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Some people are reporting this to be a 'double-album' but I haven't seen that explicitly stated anywhere known to be (or speculated to be) official. Am I missing something?

after i long though about it, i've figured it's a multiple release, not a double album,


the rest is speculation,

different pseudo/labels ?

separated by weeks/months ?

different style ambient/IDM ?

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I'm not bothering with the back photo until it's clear that it's a clue and that the source is legitimate. Yeah joyrex has latched on but he could just be trolling.

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Guest rd1994

am I the only one who sees stretched writing aling the ride side of the back cover image? I see many O's or 0's and an e aswell

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Considering the barcode is fake in that photo wouldn't it be possible to work out what a real barcode might be? Not that this would necessarily help much.

On a related note, I'm not sure why Warp would go with a different barcode to their usual design/format (see attached).. a placeholder is useless unless it's the same size as the final version. Also, I'd say they'd probably have the barcode and catalogue number already sorted out.. especially late enough for them to have a mockup created.




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Guest skibby

I'm not bothering with the back photo until it's clear that it's a clue and that the source is legitimate. Yeah joyrex has latched on but he could just be trolling.


yeah the back cover could have been made in the usa and the euro plug put in there to mess with the origin; nevertheless it doesnt belong. its clearly a still life arranged on a desk top. Everything there is almost completely random, which might match the mindset of a mad genius. So, symbols aside, I think what we are reduced to is appreciating this for near total aesthetic value, where we will find texture and 'instagram' style, vintage halftone processing that gives the image a sort of depth, or distance from the critical gaze.


if i were joyrex, (a graphic designer hisself,) i would support any graphic designer who submitted this. Its nice work, but doesnt seem autobiographical to RDJ, rather to someone else.


if it was TDR, then forget it, whatever they do will fly.

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