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Autechre. NTS Residency. (_O_)


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so, lot's of NTS sessions are like climbing stairs where the view gets better every level up. but it's a commitment to listen to some of them because i always want to make it to the top for the full view.. so i'm finding that i have to prep to get ready to climb or i just skip to a couple of the jams which serve as an elevator or something. 


that's my current hot take. 


what i'd like to hear is a 2 hour DJ mix of a bunch of the tracks. Ae NTS Sessions in the mix with VLR 

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I challenge one of you to make a combo Exai elseq NTS album. GO

I've made a few playlists from these three albums, but they're all a few hours long. I don't think I could whittle it down to 80 minutes--Especially since elyc6 0nset is a must have for me.


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it could be any length, also l-event is fair game too




Looking forward to seeing what others might pick.





Big playlist, which I've also split into 3 parts.





01. irlite (get 0)

02. 13x0 step

03. foldfree casual

04. l3 ctrl

05. gonk steady one

06. mirrage

07. jetavee C

08. Flep

09. violvoic

10. latentcall

11. north spiral

12. elyc6 0nset

13. elyc9 7hres

14. bladelores



15. feed 1

16. T ess xi

17. pendulu hv moda

18. 9 chr0

19. spaces how V

20. debris_funk

21. artov chain

22. recks on

23. frane casual

24. icari

25. fLh

26. freulaeux

27. e0

28. shimripl casual



29. tt1pd

30. spl 9

31. clustro casual

32. nineFly

33. gonk tuf hi

34. glos ceramic

35. 7th slip

36. xflood

37. YJY UX

38. six of eight (midst)

39. mesh cinereaL

40. 1 1 Is

41. four of seven

42. bqbqbq

43. column thirteen

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I challenge one of you to make a combo Exai elseq NTS album. GO

Track 1 : bladelores

Track 2 : all end



Love it.


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I challenge one of you to make a combo Exai elseq NTS album. GO

Track 1 : bladelores

Track 2 : all end







finally wrapped up Session 4


'all end' spanks a lot of what Tim Hecker and WIlliam Basinski have put out

I can definitely see comparisons to each there. I don't know that Ae actually would cite either as influences for it, though I'd be curious to hear if they had even listened to either artist.


I listened to Cichlisuite earlier and was constantly struck by how much it reminded me of stuff that was all over NTS: the arcing percussives/snares/rimshots, the general structure of tracks that sort of grow organically but are still basically riffing on an idea or two, the space implied with the way the synths are dripping with reverb (this is more complex now imo) but in particular just the attitude: they seemed very comfortable and confident with that setup then, pumping out a collection of tracks that were sorta built from the same sounds, melodies, rhythms, etc., likely on the same equipment (they may have said as much at some point iirc) and just knowing that this groove worked and they could twist it up in these ways and it was fucking good shit.TM


Cichlisuite was 21 years ago, btw. And as different as much of NTS is, you could easily pair some of it next to Cichlisuite and draw very distinct lines between them. I've said before I thought we'd all be finding lots of past-Ae DNA in the NTS Sessions for a while to come and this is just my observation from that for today :)

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I'm.... Im drunk...


Sorry. I need to learn to put my phone down when I'm dunking.


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four of seven gets better every time. I already liked it but now I *really* like it. weird

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The wombo combo of sinistrailAB air + wetgelis casual interval from NTS 2 is very much underrated. At a nudge over 5 minutes there is a skittering insectoid assault, until it slurps into a barren ghostly solo of future-stylophone-tech. They are the shortest pieces across all sessions, yet one cannot exist without the other in my mind.

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The wombo combo of sinistrailAB air + wetgelis casual interval from NTS 2 is very much underrated. At a nudge over 5 minutes there is a skittering insectoid assault, until it slurps into a barren ghostly solo of future-stylophone-tech. They are the shortest pieces across all sessions, yet one cannot exist without the other in my mind.

I like that (I’m still claiming masterwork status for NTS2)
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Yeah speaking of those two, it's very easy to see how they're gonna divide each session across 2 CDs *except* for NTS2. Will they have them both at the end of disc 1, both at the beginning of disc 2 or split up?

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haven't said much aboot this since the nts radio sessions but here is my nts haiku review


a trip into space

shrooms made with a computer

yummy cum in skull

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It would make sense to end on violvoic and start Disc 2 on sinistrail, as whilst a glorious transition, they also work well as closer and opener respectively. Both at beginning of disc2 makes sense.


However, their being next to each other might indicate they'll close and open. Starting with wetgelis sets up a mostly chill disc 2, whereas sinistrail has a fair bit in common with some earlier tracks.


sinistrail still happens to be my most played song from the sessions (30 listens).

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sinistrail still happens to be my most played song from the sessions (30 listens).


I want an hour long extended version of the last 12 seconds of sinistrail. Y'all know which 12 seconds I mean  :catbed:

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sinistrail still happens to be my most played song from the sessions (30 listens).

I want an hour long extended version of the last 12 seconds of sinistrail. Y'all know which 12 seconds I mean :catbed:
I do - totally...

I thought the song was going to keep going and dive into more of the same, but it didn't. It faded out, and left me sitting there with this look on my face like... Wtf, where's the continuation of this awesome atmosphere...

Sinistrail is about 15 minutes too short...

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