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Is marijuana use an unspoken rule for posting on WATMM?

Guest drukqs

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After a shitty week of health problems, including losing a tooth, had to lay off the flower and experimenting more with gummies. 20mg Blueberry Indica today, really good pain relief, zero buzz. Added 20mg hybrid Watermelons next, always reliable. ?

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U.S. sprinter and Women's 100m Trials winner Sha'Carri Richardson has been DQ'd after testing positive for marijuana.  And will miss the Olympics.


This hurts my brain and there are not enough Picards in the local intergalactic group

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  • 2 weeks later...

Almost 40% favour legalising cannabis for recreational use, over 90% in favour of medicinal use

New polling by Red C on behalf of The Journal shines a light on the nation’s views on legalising cannabis.

Rónán Duffy
May 17th 2021, 12:05 AM

ALMOST 40% OF Irish people believe cannabis should be legalised for recreational use and there is an overwhelming support for the medical use of cannabis. 

New polling by Red C on behalf of The Journal shines a light on the nation’s views on legalising cannabis, with only 4% of people opposed to the medical use of cannabis.  

At present, the use of four cannabis-based products is allowed in Ireland in strict circumstances and under a pilot scheme.

There is near uniformity across different age groups in believing that medical use should be legal, but opinions vary on whether recreational use of cannabis should be permitted. 

A majority (56%) of 18-34 year olds believe that cannabis should be legalised for both medical and recreational use while this drops to just 21% for those aged over 55.

Among that age cohort there is still a large majority for medical use only at 70%, meaning that 91% of those aged over 55 feel that cannabis should be legal for medical reasons. 

There is not much regional variation across the provinces, but in Connacht/Ulster 7% of people do not feel any legalisation should take place, a small but noteworthy increase on the national average of 4%

Men are also more likely to be in favour of legalisation for recreational use, with 44% in favour of it compared to 34% of women. 

There is also an urban/rural disparity with 43% in urban areas in favour of recreational use and 29% in rural area.

The polling is based on a survey of 1000+ adults taken across the country and weighted to be an accurate profile of the population. 

The fieldwork was carried out between 6-12 May, a number of days after the College of  Psychiatrists of Ireland (CPsychI) warned that cannabis represents the “gravest threat to the mental health of young people in Ireland today”. 

Much of the focus of the group’s concern was due to the increasing potency of the illegal cannabis on sale across Europe, with previous analysis finding that potency had doubled over the period 2006 to 2016.

Overall, the Red C research suggests that there is support for a move towards some form of greater legalisation, with 93% of people surveyed in favour of the medical use of cannabis.

In Ireland, legalising cannabis for medical use has hit a number of roads blocks in recent years and legislation has failed to get enough support in the Oireachtas.

In 2019, cannabis-based products were made available for medical use through the Medical Cannabis Access Programme.

The five-year pilot programme currently allows listed products be made available to a patient when a consultant determines that they have not responded to standard treatments. 

Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly told the Dáil earlier this year that 2021 funding for this programme had been secured and subsequently said that commencement this year is likely in June. 

Currently four cannabis-based products have been assessed as acceptable for use by the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA).

The programme is only available to patients with a number of conditions including spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis, nausea associated with chemotherapy and treatment-resistant epilepsy. 

The Medical Cannabis Access Programme is not available for people with chronic pain, with the Minister for Health previously questioned in the Dáil about whether such conditions should also have access. 

The HPRA has previously said that, while the use of cannabis for chronic pain “is acknowledged”, there are “diverse” causes of such pain and “subjective factors” that make difficult for a doctor to assess treatment. 

In its 2017 scientific review of Cannabis for Medical Use, the HPRA also said the use of cannabis for chronic pain could lead to greater misuse of cannabis in the wider community. 

“Chronic pain is common and the potential use of cannabis-based medicines by a large number of patients  raises concerns about misuse and diversion into the wider community,” the HPRA says.









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I’ve never understood the Draconian attitude towards cannabis in UK & Ireland. I absolutely love those places, but the weed laws are a deal breaker from living there permanently. Why do they have such an anti-cannabis propaganda attitude? 

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Entrenched, wilful ignorance. Besides, we prefer to drink ourselves to death, or seek refuge in combination drug abuse.

One of the few regions where tobacco is still adopted as a smoking mix doesn’t help, a hangover from when hashish was authentic and uncut.

Back to your point @Rubin Farr, Project Twenty 21 is well under way & prescription pathways are out there if you poke around. This can only gain further traction.

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32 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

I’ve never understood the Draconian attitude towards cannabis in UK & Ireland. I absolutely love those places, but the weed laws are a deal breaker from living there permanently. Why do they have such an anti-cannabis propaganda attitude? 

More liberal drug policies are seen as suspicious continental liberalism in UK & Ireland? From the western and southern European view point they're pretty conservative and puritanistic countries in general.

The Nordics are also pretty anti-cannabis (except for Denmark) but it's more to do with the nanny state attitudes over here. Just try buying a decent beer in Sweden or Iceland.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I started to smoke less and less, tho still enjoy it when I hit it up. I think I´m moving on from this phase. My next trip are shrooms, acid, and similar. Just for your information, thanks.

Edited by logakght
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