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Cheetah EP

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Brisbot your avatar is intolerably adorable

yeah I've been getting that "complaint" a lot. Little does anyone know, I actually have at least 2 dozen even more adorable pictures that would generate so much traffic on this website. I don't want WATMM to crash tho so.

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Finally got my tape, just as I'm headed for vacation. The little 3D printed ms800 almost made it worth the wait, almost... looks like some shit you would find in a kinderegg to be honest. *complains about free shit on the internet*

Edited by Gocab
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First time listening to the full digital ver. through headphones.


My God, this is gold... really really really good. The sonics are just incredible, not to mention the grooves and vibes of course. It's definitely

up there with some of the top notch aphex imo. Getting a bit of Ventolin vibes in terms of the feeling, not really production style or anything, but yeah to me its like Ventolin remixes meets Analord meets some kind of new elements.


Cheetah 7b soothes my soul. It's so serene and chill, and still weird as fuck. Just the way I like aphex.


I normally don't like when a release uses what sounds like mostly the same sounds, but this is an exception.

Edited by Lane Visitor
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I'm pretty surprised how much hype this has gotten. This thread has already far surpassed the ODS thread which I would have assumed to be way more popular. personally ODS is one of my favorite releases, mostly because of simple slamming and serge rendered which are two of my all time favorite (now) released live tracks. Also because the rest of the tracks are also great. This EP is great and I am grateful for it, but I'm nowhere near the obsession level I can get on some releases.

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To add about Kolхoznaя : in russian it means that it came from the dirty simple village where silly people in cheap clothes drinking vodka with bears, compared to highly civilized intelligent people from big city. Its not always meant in that bad mood ofc, but often with slight arrogance. I think that his current wife jokingly calls that the track колхозная cause its childish silliness and simplesness, specially the start (I can clearly see village people getting smashed, there is something so goofy hearthwarming about it), compared to some super duper serious electroniq tunes from serious artists of real scene that are trying too hard. It sounds good, but the mood is like it was made by some kid (yet its 100% afexish), like start and pads in the middle. And overall. Specially if you are not into idms and cant distinguish shit from the real deal. When I hear it the 15 year old child that firstly discovered RDJ and milkman/funny little man etc awakens in me, very nostalgic and playful. Sometimes I start the silly dance.

Its fits very much that the video for this track was made by 12 year old kid using very simple record techiqes and stuff, it perfectly rephlects the mood of it, the message. It couldnt be any better.

Great EP

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When I hear it the 15 year old child that firstly discovered RDJ and milkman/funny little man etc awakens in me, very nostalgic and playful. Sometimes I start the silly dance.


Yep, that's exactly the feel I get from it, as well.

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I still haven't received my package yet, cassette, vinyl, anything?


Anyone else from Canadialol having the same problem?


I'm in Canada and my cassette arrived on release day (from Bleep) so you may want to investigate further

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