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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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When I make a solid plan and account with my client and my work is finished but then they let every single department to make changes that are completely off the mark and we go back and forth for two months with me trying to convince them it's pointless... not to mention this was 'urgent' two months ago... Basically everyone feels they have to be part of decision making and just spoil everything beyond recognition and I have to struggle to keep the design in check.

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I've diluted lemon juice with water and somehow it smells like sweat.


Was it in a plastic cup or thermos?  Those always end up smelling sweaty after a certain amount of time.  Otherwise, IDKWTTY. 


FWP I've been very busy with a few projects lately, yet when I think of the work I'm doing, it doesn't seem like I should be that busy.  It's like everything that should take an hour in my head is taking 3 in reality.

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FWP #2 - I keep watching/listening to interviews with this comedian, Gallagher, because he's remarkably lacking in self awareness and is also extraordinarily obnoxious.  For some reason this compels me to hear more.  It's sort of like not being able to stop hitting myself in the face.  Still haven't watched his standup though.  He apparently hits a watermelon with a hammer.

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Used to love Gallagher when I was a kid, but that was the 80s...


He was on Marc Maron's podcast for one episode and it gets really bizarre. Sounds like he's gone off his rocker.

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Haha yeah that was one of them.  Although Marc Maron became really weird towards the end of that interview... he handled that one terribly.  I think they were feeding off each other.  Maron's usually pretty good, but he doesn't handle other peoples' crazy well at all.  I think it was actually reasonable for Gallagher to walk out of that interview, which is saying something.

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cunts who complain about this unseasonably warm British summer, some of whom dont seem to understand the concept of using deodorizer or showering more too


its hot for what, a quarter of the year & even then this is a bit above average, i'm in hog heaven


"jesus i wish it would just drop a few degrees"


- "are you kidding? yeah well i'd like to drop you in the fkn face, cunt, fkn enjoy it while it lasts etc etc"


not enough idiots are violated by violence in this cuntry, its the only language they understand, in fact i could run a whole govt dept specifically for that purpose, but then you get called a psychotic fascist by hippies who cant use underarm roll-on


and dont go into specific Bristol pubs for the above reasons, 200 veggies with dreadlocks, all riper than a dog's arsehole, all complaining about the weather


amazon doesnt stock flame throwers either, just checked, they'd purge those unwashed locks

Edited by cwmbrancity
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I'm doing some long distance mix work for a friend, who recorded his drums at a high end studio where he lives.  They charge $80+ an hour.  The drums are recorded just fine, but there are two rings on the snare drum one semitone apart, creating the grossest snare sound imaginable.  I just messaged him with the bad news, but he's probably still sleeping.... I feel bad because he's probably going to want to redo them, and it's going to be costly.  I just hope he didn't record more drums in the meantime, as it took me a while to get around to checking these.  You'd hope that an engineer at a high end studio might suggest giving the snare a tune-up if it sounded like that. 

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Haha yeah that was one of them.  Although Marc Maron became really weird towards the end of that interview... he handled that one terribly.  I think they were feeding off each other.  Maron's usually pretty good, but he doesn't handle other peoples' crazy well at all.  I think it was actually reasonable for Gallagher to walk out of that interview, which is saying something.


I think its very telling I haven't heard of this guy until today. Really can't understand why people consider him a "legendary" comedian

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Haha yeah that was one of them.  Although Marc Maron became really weird towards the end of that interview... he handled that one terribly.  I think they were feeding off each other.  Maron's usually pretty good, but he doesn't handle other peoples' crazy well at all.  I think it was actually reasonable for Gallagher to walk out of that interview, which is saying something.


I think its very telling I haven't heard of this guy until today. Really can't understand why people consider him a "legendary" comedian



He's not a very good comedian, and I don't think all that many people think of him as a legendary one either, his TV show is mediocre at best too. He's quite a good interviewer though, interesting guests and really gets them talking. I haven't heard a WTF pod in years though, so no idea if he's still got the goods.

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I think Danny was referring to Gallagher, not Maron.  I hadn't heard of Gallaher either, except as a reference Bill Hicks used when he got angry at an audience and wanted to to insult their intelligence.  Oh man... if Gallagher actually was an interviewer that would be amazing.  I'd listen.  

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I think Danny was referring to Gallagher, not Maron.  I hadn't heard of Gallaher either, except as a reference Bill Hicks used when he got angry at an audience and wanted to to insult their intelligence.  Oh man... if Gallagher actually was an interviewer that would be amazing.  I'd listen.  


oh, right. I've never even heard of him, must be an american thing.

still though, Maron's standup is shit.

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I think he tries to appeal to all ages.  He seems to pride himself in being able to keep the "State Fair" audience entertained, which to his mind is what makes someone a true comedian.  I still haven't seen his act though.


FWP: need to borrow a guitar amp and get it down to the venue by 8pm, but I can't get ahold of my friend who's *hopefully* helping me get it there.  Shit.

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I'm working overtime at my office and I can't even enough being alone while doing so because my coworker just showed up with her farty geriatric dog.

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Blerp won't let me download my purchases, just gives an error. Besides being annoyed by that, now I'm also worried it's some bigger Amazon problem and our company servers are also acting wonky.

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So i decided to get minced on a silly concoction and this led to me urinating all over my parents as they slept, i was bollock naked in full stream and had to be man handled whilst still urinating. All the way to the bathroom but i was having none of it and decided that the spare bedroom would be a great choice to finish...

so from 3am i ran around the house like a madman pure naked and all of this only came to light when i woke up against the radiator (luckily it wasn't on)...


Anyway i am genuinely that sad that my only worry/problem is what the F**K did i do whilst i was in the pub and between the walk home...

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So i decided to get minced on a silly concoction and this led to me urinating all over my parents as they slept, i was bollock naked in full stream and had to be man handled whilst still urinating. All the way to the bathroom but i was having none of it and decided that the spare bedroom would be a great choice to finish...

so from 3am i ran around the house like a madman pure naked and all of this only came to light when i woke up against the radiator (luckily it wasn't on)...


Anyway i am genuinely that sad that my only worry/problem is what the F**K did i do whilst i was in the pub and between the walk home...



Edited by beerwolf
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I have a buddy who goes off the rails when he's too drunk too. Is there like a booze = batshit gene? When I'm drunk I just get lovey and too touchy (not in a sexual way but in every other way) which is a completely different type of obnoxiousness.

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So i decided to get minced on a silly concoction and this led to me urinating all over my parents as they slept


That's fucking amazing.  What's the atmosphere like in your hows in the days following something like that?  


I remember Fred McGriff posted about being drunk in the middle of the night and deciding to urinate onto his TV.  I never get any more experimental than pissing in the middle of the road when Im drunk.  Nothing too fancy.


FWP: drum edits... the number of edits VS number kicks/snares are almost even...  It's always good to do several takes.

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