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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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5 hours ago, goDel said:

... can someone post a single example of where that happened to a white guy? You'd have to go to Iran or North Korea, I'm guessing.

Uhhh Zimbabwe? Mexico has a lot of kidnappings of white tourists.... but American police seem to have that utter stupidity on lock. 

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We need a congressional act that both officially designates white supremacist organizations as domestic terrorist cells and terminates all currently-active military and law enforcement members with said ties, on top of banning all future recruitment of people who are members of those groups.

I realize this is the opposite of what the current president is trying to achieve, but I think it would be a good start in curtailing extrajudicial murders.

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America is too dumb to exist, like seriously. Other countries have nutjobs too but at least they are in the margins and are for the most part ridiculed, but hoo boy America, these nutjobs are in influential positions on all levels of government it's a serious threat to the well-being of everyone on this godforsaken rock.

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1 minute ago, dingformung said:

Dumbness can be a survival advantage. It makes you unpredictable and others are forced to deal with you. It's powerful

That's probably it. Can only hope that the rot inside the US will collapse their empire sooner rather than later.

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I'd prefer if they became halfway reasonable and especially less violent instead of collapsing (collapsing empires tend to do weird shit). The whole world is populated by dimwits if you take a harder look. But agree, Americans are an especially weird bunch.

Just look at the way they handle their pets: 25% of American house cats are declawed. No, I'm not talking about clipping the cat's claws, I'm talking about amputating the front parts of the cat's toes. A procedure that can get veterinarians into prison in most parts of Europe but is common practice in the US.


Edited by dingformung
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Just now, dingformung said:

I'd prefer if they became halfway reasonable and especially less violent instead of collapsing (collapsing empires tend to do weird shit). The whole world is populated by dimwits if you take a harder look. But agree, Americans are an especially weird bunch.

Just look at the way they handle their pets: 25% of American house cats are declawed. No, I'm not talking about clipping the cat's claws, I'm talking about amputating the front parts of the cat's toes. A procedure that can get veterinarians into prison in most parts of Europe but is common practice in the US.


I'm considering getting my own cat soon, but I absolutely refuse to get it declawed if I do so (didn't watch the vid though). For a human it's like having one's fingertips snipped off.

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40 minutes ago, timbre monke said:

I'm considering getting my own cat soon, but I absolutely refuse to get it declawed if I do so (didn't watch the vid though). For a human it's like having one's fingertips snipped off.

many states in USA have outlawed declawing cats because of the obvious cruelty. 

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China's begun its attack on America with...seeds



Officials warned people not to plant the seeds.

"If you receive seeds from China, DO NOT PLANT THEM. And don’t throw them in the trash," Mississippi Agriculture and Commerce Commissioner Andy Gipson said in a statement on his Facebook page.

so no planting, no throwing away, just wait for USDA agents to show up at your door to collect them. I can see this going very, very well... 

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2 hours ago, zero said:

China's begun its attack on America with...seeds


so no planting, no throwing away, just wait for USDA agents to show up at your door to collect them. I can see this going very, very well... 

Uhh, what would be the net gain from this, i.e. why the fuck would they do this? This seems like an obvious attempt to stoke xenophobia.

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