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Is marijuana use an unspoken rule for posting on WATMM?

Guest drukqs

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couple of footnotes


0.04g will cross the thresh-hold into alleviating chronic pain if lobbed in an Arizer Air on it highest setting....210-degrees which rinses nearly all the active ingredients in said shrubberies


0.04g a night, trialed over 6 weeks & allowing for weekends, equates to approx an eighth, which is fk all really compared to the getting blasted into deep space orbits of yesteryear


if you have orthopedic/joint pain (i dont aims these puns) or muscular strains, bad breaks or ligament damage lingering in discomfort that 99.99999% of Dr's here would treat with opiates, you can get v close equivalent gains with the above amounts/method, a good indica being the ideal source but thats another issue entirely


hill walking up fairly rigorous gradients in local mountains is a fkn joy now, rather than a pathway to a few minutes of shredded, inflamed, aggravated bone & muscle structures hobbling along the path outside for days after


its not something for everyone & rinsing it day in day out for extended periods seems to have claimed a steady supply of human minds, BUT for physical pain that is relentlessly exhausting its ideal


call that hippy bollix but practice & increased quality of life are enough in themselves, but if you so much as went near this issue with a GP (primary care Dr in Britain for all your usual common ailments) it'd be pinpointed as cause for a complete care-plan review where virtual all meds would then be withdrawn


a farce beyond the common good

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After dancing for 3 days at Rainbow Disco Club and somehow being less tired than I am on a typical work night, it became very clear that proper sleep schedule and working out are two of the main missing factors in stoners' lives.  Or even if you don't smoke up, fucking you gotta work out.  I am definitely getting back into working out this year.  I need to return to this times 10:






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After dancing for 3 days at Rainbow Disco Club

Ah you lucky bas! Did you enjoy Palm Trax



Yah, basically everyone waz gud.  Except actually, I thought Floating Points' set was meh.  For whatever reason, I just can't get deep into disco/rnb type dance music, which is what he was spinning for like 3 hours.  I like to feel like I'm in lazer space on cosmic missions whilst dancing; not like I'm oiled up in polyester circa 1976.

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he pretty much always plays modern soul records, even if he's a dubby/tracky house producer


the inactive stoner is a stereotype, maybe relevant if yer under 30 or younger at specific life stages, but exercise makes you feel better for all kinds of reasons, its just when that pathway is made problematic or obstructed entirely due to titanium infrastructures maintaining any kind of orthopedic structural integrity, a few vapes can push you through & past the variety of pain thresh-hold barriers present


exercising and chronic pain are huge issues, hence adapting a non-opiate pain-killer route that also increases your capacity to withstand pain, is fkn priceless


a steep escarpment & having the confidence to push further up it would be infinitely harder if using opiates, plus all motivation to even attempt it would be lost in a fug of morphine.....thats the main area of personal concern anway - increasing fitness & stamina, limb/joint movement range, pain tolerance when it fkn explodes after exercise & avoiding dependence on sketchy as but legal as fk Dr-sanctioned medication prescriptions


would it inspire someone who didnt have that problem to go for a run or try a testing peak? prob not

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  • 3 weeks later...

I learned to roll spliffs really well and I gotta say I'm enjoying the portability and ease of smoking in different spots around the city.

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Those moments where rubin reacts to his failings by trying to sound 'street' are amongst the most cringeworthy posts ever committed to webland. Buttocks clenched tight enough to cracking walnuts right now.

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