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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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The Rum Diary 3/10


I'm a big fan of the book, but the film was really flat. Depp was alright but seemed on autopilot, and the film completely lacked the energy of the book. A missed opportunity really.

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the legend of boggy creek - pretty cool little 70s sasquatch faux-doc. tv feel sometimes works to its advantage, sometimes not (lots of awful stock music). even though the nature shots were wonderful, i wish they would decide to build up the tension or choose a consistent mood, because the constant shifts between happy and dark made the movie feel like neither. still, pretty spooky and all around decent made. heard it inspired blair witch project and i can see it. kinda. it's for free on archive.org. fun fact: the director later worked as set decorator on macgyver


demon seed - the set designs are amazing and cinematography is stunning. if you're looking for 70s sci-fi eye candy, that's it. but sadly the story is rather.. underwhelming. a story of computer brain that wants to be human, so he bangs a chick and imprisons her for the time of pregnancy. sinister wall-e kinda thing. i think it kinda fails to transport the terror of the situation because they talk about it way more often than we feel it. and it's not really the acting as it is not written that well i think. her losing it is a bit too abrupt. there was great room for psychological drama that was not used at all. kinda b-movie writing that seems as a flaw given the design. but damn, the way it looks, i don't think the story matters in the end. near the end when it shows series and series of computer generated (i assume) images i think i had an eyegasm. i'm still shaking and all.

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For playing professionally for 30 years, he's still a god awful drummer.



On topic:


Prometheus - My thoughts are in the Prometheus thread. A score, maybe a strong 7/10. Was entertained and could imagine watching it again as it gets a home release.

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Demon Seed does indeed look amazing. That is all.

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vanishing point - beautiful movie with stunning desert shots. loved it.


amazing film.. the original or the remake?






i saw


another earth 9/10 that chick totally blew me away so hot! .. also the ending was very well done!


prometheus -3d - 6/10 (8/10 for 3d) my first ever 3d films.. liked it for that.. not the best film, sure but enjoyable at least, i didnt put too much into it. i just hope the sequals are better


safe house 7/10 - not bad.. liked denzil. run of the mill american action film.


transformers dark of the moon 1/10 - that brittish chick really did my head in... the whole film did. i was ill laying in bed and it was on so why not. i regret it now. totally. totally made ME dark, i started coming up with ways of killing that chick. half way through the film.


kingdom of heaven directors cut - 9/10 wow. epic ridley scott. liked it.

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vanishing point - beautiful movie with stunning desert shots. loved it.


amazing film.. the original or the remake?


original. is remake any good? at all?


anyway, back to wasting my live with motion pictures.


cannibal! the musical - not bad. really liked the complete amateurishness of it.


orgazmo - actually pretty fun too, a campy spoof of 80s b-class movies with a sidekick that's modeled after 60s batman's robin.


not sure why i ended up with two trey parker movies in a row, but i laughed so i guess it was pretty ok in the end.

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So, I went to the movies tonight thinking Prometheus had been released....but it hadn't. Only in the UK, apparently. Wtf is up with that? Since when do we not come first? America comes first. All the time. ME ME ME.


Any how, my girlfriend and I decided to see "Snow White & The Huntsman". I hate Kristen Stewart, and Thor is an oaf...but whatever. The movie, stylistically was amazing. Really great atmosphere, awesome fx. Also, I thought how the story was approached was pretty good, for what it was. It definitely played more to the LOTR style of fantasy film. I think my favorite bits were the first half, and most of the scenes with the Dwarves (really the best acting in the film), and Charlize Theron's bits (even though she has a few facepalm moments...her dialogue sounded a bit Diablo 3 at times[ and by that I mean the Skeleton King in D3. "You will NEVER defeat me!!!"] ). In all honesty, I thought this could have been a very memorable film for the genre. The costumes, sets, and most of the cgi sequences were pretty awesome. But....


Kristen Stewart is just terrible. I got the impression that the director didn't want to give her any lines at all, and the only reason she was cast in this was role due to the success of the Twilight series. In fact, she made Thor look like an proper thespian. She made the same stupid fucking face through out the entire movie. Her reaction to every thing is to breath heavy, and open and close her mouth a few times. Terrible. I think she has aspergers or something, and she constantly looks like she is trying to smell her own farts. And she has the body of a 10 year old boy.

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the movie about the animatronic doll band at Showbiz pizza, very Errol Morris. Brought back so many memories, was a very good psychological study of obsessions and how much memory/sentimentality affects our daily existence 7/10

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into the wild - great grim keroacian story. and since i was expected it to be like 127 hours and all take place in one location (the bus), i was pleasantly surprised by how much was going on.

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Snow White And The Huntsman - acting 5/10 - story 6/10 - fx, camerawork, scenery, overall look and feel 9/10

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So, I went to the movies tonight thinking Prometheus had been released....but it hadn't. Only in the UK, apparently. Wtf is up with that? Since when do we not come first? America comes first. All the time. ME ME ME.


Any how, my girlfriend and I decided to see "Snow White & The Huntsman". I hate Kristen Stewart, and Thor is an oaf...but whatever. The movie, stylistically was amazing. Really great atmosphere, awesome fx. Also, I thought how the story was approached was pretty good, for what it was. It definitely played more to the LOTR style of fantasy film. I think my favorite bits were the first half, and most of the scenes with the Dwarves (really the best acting in the film), and Charlize Theron's bits (even though she has a few facepalm moments...her dialogue sounded a bit Diablo 3 at times[ and by that I mean the Skeleton King in D3. "You will NEVER defeat me!!!"] ). In all honesty, I thought this could have been a very memorable film for the genre. The costumes, sets, and most of the cgi sequences were pretty awesome. But....


Kristen Stewart is just terrible. I got the impression that the director didn't want to give her any lines at all, and the only reason she was cast in this was role due to the success of the Twilight series. In fact, she made Thor look like an proper thespian. She made the same stupid fucking face through out the entire movie. Her reaction to every thing is to breath heavy, and open and close her mouth a few times. Terrible. I think she has aspergers or something, and she constantly looks like she is trying to smell her own farts. And she has the body of a 10 year old boy.



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call of the wild - midly entertaining documentary on the guy from into the wild that's basically some guy rambling about generation x, his own life in general and sean penn making a movie in the same time (he pretty much follows sean penn, acting like it's penn following him and it's unintentionally hilarious - even down to using a eddie vedder song from the temple of the dog lp). so yeah, in the end it's about a guy near his 40s trying to live up to his pretentious mid 20s vagabond dream. there's a hilarious scene with local boozer rednecks remembering fondly the days of hippie nudist camp nearby, where they would go to watch the girls and drink.

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Guest zaphod

xtro - 4/10

the devil's backbone - 8/10 del toro's best

kiss me deadly - 9/10

night of the hunter - 10/10

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Guest zaphod

i dunno, i hated pan's labyrinth. the effects were great but that was it. so yeah, better by a long shot, for me.

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seconded, pan's labyrinth is some noxious mix of hollywood and del torro's sensibilities which doesn't work at all, devil's backbone is where it's at. cronos is pretty good too.

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deranged - if ed gain knew he would end up as a basis for such a boring movie he would stay off the graves. good make up work, though.


lords of dogtown - such a simpleton of a movie. with heath ledger on autopilot and johnny knoxville still trying to break as an actor. i think the target were 13yo boys so i got over feeling insulted and decided it's kinda cute.

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the missouri breaks 8/10

drive 8/10

rampart 7/10

the debt 5/10

carnage 7/10

tower heist 4/10

the girl with the dragon tattoo (fincher) 8/10

mission: impossible - ghost protoco 3/10

j. edgar 6/10

the descendants 6/10

a dangerous method 7/10

martha marcy may marlene 6/10

melancholia 5/10

hugo 4/10

the whistleblower (2010) 8/10

the rum diary 6/10

the avengers (2012) 7/10

ethos 8/10

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