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Richard D James SoundCloud - A Gift To The Fans

Guest crowndicey

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Guest prototype303



i'm talking to people outside of WATMM about this and some are still skeptical this is actually rdj. srsly!?

you are our watmm king man, i hope rdj gives you a nice present for the gopro you donated him



haha, as i've said to others, i'm not convinced my actions caused richard to do anything outside of what he was already intending on doing. i assume part of the allure for him to do this anonymously was to see whether fans really do recognise his work, hence it being a free account initially, and he was intending on either upgrading the account or spreading the music over several free accounts.


i just hope an internet random doing it before he did was interpreted as a gesture that deeply communicates that we, the fans, really do appreciate the shit out of this. i remember reading in an interview that he was really touched about the response to the caustic window kickstarter from watmm, which certainly helped me make the odd decision to do it. it was also one of you guys who pointed out that one can gift soundcloud accounts, i had honestly assumed i wasn't the only one who did it (i was probably going to gift the account to modey/pselodux if rdj didn't accept it... i'm still floored that he did, i had no expectations he would actually read the message).


seperately; i'm going through one of the most challenging periods of my life at the moment, and this experience has completely flipped my outlook on life around. it's pretty incredible and this couldn't come at a better time. very oddly, the last time i was going through a very tough period was slightly before when ae came on here and did their QA thing, and that also helped incredibly. it's strange... as cliche as it sounds, as a teenager i often said and felt that music genuinely helped me through dealing with challenges... it's strange to be in my 30's and the same phrase applying - hell, even the same artists - but now in an entirely different way.


well said. music is our life and it helps us through the vibe.

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in all fairness, afx obviously forgot he had released it, hence uploading it? (and i recall at least one other track that was uploaded that he commented he forgot he released?)


if the man himself can't remember, what bloody chance do we have? ;)


Well, I thought I had listened to everything officially released, but I never came across 35 Japan. Could you tell me where you get it from?


Check this out






ta, good list

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Well, I thought I had listened to everything officially released, but I never came across 35 Japan. Could you tell me where you get it from?


Check this out





Woa, cool list. Never heard some, gotta check richards hairpiece, perc 6 and shotkeya

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Guest trananhhung


Just played Square Dance and usually I take no notice of the soundcloud comments 'cause I just find them a bit stupid and annoying but I laughed though when somebody wrote So You Sampled a Spacehopper :biggrin:

I do advise you, and everyone else here, to at least read Ivan Ooze's comments



I love your music. Where does the screaming sample from punch my calls comes from?
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Guest murphythecat8



Well, I thought I had listened to everything officially released, but I never came across 35 Japan. Could you tell me where you get it from?


Check this out





Woa, cool list. Never heard some, gotta check richards hairpiece, perc 6 and shotkeya


yeah, perc 6 is amazing.




you can find everything richard ever release here

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Just played Square Dance and usually I take no notice of the soundcloud comments 'cause I just find them a bit stupid and annoying but I laughed though when somebody wrote So You Sampled a Spacehopper :biggrin:

I do advise you, and everyone else here, to at least read Ivan Ooze's comments



I love your music. Where does the screaming sample from punch my calls comes from?


thanks lol, just some silly shit from the past i uploaded

the sample is from the excellent movie possesion (1981) in full hd on youtube check it out!

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opinions of this yo http://user48736353001.com/


Basically it's just the soundcloud tracks but you have to wait for a clichéd loading screen, you can't skim through the tracks, the titles are harder to read and there are more annoying flickering images. Conclusion: seems more appropriate for Autechre :)
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opinions of this yo http://user48736353001.com/

It's a blue screen. I like this colour but I wouldn't wear it on a shirt, it's a bit bright.


I'm not sure this particular colour of blue is called, but it's pleasant.




opinions of this yo http://user48736353001.com/

wow totally awesome!!




opinions of this yo http://user48736353001.com/


Basically it's just the soundcloud tracks but you have to wait for a clichéd loading screen, you can't skim through the tracks, the titles are harder to read and there are more annoying flickering images. Conclusion: seems more appropriate for Autechre :)




opinions of this yo http://user48736353001.com/

lol lol and an extra reduntant lol (emphasis on redundant)



i tried to be nice yo

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My ipod is small and shitty and I can't fit every song in it.


Someone make me a Best of CD.







start by adding these



28 organ


19 slow early morning

4 red calx

34 p e

35 japan

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It's kind of funny that we get 112 tracks, almost 9 hours, of new music, and so many people are pointing out the "Japan" track that was released over 20 years ago as a highlight lel


I mean, what are you doing listening to 9 hours of leftovers when you haven't even listened to the official releases

The problem is it actually is a highlight because it's fucking excellent.


I guess not hearing a total of 3 or 4 tracks that aren't widely distributed anymore means I can't aphex. Oh well, I won't be losing any sleep over it.

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