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Wolf Creek, grim gory nonsense, not bad tho. head-on-a-stick/10


Just put this on, DVD charity shop find:




Yesterday morning I attempted to download and watch this, based entirely on the strength of the cover




However what I actually downloaded turned out to be this




And I'm glad that I did.

This is a standard z-movie slasher except for the 'twist' ending, which is hilarious:




You're lead to believe the killer is an ex-con who's squatting in the furniture store that the teens are also partying in.

It turns out the killer is actually the ex-con's prison boyfriend, who's been stalking him as he still loves him, and they have a tearful heart to heart and break up scene.

He also happens to be tricked out like a Mad Max trophy gimp










Also there are bewbs.


So anyway it turns out both movies came out the same year and the former was rebranded as this




and also this




This one was great fun too


Petrified baby mummy being pulled apart in tug-of-war between two grown women dressed as children in gingham dresses/10

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Phantom Thread by Paul Thomas Anderson and again a fuking masterpiece but certainly not for everyone and also the last movie of Daniel Day-Lewis.

its about a famous designer in the 50´s and his relationship with a women from the lower class but with a huge psychological twist.

Edited by Kavinsky
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but worse than that...

is the fact that the last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger is someone's foot fungus. But as it turns out, that might be what you get....


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lol, a person I know who used to be a bit of a loose cannon eventually got married to a controlling, crazy Italian girl because he wanted someone who would run his life and keep him out of trouble, and she told me Amelie was her favourite film. looking at it in the context of their relationship, I was like, "yep".

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Remember that season of Peep Show when Jez hooks up with a London normie hipster type?

She takes him to see Amelie in the cinema because it's her fave film. Peep Show writer's references are always bang on.

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i love watching a peep show segment in the morning before i go to work.


the irate inner monologue just from the mention of Elbow gets me every time. 

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Remember that season of Peep Show when Jez hooks up with a London normie hipster type?

She takes him to see Amelie in the cinema because it's her fave film. Peep Show writer's references are always bang on.

I member! Big lol in the scene where they're both in front of the movie theatre...
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I have a deluded druggie mate who thinks he's Mark despite quitting a job as an electrician to enrol in college on a music making course. I don't have the heart to tell him he's Jez.

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yawnfest galore. i just watched this film and really can't tell you what it's about except



jennifer lawrence being a russian agent was kind of interesting despite it begin too gawddamn long. also i liked the american agent. he was good. irons is wasted in this and so is charlotte rampling (sort-of?). whatever- the movie is too long and too much of meh




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I have a deluded druggie mate who thinks he's Mark despite quitting a job as an electrician to enrol in college on a music making course. I don't have the heart to tell him he's Jez.


The reason it's so morbidly rewatchable is I am the worst parts of both.

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i loved it. they simplify and change things from the book, dumb down some bits, but i haven't seen something this close to cosmic horror in a mainstream film in a long time. 

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Oh nice! I was reading about it here



A fourth attempt, Alex Garland’s Annihilation, about five female explorers in a Technicolor hellscape, received better reviews but Netflix still couldn’t win. It scooped up the international distribution rights from Paramount, who lost confidence in the Natalie Portman cerebral chiller and decided to release it theatrically only in the United States, Canada and China. Netflix rescued the film for foreign audiences … who grumbled that they’d be forced to squint at Garland’s giant, surrealist visuals at home on Netflix.


So I'm guessing I can find it on the internet now?


What book was it based upon?

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it's based on annihilation by jeff vandermeer. although it draws from all three books in the southern reach trilogy, sort of to its detriment. i would have preferred less exposition and less spelled out for me, but still, i was very surprised by how surreal it was for a modestly budgeted hollywood movie. shame it bombed, but they set it up to fail. vandermeer is a skilled writer btw, for anyone interested in "new weird" fiction. his collection the third bear is very good.

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Oh nice didn't know that he'd had something adapted. I read a gigantic collection of weird fiction that he curated with his wife a few years back and his story in that was great iirc. Set in the same world he writes all his fiction in I believe, fungus terrorists etc? Not got around to any of his novels yet.


This is the collection



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i loved it. they simplify and change things from the book, dumb down some bits, but i haven't seen something this close to cosmic horror in a mainstream film in a long time.

Oh cool, good to hear. Reading the trilogy was a highlight of my year.

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Oh nice didn't know that he'd had something adapted. I read a gigantic collection of weird fiction that he curated with his wife a few years back and his story in that was great iirc. Set in the same world he writes all his fiction in I believe, fungus terrorists etc? Not got around to any of his novels yet.


This is the collection




i have that collection too. it's one of my favorites, a full survey of horror that doesn't rely on tropes and established monsters. some stuff in there is very difficult to find in separate collections (dennis etchison's work is all out of print for instance). vandermeer will probably be getting more stuff adapted, he apparently signed a book deal for half a million dollars for his next couple of novels and his last one, borne, is already optioned to be a film. 

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the only book i've read and i even skimmed trough it was the da vinci code, lol, i don't say this with any pride, i'd like to have the motivation to read, but damn, this is an awesome cover, makes me really wanna read it, even if it is for the wrong reason...


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Oh nice didn't know that he'd had something adapted. I read a gigantic collection of weird fiction that he curated with his wife a few years back and his story in that was great iirc. Set in the same world he writes all his fiction in I believe, fungus terrorists etc? Not got around to any of his novels yet.


This is the collection







i have that collection too. it's one of my favorites, a full survey of horror that doesn't rely on tropes and established monsters. some stuff in there is very difficult to find in separate collections (dennis etchison's work is all out of print for instance). vandermeer will probably be getting more stuff adapted, he apparently signed a book deal for half a million dollars for his next couple of novels and his last one, borne, is already optioned to be a film. 



Yeah, so much good stuff in there. It's due a reread. The ones that stick in my mind from the first read are The Willows, The Other Side of the Mountain and that one whose title I forget about the cult of amputees.

Oh, and it was this that got me to check out GoT after avoiding it for years. Was really impressed by Sandkings.

I can't remember the Etchison story but I'm already checking out what's available by him on abebooks lol

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