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Is marijuana use an unspoken rule for posting on WATMM?

Guest drukqs

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Experienced the same sort of thing myself. I also feel that listening to music on weed has allowed me to 'carry' that same super-intense analysis over into when I'm not stoned, like it was a little skill set that I first unlocked by being stoned. Especially with relation to being able to focus on just one element, whether it's the bassline or the tambourine in the right channel or whatever, and focus on it with that kind of laser-esque clarity you have when you're baked. Obviously it's not the same experience as listening stoned but I do think weed can really help you develop those skills.



find similar aspects with writing projects where things flow more fluidly, although editing & proof-reading are always done straight-headed afterwards


with sounds & music for long turntable mixes its v similar to what you've outlined, where you might pick out elements that take things in a different direction (considering its records or cd's other folks have composed)


underpinning these, 1 of the main uses i find is it can act as a psychological purge, where stuff that might have been circulating subconsciously gets a mental airing, processed and dealt with, usually at the end of a knotty week


thats also 1 of the criticisms against opinions who hold on to the notion that its only ever consumed to fog or hide from reality, far from it & for ptsd especially mein gott.....considering the volume of tranqs that get thrown around the logic fail in this area of the NHS is staggering

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not sure if this thread was where the British drugs map series was posted, ie: the horrors of synthetic bud aka spice in Wolves & illicit valium in Scotland,


anyway, the series now locates to Swansea & its continued love affair with brown/opiates, *as horrific as it gets at times mind


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not sure if this thread was where the British drugs map series was posted, ie: the horrors of synthetic bud aka spice in Wolves & illicit valium in Scotland,


anyway, the series now locates to Swansea & its continued love affair with brown/opiates, *as horrific as it gets at times mind



Wasn't the elder James in one of those swansea docs? i tink so

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  • 4 weeks later...

Arkansas, medical-- BAM!


North Dakota, medical-- BAM!


Florida, medical-- BAM!


Nevada, recreational-- BAM!!!


Massachusetts, recreational-- BAM!!!


California, recreational-- BAM!!!

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Here's hoping the Republican controlled DEA doesn't go on another dispensary raid binge, invalidating the will of millions of state residents.  That was some George W. bullshit.


Obama did some of that shit too

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Even the worst businessman can see that cannabis being legal is creating more jobs, tax revenue, lowering incarceration and pushing out the fear and stigma of cannabis.


but yeah, who knows what the fuck this weirdo is gonna do. Maybe the black market will come about again and I can go back to making lots of un-taxed monies... 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gonna tell you a mad story about smoking weed.


First up I'm a massive lightweight, I can snort coke, drop E, and drink alcohol 'till the cows come home. 3 tokes of a spliff I'm a jibbering wreck in the corner, scared of a mouse.


One morning I'm chilling all by myself in Avalon backpackers (Northern Beaches NSW), minding my own business. This proper hairy, savage bloke in his 50's turns up, just walks into the common room and flexing his forearms and beard and starts growling at me that he needs a hand to help him. One hundred dollars cash for the day. This wasn't unknown to happen in this backpackers, anyway cutting a story short, a few minutes later I'm in his removal van. He's a proper bloke (Mac), from New Zealand and of Irish heritage, as I am of Irish heritage, I'm also from the 'old country'. We get on like a house on fire. There's one more bloke working with us. He's just one of those hillybilly odd fuckers you get in Australia. You'll know what I mean, if you've been to Oz. See the thing is I get on with him too, 'cause thats just the way I am. After a hard day of working like a donkey me and the odd chap end up having dinner at Macs house, the beer is going down like a river, I end up at the dinner table with Macs family, its getting late. The odd chap isn't drinking because he's driving me home, back to the backpackers. I get in his lorry after drinking my body weight in beer, when the odd bloke (lets call him Stoney) say's to me he's a got a huge bag of weed back at his mates house. And before driving me back to Avalon we're gonna stop off and get stoned. Sounds like a fucking great idea to me....


So I'm in this weird shed like place in the Surrey Hills, and I'm with a weird couple of oddballs, but you see I'm drunk and so nothing is a problem, not bothered at all. Then of course I have a few blasts on some very, very strong weed. And so things start disappearing down the rabbit hole. Fast. Paranoia and all the weird and wonderful fears that happen on a serious whitey come crashing down. It's all mountains out of molehills. This mate of Stoney has two televisions, one is showing Halloween the other is showing shark attack documentries. At the fucking goddamn same time (wtf is that all about). Somehow I manage to convince/remind old Stoney that we're working with Mac again tomorrow so I need to get back home, (hopefully alive). I can't tell you the sheer amount of trouble and fear I was enduring in that shed. Most of it coming because I was like jelly, and a imagination thats running a million miles an hour into a horror movie.


I get this bucktoothed inbred back into the fucking lorry, but he actually turns to me and tells me before he's dropping me off that he's 'got something in his lorry that needs to be dropped off at his mates farm'.....What seems for like an hour (it could of been 15 minutes or 2 hours I don't know, but pretty sure it was about 45 mins) we're just driving out into the middle of nowhere, no town, no street lights, nothing. Obviously I'm still gurning and thinking I'm going to be killed, this is it I'm actually going to be cut up. No one knows where I am, no one from the backpackers saw me leave, I couldn't fight a rabbit. We end in pitch black some fucking place in the middle-of-nowhere, Stoney gets out the lorry (I hear the ratcheting of the sliding door), voices and dogs barking. After 20 minutes or so Stoney gets back in the cab, grins at me and say's its time drives me back home.


I get back to the backpackers at about 3am, kneel on the floor of the common room and actually kiss the fucking floor. And thank God. I wonder if I'd just stayed drunk what my perspective would of been on what was probably just a strange, probably mildly unusual and boring set of events. But that weed shit just so fucked with my head. I've never understood how people just chill out on that stuff. It's always took me into the fucking twilight zone. But it was one hell of a weird evening.

Edited by beerwolf
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all your answers are contained there-in


its been a cunt of a week, got some new/old records & the vape is hovering, let strangeness commence


ps: lobbing "pick a strain that better suits you" is futile as if yer not close to a source guessing a strain at small deal levels in this cuntry is a low-odds game and Oz too by the sounds of it

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Question 1 from the Maine ballot initially passed with a very narrow margin, allowing state residents to carry 2 1/2 ounces of material on their person for recreational purposes, the most liberal pot law in the US. By law, a recount could be requested, and on Nov. 16 papers were picked up by opponents to request said recount of the election results.

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Question 1 from the Maine ballot initially passed with a very narrow margin, allowing state residents to carry 2 1/2 ounces of material on their person for recreational purposes, the most liberal pot law in the US. By law, a recount could be requested, and on Nov. 16 papers were picked up by opponents to request said recount of the election results.

i hope they recount and find support was even greater than before :)

That's what happened in Washington state IIRC. Initially polls said 52% yes, but after recounts it was like 57%.

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I do find it a little interesting that up here in WA the I-502 system is totally transparent. Everything is viewable by the state at any time, whether it be your security cameras or POS sales logs/inventory if you're a legal cannabis business. They can come any time, unannounced just to check up on things for really any reason. They send people with fake ID's and foreign passports into the stores to test them, kinda like bars, but it's a WAAAY harsher punishment if you fail to catch the fakes (think felonies and fines of 6-figures). Literally no other business in this entire country is subject to as much taxation or scrutiny and yet still treated like a black sheep by the organizations who set it up and are reaping tons of cash off of it (the state/liquor board)


Every cent that comes through the retail, production or processing side is viewable on a big website for anyone in the world to look at. Cool huh? It would be even more cool...




There is no tracking or accountability for the 33 fucking percent tax that the state levies for its cannabis tax. There has been over $350,000,000 in brand new taxes collected by the state in the last 2.5 years or so that we've had cannabis businesses running in the state. Even with that - I'm still paying tolls to cross bridges or drive in the 'fast lanes' of I-405 after my taxes went to pay for it out here, still haven't seen or heard of any kickback to education like what was promised, and they have never been made accountable for tallying where all that money is going... and nobody seems to give a shit or notice. Really all I've seen is an absolutely astronomical amount of money go into the hands of the state and then essentially disappear. Colorado was kicking back tons of cash within a year to the public and into public services... not here tho.








Oh yeah, smoke weed 420 bongs ect. 

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And that's just a rough estimate of people who will even admit it. Can you imagine the actual numbers of people who smoke or have smoked? It's probably closer to like 75% or something. Possibly like 80% or something

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