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Jockstrap - The Wicked City EP


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First time I played it I fucking hated it. Second time I played it I thought it was fucking hilarious. Third time I quite liked it. Fourth time I fucking hated it. Etc.

I can't say this record is high on my list from the secret basement of Warp HQ to decipher. I have other dossiers to digest and codes to encrypt. Like that one with the wax stamp spelling NTS. 

Sorry Jockstrap your going to the bottom of the drawer for the time being, and looking at the size of that NTS dossier you may never see the light of this dusty office ever again!

Now where is my wine !!

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2 hours ago, thumbass said:

Man I am so glad they dropped Clark and signed this instead

Right? I mean, I have my whatevers about Clark's recent output but this is kind of what I meant in that thread.... WARP signing acts like this just makes me sad. I'd gladly take more Death Peakish records over this (even though I wasn't really a fan of that).

They're catering to a different crowd than us OG WARP fans I guess....

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Yes. They haven't really been interested in making "cutting-edge" (or whatever the fuck that means) output for quite some time, perhaps since '93. They have a niche, and they're trying to maximize their existence within that niche, as any evolutionary story of survival would tell you. Their niche is somewhat-off-kilter pop music. Was from the (almost) beginning. It's not about "being intelligent", whatever the fuck that means. It's about signing artists that will be popular in that sphere they can project the right amount of popularity for them to keep doing their thing. They've clearly got some bean-counters that can tell them when they can sign an act and make enough money off that act for the next steps. At least we've still got the stuff we like, though. 

Also, there's no identity. That's also a myth for us corporeally condemned entities. That goes for humans and companies: (Romney voice) corporations are people too, my friend. Are they the same "Warp"? They are just as condemned to impaling themselves on their own idealistic visions as we are. Warped visions and all. Fuck 'em. Let's just hope they have some more good output soon, and let's not reward them with our attention to dumb indie two-piece bands that name their projects after crotch-stuff. How fucking dumb. 

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Only one person in this picture is interested in jockstraps. Jockstrap: The Name Of Our Band. 










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51 minutes ago, thumbass said:

It's more that they are expanding their brand with shit music

None of the music seems shit to me tbh but I guess it's all about different tastes. I like all the newer acts I've heard and I think Yves Tumor and Grizzly Bear have potential.

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Grizzly Bear met their potential a while ago didn't they? They were popular around Veckatimest, and that was their moment.

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41 minutes ago, President Squidward said:

None of the music seems shit to me tbh but I guess it's all about different tastes. I like all the newer acts I've heard and I think Yves Tumor and Grizzly Bear have potential.

Yeah I guess it is. I personally can't listen to tumor, grizzly bear, !!! Etc etc

I don't care if Warp wants to extend their brand but the acts they have been signing as of late haven't been of the highest quality to me. But each to their own of course!

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It's best not to really think about Warp as the label they were 20 years ago, they've morphed into a totally different thing. They're pretty much a US based 'whatever's trendy' label business now. I'm not against what they're doing but it's best to look elsewhere if you're after 'experimental' club music. Glad that Patten's last album got a lot of good press after he was dropped too.

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Those are all "trendy" in a certain sense of the term. They have a sizable enough audience to sustain their business model. I really have no hard feelings about it: let's just be honest with ourselves about it and go easy both on Warp and on our tastes. It's easy to want to be elitist about one's tastes, but I mean, come on. 

Oh, and OPN is definitely "trendy" in some sense. Having produced some very high-profile folks and even doing an SNL set recently: 




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Idk, I don’t really agree.. it’s a blending of underground and mainstream sounds. . the result is quite interesting with most of these artists, it’s created almost a new type of sound.. i wouldn’t even say they are doing it consciously.. blurred lines.. regardless of that, there’s always a track or two on every album that stays true to the original flavors..

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  • 1 month later...

Well I've been listening to a bit of Jockstrap recently on Spotify and I have to say - I like it! Some interesting remixes as well.

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