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These idiots get paid for their opinion and yet have zero emotional intelligence.

I dunno, I think writing one's opinion on an album is probably more sensible than writing one's opinion on a stranger's emotional intelligence, but that's just me.


I kind of agree about the idea of being a 'professional' critic being silly - that one person's opinion should really have more weight than another. But as someone else said, you can read into it what you like. People who aren't very adventurous with music use professional reviews as a filter; myself, I sometimes read them alongside fan reviews to help give an overall picture of how an album was received, because I'm sometimes interested in how different people react to certain forms of culture.


I don't think anybody's saying a Pitchfork review has to directly affect your feelings and emotions. :cisfor:

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No way, this is a meandering mess that never gets anywhere.


How many seconds does the average Aphex Twin track take to get to the point and grab you by the neck? Two?


Yeah. As I skim through it a bit more the 8-bit-y video game stuff seems really out of place.

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I don't think music reviews are worthless but they are typically overstated and overinterpreted. Music reviewing should place the album / song in some kind of context- "this sounds like these other artists and roughly fits in this genre," give a little bio, and then get out of the way.


They gave Reachy Prints a 6.0 because it didn't have Bjork on it, whatever, it's one of my favourite things I've heard this year. Make up your own mind, enjoy what you like.

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I like Drukqs but split the album into peaceful songs + crazy breakbeat stuff. I honestly think it works better that way, although I haven't listened to it on vinyl and I hear this is the optimal way to hear it.


That said, I will def get vinyl this time instead of CD. CDs are worthless now really, aren't they?

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"All serious art, music, literature is a critical act. It is so, firstly, in the sense of Matthew Arnold's phrase: "a criticism of life." Be it realistic, fantastic, Utopian or satiric, the construct of the artist is a counter-statement to the world."



"For many human beings, religion has been the music which they believe in."


read these in a book im reading, seemed appropriate

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Drukqs is my favourite Aphex release because of the details within the tracks. I feel like I could work on a song for 10 years and it wouldn't be even be close to the perfection of some tracks on Drukqs. Like a single snare hit will have just the most perfect placement and timbre and everything. I'm hoping for a similar feeling with SYRO.

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Guest skibby

same thing you said Forcefielder.


now as for the fakes, there already seems to be two separate complete fake albums. somebody call guinness world records. that alone is newsworthy. at least one for wikipedia.

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same thing you said Forcefielder.


now as for the fakes, there already seems to be two separate complete fake albums. somebody call guinness world records. that alone is newsworthy. at least one for wikipedia.


A lot of the fakes really aren't bad. What's the source of these? Unknown producers trying to trick people so they get exposure?

And simultaneously getting 99% of the people who would have liked their music to resent them?

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Guest transmisiones ferox

apologies for I'm not fully realise that was happened, thanks for the the ride once again watmm, as with boc this is gonna be very unique experience for me!

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*misses chance to buy limited edition*


Last year with Tomorrow's Harvest, if you pre-ordered the release distributed from Beat Records and not the Warp one, you got some good stuff. Got me a big-ass matte poster and Warp fridge magnet.

I need some chartreuse AFX goodies.

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On syro2eznzea2xbpi.com rather than .onion (can't re-test the latter as I'm at work) has it always replaced the details (track names, BPM etc) with:
















EDIT: Ah I missed this, very clever! http://forum.watmm.com/topic/84556-freaking-syro2eznzea2xbpionion/?p=2203177


Sorry, but that's my track.


And i'm not richard, nor wisp.

Is there a reason why you upped it to your Youtube and Soundcloud you naughty scamp. Did you just want some increased traffic?
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