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This might be another stupid question and OT, but did he re-marry? ‚Voices of his wife’.


no offence dude but it's super creepy to even wonder about that

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Guest bitroast

This might be another stupid question and OT, but did he re-marry? Voices of his wife.


I'm very excited about another Lornaderek.

I think its referring more to the oohs and aahs and vocoders thats on top of the music (ie. manchester has a ton of vocals on it) :)


Interview excerpts are great.

I'm touched that he was touched by fan response to caustic window kickstarter :')

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Guest jasondonervan

There needs to be some competition on the high street for Pizzeria " autechre "


Propose 'Aphex Syros'



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Guest jasondonervan

sexy pi zza b o n e r immint.


dammit, of course... a rival pizzeria! I'd make a start on a flyer but am way too tired, probably end up 'shopping Chris De Burgh's face on to garlic bread by accident


I'll add it to the to-do list

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Am I the only one thinking he also could be joking about the album's limited edition ? That sounds kind of weird (well, not as much as the 5 y.o. uploading music on Bandcamp but still...)


You are the only one who thinks Aphex isn't joking about that

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Guest Telisar

I remember being a sophomore in high school and hearing "Windowlicker" for the first time. I was mesmerized. Hyperbole aside, it was a transformative experience that changed my musical and artistic interests forever. When I saw last week's tweet, I felt like that naive teenager again. I don't know how to describe my feelings other than incredibly excited and intensely grateful.

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Know what I'm most excited for about SYRO? The inevitable Anthony Fantano review

My vote is he's gonna say strong 3 to light 4.

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Guest lopisode

I remember being a sophomore in high school and hearing "Windowlicker" for the first time. I was mesmerized. Hyperbole aside, it was a transformative experience that changed my musical and artistic interests forever. When I saw last week's tweet, I felt like that naive teenager again. I don't know how to describe my feelings other than incredibly excited and intensely grateful.

Same here - really great time to be alive and feeling that magic again is so amazing.

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This thread is generating 15+ pages a day. Biggest thread in my memory was Oversteps at around 350 pages. This one is gonna break records.


I don't know if your thread page formatting is different from mine, but the Oversteps megathread reached 201 pages in about 2 months. This one has reached more than half of that in a week. Foil started the Oversteps thread and I've been challenged to beat his record, but (knock on wood) as of now I'm not worried that will be accomplished - unless Papa happens to lock this one and pin another thread. :)

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Know what I'm most excited for about SYRO? The inevitable Anthony Fantano review




Know what I'm most excited for about SYRO? The inevitable Anthony Fantano review

My vote is he's gonna say strong 3 to light 4.




How will Fantano pronounce Drukqs?



CWLP review was pretty lame




CWLP review was pretty lame



music reviews are lame



See below.

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I remember being a sophomore in high school and hearing "Windowlicker" for the first time. I was mesmerized. Hyperbole aside, it was a transformative experience that changed my musical and artistic interests forever. When I saw last week's tweet, I felt like that naive teenager again. I don't know how to describe my feelings other than incredibly excited and intensely grateful.


I feel you man, I started jumping and dancing when I realized there was a new album title confirmed. I have never done that with any music artist or any release ever before.

Edited by chim
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