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Mt. Fuji 2017 Cassette


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can't remember anything happening to the guy leaking the fieldday record. what's the deal?

I definitely wouldn't have ripped it if I'd known he'd be selling the digitals later on.

I say don't rip and share the tape. We can wait for it to go on the bleepstore.

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can't remember anything happening to the guy leaking the fieldday record. what's the deal?

I definitely wouldn't have ripped it if I'd known he'd be selling the digitals later on.

I say don't rip and share the tape. We can wait for it to go on the bleepstore.


Aah, there's really no point of feeling guilty. There was plenty of new stuff on the official release so either you bought single tracks which weren't on the 12" or the whole release Richard got somewhat same amount of money. Pirates will pirate no matter what. Plus there wasn't any info about that the recording would end up on Aphex store, which didn't even exist back then. I for one thought that it was a vinyl exclusive and was very grateful for your late night work.


I'm not touching the moral side since apart from Joyrex we all are guilty for downloading the rip. :dadjoke:

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one of em has Richard blowing into a recorder like a shitty 5 year old


no idea what to think of that ...

I'd wager it's his midipipe/remote organ.

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1. If you're going to leak it, don't come in here announcing it and wait for the dick pics to arrive before doing so. Just do it.


2. If you have the tape, but aren't looking for dick pics, listen to it and give us a review.




4. Dick pics.

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1. If you're going to leak it, don't come in here announcing it and wait for the dick pics to arrive before doing so. Just do it.


2. If you have the tape, but aren't looking for dick pics, listen to it and give us a review.




4. Dick pics.

1. im sorry im sorry, yeah it was wrong for me to do it. i should of deleted the original post


2. yes i was going to review it last night but i went to bed. And now im awake and can review it. patience people patience. ok i listened to it. i don't usually review things (let alone first listens) but the tape has many syrobonker tracks. Some of em are pretty lowtempo chill listenable tracks. Some of em are earpiercing and bothersome. There are I think 4 full upbeat songs on it that feels like they came from the syro era. The talking2u mix is the same track off of the store.


There is 1 track that sounds like a produk29 remix/outtake. iz real gud too. Same bpm and very similar drums i think.


There was 1 really good track on there that caught my ear and the other 3 tracks were chilled out but still very good. I brought the tape to work so I will listen again today and probably edit this so far the tape is a 6/10, 5 comes from one of the amazing tracks and the 1 comes from some of the chilled out tracks. so 5+1 = 6 so i give it a 6. once again i only listened to it once and i don't rememebr half the shit on it (like the helsinki set still). I will listen to it a few more times this week and talk about it more on the radio show this saturday. is this how you review stuff?


3. !!!!


4. A meechy catfish doesn't have a dick

Edited by WhitleyStriber
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All this handwringing over this is bizarre as fuck tbh

I'd love to get scans for the discography, and for some ardent fan to take the time to transcribe all the text on it...

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glad to have that settled: 4 proper tracks and a lot of modular experimental stuff.


hopefully richie gives us a burfday present by putting it in his shop next friday. would be luvvly. <3<3 :)

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Hi guys,


I didn't know tapes had a B side until just now. So there might be more than 4 full tracks on it.

lol i love you whit


i'm crying with laughter over here <3



Edited by kattin2
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