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Guest Shit Attack

enders game - even for a kidz movie this was baaaad it was so fuckin boring literally almost fell asleep couple a times. would say harrison ford should probably retire but it kinda seems like hes already retired and people just keep filming him for some reason. anyways havent read the books or know anything about this stuff but the movie is crap + you should only show ur kids it if you dont really like them - 2 harrisons out of a possible 10 fords

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World War Z.


One of the worst films I've ever seen. Just wall to wall shit. Can't think of a single good thing to say about it.

The palestinian and Jew singalong party was very moving. It teached me a lot about peace and respect, and that musical therapy is probably the way to go in the middle east.
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!gby goes down - the sexing culkin 7/10

identity theft - funny funny, but not very very funny funny 5/10

before midnight - argumentative virtual sexual breast licking tension 6/10

willow - vintage fantasy fun 8/10

the hobbit - warm fuzzy feeling fantasy 8/10

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Identity thief is shit

also, can you put in brackets the name of the production company that makes all the films you mention? in the sub heading of your Noah thread you mentioned it was a protozoa pictures release :facepalm: We need that vital stuff.

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Burden of Dreams - 10/10


Documentary about Herzog making Fitzcaraldo. For years he is in South America, responsible for a huge community of South American workers and actors, actually trying to pull a huge boat up a 40 degree hill as shown in the film. He faces and overcomes many challenges, but ends up saying no one will ever be able to convince him that it was worth it.

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i'm a big fan of boyd rice so i've been meaning to see this for a while, but honestly, it was terrible. you can tell the director (and producer) were major rice fanboys than filmmakers as the entire thing sounds like his monologues (and basically, an excuse to have him shiling his philosophies).


there are however a couple of good scenes- particularly where his gf (on the cover) plays a dom and has some lappy eat her poop from the floor while boyd looks on grinning like a dog. also- talk about minimal sets. everyone in this film lives in a house with 1 chair, 1 table a tv and a phone on the floor. that's it. i guess the production designer wasn't a big fan of boyd rice then

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i wonder if that weird professional hardcore porn photoshoot of boyd rice is still floating around out there. I remember someone just unprompted posted it all over a series of like 20 posts on alt.noise back in 1998, never held onto them though

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Monsters University 6/10


Mike Wazowski and James P. Sullivan are an inseparable pair, but that wasn't always the case. From the moment these two mismatched monsters met they couldn't stand each other. "Monsters University" unlocks the door to how Mike and Sulley overcame their differences and became the best of friends.


At first glance this might seem like a light-hearted romp about two people who start off enemies and become friends. HOWEVER, there is a far more sinister message hidden within this fluffy family fun fest and it is as follows. The message is that even if you are amazingly talented naturally maverick or work extremely hard to get any kind of academic achievement, the education system is designed only for the mindless and mediocre and you will inevitably be rejected by it and have to gain any achievement in life by starting at the bottom and working your way up. It also shows the part that nepotism has to play in any grading system in place (both characters are failed by a spiteful professor) and how the less talented/hardworking are able to sail through their courses due to being simply the kind of people the system wants to spew out i.e. mindless drones who's only interest in life is status and inevitably the accumulation of material wealth. What happened to Pixar? Oh yes I remember now, they got bought out by Disney so are now part of the brainwashing programme for the next generation.

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the man from earth- i was quite enjoying this until about half way thru when it just got a bit silly,5/10

monsters university-me and my 5 yr old niece loved it,the purple monster with the long legs was hilarious 7/10

elysium-was ok but i feel like i,ve seen this movie before,i hate that feeling,5/10 for the robot effects

the usual suspects-hadn,t seen this for ages,spacey and the cop scenes are brilliant,the only problem i have with an otherwise great film is gabriel byrne,really bad acting from him in this imo 8/10

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hellraiser, loved the atmosphere and story, great effects, hammy acting, would of loved to see a version with the ditched coil soundtrack mixed in, i see now where 'come to daddy' gets it inspiration from.

I've wondered what this would be like too if they replaced it with Coil's score, someone should do a fan-edit eventually. Interestingly though the Christopher Young score works extremely well for the movie, and I would argue (even though im a huge coil fan) it works better for the movie than if they went with Coil's score. I can't say for sure obviously since i haven't watched the movie in this way, but I think a lot of Coil fans out there poo-poo Young's score because Coil got cut out the deal, but it's actually a really fucking excellent score. It's hard to imagine hellraiser without Young's music.



Awesome! Didn't know about the Coil score, checking it out now.


I've just seen that the remake is still in the works too:




On October 24, 2013, Clive Barker posted on his official Facebook site that he would be personally writing the remake of the original "Hellraiser" and that he had already completed a deal with Dimension Film's Bob Weinstein. He also stated that he will be pushing for practical effects rather than CGI and the original Cenobite actor Doug Bradley would be returning as Pinhead.[19] Here is his official post: "HOT FROM HELL! My friends,I have some news which may be of interest to you. A few weeks ago I had a very productive meeting with Bob Weinstein of Dimension Pictures,in the course of which I pitched a remake of the first HELLRAISER film. The idea of my coming back to the original film and telling the story with a fresh intensity - honoring the structure and the designs from the first incarnation but hopefully creating an even darker and richer film - was attractive to Dimension. Today I have officially been invited to write the script based upon that pitch. What can I tell you about it? Well, it will not be a film awash with CGI. I remain as passionate about the power of practical make-up effects as I was when I wrote and directed the first HELLRAISER. Of course the best make-up in the world loses force if not inhabited by a first-rate actor. I told the Dimension team that in my opinion there could never be a Pinhead without Doug Bradley, and much to my delight Bob Weinstein agreed. So once the papers are signed, I will open a Lemarchand Configuration, dip my quill in its contents and start writing. I promise that there will be nowhere on the Internet where the news of my progress will be more reliable than here, because the only author of these reports will be Your Infernal Corespondent, me. My very best wishes to you all,my friends. Clive."






Dimension Films' remake of Hellraiser was announced in November 2006.[11] French director Pascal Laugier was set to direct the film[12][13] but was later taken off the project due to creative differences with the producers;[14][15] Laugier wanted his film to be a very serious take whereas the producers wanted the film to be more commercial and appeal to a teen audience.[16]


That's a damn shame. Would've loved to have seen a deadly serious, grim as fuck remake of Hellraiser.

I get the feeling that even with Barker in control, the studios will get their way and have ironic in-jokes and Pinhead winking at the camera etc.

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Jobs - im only review the acid trip scene ...


so heres what happened, steve jobs fucks a random girl, random girl offers him acid, he accepts, she expects to drop acid with him but steve has other plans, he not only takes acid for him but also for HIS GIRLFRIEND, so he takes about 4 tabs of acid from this random girl (such a cool guy) ..


cut to trip scene, steve, his girlfriend and his friend are lay down on a picnic blanket ..


so heres how they tripped: his friend asked how spaced worked (that was all), steve's girlfriend tells steve how she missed him when hes not around (cool one, he just cheated on her lol) , and steve .. he starts crying and then stands up and does tai chi.


Judging by this scene the whole movie is most likely one of the most bland pieces of bread out there, not that a movie about steve jobs would be interesting.


0/10, weak filmmaking

Edited by Deer
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David holzmans diary 8/10 very interesting film, as much for the time capsule element as anything else. I kind of liked how simple It was a lot. I'm interested about the backstory.


Primer 7/10 really well done film about time travel on a tight budget. Not at all Back to the Futurey. I found it a bit confusing, always find causality in films a bit of a head fuck tbh.

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Flight - 10/10


This is the best movie about addiction and alcoholism that I've seen. Usually movies dealing with the subject falter and look ugly as they fumble this very important issue plaguing the human condition, but this one did it right. Denzel Washington delivered a very impressive performance. John Goodman is awesome as always, the other actors were great, along with the directing and writing, I'm really impressed.


Netflix instant

Edited by very honest
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this movie should be renamed first world problems. seriously- it's a bad version of thirteen complete with "pass the camera to the guy having a seizure" every time "a party scene" was happening. was unable to finish it. i only watched it just so i could see sharon lawrence :cerious:

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HELL - German post-apocalyptic SciFi/Horror-flick... I was surprised such a thing exists.

Here's a thing that annoys me so much about German movies: It's like all characters are stuck in an alternate linguistic time period that never happened. This is how 99% of German filmmakers seem to write their dialogue:


Take an English language movie, then have on-stage theater-actors re-enact the German dub of it.

Why? Noone speaks like that. Ever.


Other than that, the movie was entirely predictable. Predictable in such a way that you can predict the next line of dialogue, the timing and camera position of the next shot and the next thing that happens altogether. Probably because it rips off 28 Days Later & 28 Weeks Later so much that it's painful. Hell is half-decently shot during hasty action sequences, but it's only relying on the same techniques there and as soon as there are calmer shots involved, the cinematography work gets very boring and soulless and there is zero storytelling through the images. The actors, like I said, if anywhere belong on a stage, not in front of a movie camera, or maybe on a daily soap. None of them take their roles seriously, their characters are all cliché anyway. So despite its unusual genre for a German film, Hell is as textbook as German filmmaking gets. In other words forgettable.

This movie might do something for you when you watch it with subtitles and don't understand the spoken language, but being a German native speaker, I couldn't avoid noticing how poorly written and acted the dialogue was. Overall it was pretty shite.

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all is lost


jesus fuck this was boring. sorry robert redford fans, i just don't see how this is a "great performance". it's an old guy getting tossed around on a boat. kind of like a sequel to into the wild. rich guy goes swimming. there's some nice ambience but the movie is too one note to be anything more than tedious. one of those movies where restraint wasn't necessary.


thor 2


weirdest pacing ever? it switches back and forth between lotr rip off and sitcom. nice to see the sentient pair of tits called "kat dennings" is still in movies. thor wasn't nearly arrogant enough. whole movie suffered from "second in a trilogy" syndrome. shit gets dark for no reason. decent superhero movie, if you're a loki fan it's fairly entertaining. stay through the credits. guardians of the galaxy will either be the next star wars or the next green lantern.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

World War Z.


One of the worst films I've ever seen. Just wall to wall shit. Can't think of a single good thing to say about it.


oh come on, you're not trying if that is the worst film you seen.



I saw thor 2. it was pretty good. I rewatched thor 1 and i still liked it. I'd like to see a thor / rdj iron man match up film.

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