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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Everything Trump says and does is largely indefensible ... he's a fuckwit of the highest order propped up by willfully ignorant assholes. The savage mocking he gets in so much media is the US and abroad is well deserved. What an utterly sad state of affairs. The scramble to find some decency or honesty in the guy is bewildering. I don't need the media, liberal celebs, Sam Harris etc to tell me how much of  a snake-oil salesman he is - its plain to see with every shallow utterance from his own mouth/twitter.  He's the anti-Obama in every way. The psychology of the current American psyche/zeitgeist is  crazy.  I can see him getting in again and going further isolationist as China/Russia get stronger


Still its 100% schadenfreude too  - every day I laugh my ass off at the dark humor of it all. Thank fuck for love and music!



Pretty much, yup!

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Has anyone in this thread changed their views on Trump since the beginning?

He’s even worse than I thought he’d be and I wasn’t anywhere close to being as cynical of the Republican Party as I should have been.

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It would be interesting to see what those idiots who thought he'd be better than Clinton think now... the ones who were Bernie supporters. Obviously anyone who was a Republican from the start is a lost cause.

Edited by caze
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Has anyone in this thread changed their views on Trump since the beginning?

Nope, not really. I figured him to be a shitbag from the get-go. So far I have seen no evidence to convince me otherwise.


I just hope the Democrats can muster a new leadership by 2020 - a younger, more assertive, more progressive, less corrupt one.

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He's definitely dumber than I expected.

He's a dumb person who's been told he is smart his entire life. He really has a detached sense of what humanity is, he's had his ass wiped for him his entire life.

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Has anyone in this thread changed their views on Trump since the beginning?

Nope, not really. I figured him to be a shitbag from the get-go. So far I have seen no evidence to convince me otherwise.


I just hope the Democrats can muster a new leadership by 2020 - a younger, more assertive, more progressive, less corrupt one.

Looks like the party leaders might be Pelosi and Sanders and Warren so definitely not younger

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It would be interesting to see what those idiots who thought he'd be better than Clinton think now... the ones who were Bernie supporters. Obviously anyone who was a Republican from the start is a lost cause.


I think the independents / new voters / general Ken Bone voters jumped ship awhile ago. The real question is whether they'll bother to show up to vote for anyone else.

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Has anyone in this thread changed their views on Trump since the beginning?


While he was campaigning, I kept thinking that he just kept saying stupid shit just to get a rise out of everyone and he couldn't be as crazy as he was making himself out to be. He is just a showman and classic 80's wall street sales guy that puts on a tough guy act to try and make a sale. That if he actually became president, it would have an effect on him and he would tone it down and act like a civilized person. I remember on election night when he was giving his victory speech, he seemed somewhat humbled by the whole thing. I can't remember what he said, but it didn't come off as his usual angry nonsense, and it seemed like for a minute that he would take this seriously.


Of course that never happened and the presidency has not changed him for the better. His behavior has gone wildly in the opposite direction and keeps getting worse and worse. If he was CEO of a company that wasn't in the Trump empire and acted like this, he would have been replaced in his first week. He is by far the most immature leader in modern history. I won't say worst because Hitler, Gaddafi, etc., but his behavior is no different than that of a megalomaniacal toddler.

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I feel largely unsurprised in my predictions of how stupid, graceless, incompetent and offensive to the office of President he would be. I take no pride in this at all to be perfectly clear, it's been utterly vomitous watching it unfold.

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I wanted the U.S to understand its soul and maybe that hasn't happened yet despite the wealth of opportunities Trump is creating. 


True, the conflation of Obama, Clinton and the rest of the corporate imperial machine, to Trump is wildly exaggerated. I'd take them any day above this disgusting specimen. He's obviously much much worse while being partially a symptom of their hypocrisy. 

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I wanted the U.S to understand its soul and maybe that hasn't happened yet despite the wealth of opportunities Trump is creating. 


True, the conflation of Obama, Clinton and the rest of the corporate imperial machine, to Trump is wildly exaggerated. I'd take them any day above this disgusting specimen. He's obviously much much worse while being partially a symptom of their hypocrisy. 


I feel largely unsurprised in my predictions of how stupid, graceless, incompetent and offensive to the office of President he would be. I take no pride in this at all to be perfectly clear, it's been utterly vomitous watching it unfold.


This is exactly my position, but the real horror is the realization that roughly half of this country refuses to acknowledge it. edit: Agreeing with the U.S. not yet finding it's soul.

Edited by eczem
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Mueller waited until he got written answers from Trump to drop this "Manafort is a lying sack of shit" court filing so you know Trump and Manafucked have been "getting their stories straight". I think this is one of those chess moves n shit.  

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This is exactly my position, but the real horror is the realization that roughly half of this country refuses to acknowledge it. edit: Agreeing with the U.S. not yet finding it's soul.

Don't be euphemistic, it's worse - they like it

Yeah, i mean that half ranges from full blown salivating support to habitually turning a blind eye.

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Mueller waited until he got written answers from Trump to drop this "Manafort is a lying sack of shit" court filing so you know Trump and Manafucked have been "getting their stories straight". I think this is one of those chess moves n shit.

Yep. My sense of satisfaction at reading this news was pretty fucking yuge.

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