl at the supermarket today was in a tizzy. Behind the check out above the smokes they had three owl plushes, all on neon colours. So i made some comment about them waking up one day and someone had given them these unfortunate hues. Nwae she said that another customer had told her that they look like (cause of the big eyes) that 80's thing called gatsbys, after a while and without embarrassing the poor lil thing i explained furbys, she agreed. i told her that i had to get out of there before midnight or i'd turn into a pumpkin (cause she was stalling to talk), an we proceeded to exit without further delay.


nwae. hypercolour (almost) plush owls. They exist.

I have a soft spot for the old conan/red sonja films, so unfortunately I decided to watch the 2011 reboot of Conan the barbarian. Worst shit seen in ages. fuckin hell/10


the soundtrack to the first conan movie is amazing, the first conan movie is amazing. Don't be embarrassed. The reboot is pointless.

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i made it out to be Spiders = women

The director has been really tight lipped about this subject. The only thing I could find was a an article where the director was going off on fascist dictatorships and the spiders are allegorical to the want within the subconscious mind to create these horrible governments, how the ideas spread like spider webs, and at the center is the spider/dictator....not sure how anyone could get that out of this film though.


The spiders being women could definitely be read into it as well, so who knows.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


Great Gatsby

what the hell was this mess?

i don't know, it was somehow worse than Pacific Rim.



erm lets not bring pacific rim into this. pacific rim was fine. better than godzilla anyway. and much better than gatsby. it was so weird. why would you have jayz rapping intersecting with your characters dialogue at the same volume or louder sometimes. and the camera flying around. i must confess i was only half watching but it appeared to be complete guff and directed by a madman.

Edited by Jimmy McMessageboard
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The Frontline documentary "United States of Secrets": There aren't really any new revelations about the NSA surveillance programs, but it was a good primer on the last ~10 years of domestic spying. Also a pretty depressing indictment of most U.S. news media, NYTimes in particular.

Edited by doublename
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The Frontline documentary "United States of Secrets": There aren't really any new revelations about the NSA surveillance programs, but it was a good primer on the last ~10 years of domestic spying. Also a pretty depressing indictment of most U.S. news media, NYTimes in particular.

well technically everything in that doc has already been covered but I thought I had been following the timeline pretty closely and I learned a fuck load about some of the details and exactly how it transpired.


Part 2 just came out yesterday. Amazing doc, super hard on Obama surprisingly.

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Ryan Gosling's new movie, Lost River, is getting the shit kicked out of it at Cannes




Had Terrence Malick and David Lynch somehow conceived an artistic love-child together, only to see it get kidnapped, strangled and repeatedly kicked in the face by Nicolas Winding Refn, the results might look and sound something like “Lost River,”
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Description sounds awesome though! I'd definitely watch that.

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just watched linklater's 'Bernie', black comedy film w/ jack black, but don't let that put you off. really nice pacing and subtle humour.


also found this article just after watching it. insanity!


(spoilers?) http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-bernie-release-20140507-story.html

Yeah how weird is it he's court ordered to live in Linklater's garage?
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Children of Men for the thousandth time. I never used to know what to say when people asked what my favourite movie is cos I could never pick one... but now I have.

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Children of Men for the thousandth time. I never used to know what to say when people asked what my favourite movie is cos I could never pick one... but now I have.


It's a fan-fucking-tastic movie - apart from some of the lines Kee throws out there. But yeah, it's amazing.

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ghost in the shell arise 1&2 - nice action sequences, reasonable mystery plots to provide a grid upon which to hang the action. pleasant to visit the world of the first tv series again (yes i know that there was a movie before it). looking forward to 3&4. worth a watch out of 10

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Xmen Days of Future Past - 9/10 one of the best Xmens so far. Great 70s vibe and good use of characters including Quicksilver, but no attempt made to explain why Prof X is still alive.

Edited by Rubin Farr
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Salvador - Oliver Stone indie flick released the same year as Platoon. Gonzo journalism road trip between James Woods and James Belushi improvising their way through a low budget masterpiece as military warfare in El Salvador rises to a murderous tale of a totalitarian America trying to control the events in the country with lies. Watch the documentary on the DVD as it shows the respect Stone and Woods had for each other after making this film. An unrivaled 9.2423623612321321312/10

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ghost in the shell arise 1&2 - nice action sequences, reasonable mystery plots to provide a grid upon which to hang the action. pleasant to visit the world of the first tv series again (yes i know that there was a movie before it). looking forward to 3&4. worth a watch out of 10


This is really cool, thanks for the recommendation.

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