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3 hours ago, MaartenVC said:

Love this. Great video.
Instantly subscribed to the channel.

Sabine is pretty great. she leans into the 'controversial/tell-it-like-it-is' side of science (physics usually) communication and i tend to agree with her way of looking at things. her channel has had lots of good videos over the years, and you can find her on panels/interviews all over YouTube generally too....but some of those she's sort of giving time/energy to less reputable 'controversial/etc.' types of science communication, but those can be interesting in hearing her honest/informed take on the sillier side of physics speculation.

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30 minutes ago, yekker said:

This guy must be getting quite old, no? Like these tricks are crazy.

tony hawk is 8 years older than him. just wikipedia'd. tony hawk born 1968, bob burnquist born 1976. so he's getting up there but seems like his tricks are getting harder, more insane.. like he's entering that rodney mullen zen zone of doing a thing.  46 yrs old. i think if you've been doing a thing like that for your whole life essentially.. at that high level.. i mean.. so long as you don't get too severely injured too many times or get head trauma then i think it's possible to keep doing it. 

those ramps are massive.. doing those grinds up that rail onto that massive ramp is just bonkers. when it started playing i thought it was playing in reverse. 

if you haven't seen the tony hawk doc you should check it out. came out last year i think.. it's recent.. goes thru all he's done.. his life and all the injuries and how he's still doing it at a crazy level and has had a ton of concussions. 

the 30 for 30 "Birth of Big Air" with matt hoffman is one to check out too. he's wrecked himself pretty good. was a phenom at 14. i remember watching him ride when i was riding bikes back then and he was so ahead of everyone and invented so many tricks and all that. legend. but has paid for it. still rides. it's nuts. 

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