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howard stern's smallest penis contest: i remember watching this when it first aired but... maybe i forgot just (wow) overthetop howard used to be. about 16 dudes waltz into howard's radio room butt naked all packing less than 1 inch peckers. 4 judges (including robin) are tasked with finding a winner with the smallest weiner. when the first guy walks in, howard shouts "okay stop the competition, this guy wins" and that guy responds "actually the sad part is that one of these other guys will beat me"

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exodus (3d) 10/10


why did you rate it so highly? sincerely interested in knowing...


because it was alternately fascinating old testament weirdness and totally entertaining ridiculous crap and there was a god boy - beware the wrath of the god boy! and oh man the wrath of the god boy is brutal

Edited by hoggy
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currently watching running man and it's fucking amazing, jesus. why do you kids waste your hardons praising pointless dross like robocop, this running man stuff is true '80's gem territory.


I feel so privileged after all these decades to be finally watching something that i just gave a miSs presuming it be crap thanks to the cover and confusing it with some 70's film which i watch the first few mins of (which looked killer too actually).

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Hell yes, the Running Man is maybe Arnie's best for me, the soundtrack is bloody fantastic and worryingly it's all becoming real.







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currently watching running man and it's fucking amazing, jesus. why do you kids waste your hardons praising pointless dross like robocop, this running man stuff is true '80's gem territory.


I feel so privileged after all these decades to be finally watching something that i just gave a miSs presuming it be crap thanks to the cover and confusing it with some 70's film which i watch the first few mins of (which looked killer too actually).

robocop rules because of the depiction of the queasy cynical future and the goriness and indifference

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rewatched Five Minutes Of Heaven, still one of the best dramas I've ever seen.


also rewatched Little Miss Sunshine, still one of the best family comedies I've ever seen.

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currently tracking backwards into Nicolas Winding Refn's filmography. this was partly brought about by the discovery that a movie I'd seen years and years ago, again during SBS' foreign film golden era, and which I had foggy memories of (namely a guy being tortured in a warehouse and injected with HIV-carrying blood from a syringe) is actually Bleeder by Refn. I had no idea. the connection between the super-nihilistic movies of his earlier career and later movies like Bronson and Drive is blowing my mind.

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Ocean's Twelve - More enjoyable second time around, hit & miss cinematography-wise but the actor interplay is entertaining.


Alien Resurrection - This is admittedly the worst alien film and it's a bit messy on every level, but I saw it at an impressionable age and still think the aesthetics make up for everything else. The set design is brilliant, reminds me of the Cube films, and it's the only film that kind of sexualizes the aliens, which I think was a strong aspect of the original Giger portrayal.

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currently watching running man and it's fucking amazing, jesus. why do you kids waste your hardons praising pointless dross like robocop, this running man stuff is true '80's gem territory.


I feel so privileged after all these decades to be finally watching something that i just gave a miSs presuming it be crap thanks to the cover and confusing it with some 70's film which i watch the first few mins of (which looked killer too actually).

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st.vincent-decent bill murray family heart warmy type movie-murray on good form as a drunken grouchy slob-7.5/10


midnight meat train -bradley cooper/vinnie jones star in clive barker adaptation-was decent for the 1st hour,some cracking death scenes on the subway,then it all got a bit silly,and coopers girlfriend was soooo annoying i was dying to see her head getting caved in by vinnie-5.5/10

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Jodorowsky's Dune
Truly a living legend. Inspiring on many levels. Great watch.
David Carradine eating a whole tub of vitamin E/10


Good exploitation revenge flick with a stylish flurry, some nice images, but a fairly mad film overall. Feminist killing spree a'plenty.
Zoë Tamerlis Lund/10

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The Grey - 10/10


Holy crap was that a good film. Very misleading marketing... I thought it was going to be Liam Neeson fighting wolves for 2 hours and was expecting some disposable popcorn entertainment, but it ended up being a very sombre meditation on death & man's place in nature. One of my new favorite movies.

Watched it last night and had a great time indeed!



I just don't really get why those wolves would go so far away from their den at the crash site to attack these guys, since it's actually deep in the forest, after a huge cliff and a river. Such jerks!


But it doesn't really affect the message itself so still 9/10


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