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Is marijuana use an unspoken rule for posting on WATMM?

Guest drukqs

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Just to report back: I abstained for nearly 3 weeks and my asthma pretty much gone. Felt better but was still waking up with a crummy feeling and feeling a bit sick. After drinking about 4 glasses of water I was back to normal. Most of my symptoms got a lot better.


Fast forward to yesterday where I went up to meet with some buddies and had about 0.2g of vaped cannabis. An hour later I get a burning periphreal neuropathy in my arms and legs, blood pressure shooting through the roof and my throat seized up dry-like. The neuropathy is still lingering around this evening but it looks like cannabis is off the table for good for me.

Edited by Entorwellian
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I took a three week break recently. I think it helps to do it on vacation where you're away. Keep yourself occupied with a new place so you don't get lulled back into the nugs. That said, I was probably more neurotic and weird than usual during that break, so I dunno

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Just to report back: I abstained for nearly 3 weeks and my asthma pretty much gone. Felt better but was still waking up with a crummy feeling and feeling a bit sick. After drinking about 4 glasses of water I was back to normal. Most of my symptoms got a lot better.


Fast forward to yesterday where I went up to meet with some buddies and had about 0.2g of vaped cannabis. An hour later I get a burning periphreal neuropathy in my arms and legs, blood pressure shooting through the roof and my throat seized up dry-like. The neuropathy is still lingering around this evening but it looks like cannabis is off the table for good for me.

I get a burning sensation in my throat / chest as well, but usually from vaping too much oil. Strangely, smoking doesn't cause the same irritation.
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Week 4 - Everything is almost back to normal. Still have insomnia up the wazoo but my lungs have almost reversed 100% and I've gone off my inhalers no problem. I was vaping WAY too much (1-3 grams a day was ridiculous) compared to when I talked to other people about how much they vapourize. I went and got bloodwork done and my eosinophils were back in the normal range (7%, just at the edge) I definitely don't want this to happen again so I'm going to limit myself to two about 0.25g a day (two arizer stems) and maybe just limit it to weekends only. Maybe take a week off each month. Apparently only 1 in 3 people have withdrawal symptoms off of weed, but those that do get it pretty bad. Mentally I feel about the same as I did on it but the physical symptoms were outrageous. I am happy that the symptoms are reversible at the very least.


Also I made 3 vodka tinctures of a high thc, high cbd and a 1:1 (as per joyrex's suggestion) and i'll stick with those for the time being. 70% alcohol base apparently is good enough.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

so, the million dollar question, how much time does THC stays in the system? there's so much to read about it and definitely a lot of misinformation so i came to you watmm to guide me. 

lecture me or point me to some of your most reliable articles about it.

thank you.

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i'm asking this because i probably have urine tests when i get back to work at around the beginning of march...

i stopped smoking for about 1 year and when i came back from my previous contract in the beginning of december i smoked about 5 grams during one week give or take and then stopped again until now, but i still have more 5 grams and i'm afraid that, if i smoke them during this next week, it still tests positive in about a month or so... i know it differs from person to person and whatnot but i guess there must be a time interval which guarantees that i'm safe right?


what about techniques to get rid of it from your system?

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It’s just a pre-employment piss test right? And not a job at a government agency? Just get some QuickFix and look up reviews and success stories. It’s fake piss that comes with a heating pad and you just smuggle it in like 007. I got two pretty good jobs this way.

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It’s just a pre-employment piss test right? And not a job at a government agency? Just get some QuickFix and look up reviews and success stories. It’s fake piss that comes with a heating pad and you just smuggle it in like 007. I got two pretty good jobs this way.


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Any of you read this article? Some of it seems sensationalized, but the studies behind this book seem legit. Some scary stuff in there.

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Any of you read this article? Some of it seems sensationalized, but the studies behind this book seem legit. Some scary stuff in there.

I read the similar article below about the devil's lettuce. It's interesting that data points to weed use causing mental illness over mental illness driving people to self medicate. In my experience as a mental health customer, I was told that weed exacerbates bipolar symptoms and not to use it.



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Any of you read this article? Some of it seems sensationalized, but the studies behind this book seem legit. Some scary stuff in there.

I read the similar article below about the devil's lettuce. It's interesting that data points to weed use causing mental illness over mental illness driving people to self medicate. In my experience as a mental health customer, I was told that weed exacerbates bipolar symptoms and not to use it.



Yes, this article is pretty stark in that regard. I’ve never neared panic attack stage after partaking, so that’s a good sign, right?


Definitely feel that alcohol is still way more destructive though.

Edited by Extralife
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I get major anxiety depending on the strain - not quite panic attacks but I have noticed schizophrenic type tendencies if I have high THC varieties (some family members have schizophrenia, they're old but still).


For example I start to see physical shapes come together to look like eyes or something watching me, starts to make me nervous and anxious so I'll look away, something else will look the same, and so on, until I feel like I'm surrounded by shit watching me when really it's just a bunch of inanimate objects lol. But I realize when it's happening that it doesn't make sense and what I'm seeing is just because I'm stoned - so I guess in that regard I still have my sanity (IE I don't think it's ACTUALLY stuff watching me, but it's still enough to make me uncomfortable?).



kinda f'ed up =/


edit: and sure enough the article refers to schizophrenia, just noticed that.

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It’s kinda depressing cause I’m trying to drink less alcohol and have been offsetting with edibles (and cardio!)


I feel way better but I’m guessing things won’t be great in the long term if I don’t cut back on it all (except the cardio).

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Hey, I think I'm in the same boat as you. Sounds like my situation exactly.


Trying to bring blood pressure down, lose a bit of weight and get my brainpower back by laying off the sauce, have the occasional toke instead. 

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It’s just a pre-employment piss test right? And not a job at a government agency? Just get some QuickFix and look up reviews and success stories. It’s fake piss that comes with a heating pad and you just smuggle it in like 007. I got two pretty good jobs this way.

yeah, for now it is, didn't have a clue that such a thing existed, fake piss hehe, i'll keep it in mind thanks :thumbsup:


If u smoke 5g within a month of a piss test it's very likely you will test positive .


You can actually buy the piss test kits yourself to see btw to take the mystery out of it .. don't know of any surefire way to beat it other than fake it . I assume they test for diuretics ... my understanding is that you're not a fat bastard so you've got that as an advantage a second it stores itself in fat tissue , but I don't know if that has a meaningful impact on blood levels if all other factors are equal.

really? :| 

most articles say that for a regular/heavy user is about one month and for a sporadic user it usually goes away in like 2 or 3 weeks top... i though if you'd smoke like 5g in a weekend exceptionally or something like that you'd fall in the sporadic consumer category...

we're talking about urine tests right? are there blood tests for thc level as well?

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For example I start to see physical shapes come together to look like eyes or something watching me, starts to make me nervous and anxious so I'll look away, something else will look the same, and so on, until I feel like I'm surrounded by shit watching me when really it's just a bunch of inanimate objects lol. But I realize when it's happening that it doesn't make sense and what I'm seeing is just because I'm stoned - so I guess in that regard I still have my sanity (IE I don't think it's ACTUALLY stuff watching me, but it's still enough to make me uncomfortable?).

but it's normal to hallucinate with high levels of thc right? 

when i was a regular user i rarely would hallucinate or maybe i was so used to it that i didn't even notice but now every time i smoke i get so fucked up that i can not even watch a movie cause all the shit on the tv gets crazy like an abstract painting... also the sound gets really weird, movies sound like really shitty dubs... i end up feeling like i'm watching some kind of parody movie...

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shrubbery is approx 30 days-ish


with aggressive PTSD, cannabis (in small doses) can be a much more gentle option on the mind & body than Diazepam & other meds, without gushing that it's a panacea advocated by some


there was a superb vid on youlube profiling Canadian veterans, their mental health & their use of cannabis, but every conceivable word jumble search there has drawn a blank, aaaaaggggggghhhh, think it's been deleted


there are still a considerable amount of useful testimonies on that site about cannabis as a means to manage rather than cure PTSD, plus the range, scope & focus of the questions asked & the answers given are clearly evidence-based (as opposed to anecdotal waffle)


some of us have to take whatever help we can find when the development of psychological therapies, healthcare access & commercial pharmaceutical interests leave you at the thin end of a seemingly endless, barbaric, razor-sharp wedge

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Ordered from the bcannabisstores.com again. The first time was alright but I wasn't too impressed this time around. My sealed container was opened and the buds were pretty dry, had lots of shake, and didn't have much of a smell. It was packaged in early December. I was sketched out. Did the measuring with a digital scale and there was 3.5 g inside, but when it came to vaping it I would call it a "lackluster mid", and this is paying more than what the medical dispensary charges. Did the post delivery guy open it maybe? Dunno if I would order it online again.

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....but I have noticed schizophrenic type tendencies if I have high THC varieties 


edit: and sure enough the article refers to schizophrenia, just noticed that.


Yeah I noticed pretty quickly that it brings out such tendancies in myself, so I pretty much never touch the stuff.  I might partake maybe once a year if I'm at some social gathering and want to fit in/give it another chance.  Other people seem to love weed so much I'm always kind of envious.  I don't know what it's like to enjoy it in that same way.  It either dumbs me down/makes me tired or makes me crazy.  Clearly I'm missing something, wish I could experience it the same way others do.


Oh man, but jamming with groups of musicians who are all stoned is maddening.  All sense of rhythmic precision gets lost and nobody else seems to notice or care.

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