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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Have to take a drug test. I'm like the lightest canna user I know but I'm also obese so I'm probably fucked. I don't know when the test is, either.

Hope I don't have to sell my gear. Maybe this will be a good kick in the ass to get a new job, though.

I'm running into grab a delivery order, which takes 2 minutes tops.  The parking lot is full aside from four handicapped spots and a couple small car spots which won't fit my van.  So I park in one of the HC spots with my hazards on, knowing I'm just going to pop in and out.  Which I do.  As I'm getting into my van this dude pulls up next to me, rolls down his window and says "taking a handicapped spot while you pick up your order?  Pretty shitty bro."  Seriously?  There's 3 others available and nowhere else for me to park for my 2 minute pickup.  He goes and parks in one of the regular spots that has just opened up, so he pulled in beside me just to say that.  FFS.  It would be one thing if it were the only HC spot there... or even one that was close to the restaurant - I took the furthest one from it.  Why can't everyone just be reasonable?  Why get in someone's face over something so trivial.

Handicapped spots are largely a bunch of bullshit and that guy was clearly an insecure dipshit looking to earn some white knight points. The only thing you did wrong was not pointing out that he was clearly the asshole in the situation.

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My ancient Nas stopped working, thought fuck it, it's time to set up a raspberry pi Nas instead, did all that shit, I set everything up from my pc via WiFi, but for some reason the samba share isn't showing up on my Kodi box that's connected by LAN, it's working fine on everything else. Spend ages trying to figure it out to no avail.


I give up and try to fix the old NAS instead. Break open an old external HDD (after doing a backup of the stuff I wanted to keep)and place it in the NAS, shit still doesn't boot, after much pulling of the hair I try replacing the power adapter. Ah yes! It is making the boot! I set everything up once again, but for some reason the samba share still isn't showing up on my media streamer connected by LAN. Hours are spent trying to get the samba connection to work, the box is connected to the network and I can SSH into it. After many many hours I give up, and then I notice the ethernet cable in the kodi-box looks a little loose, I give it a slight wiggle and I can finally connect again to my shares again.. Fuck me. And that's how you waste four afternoons folks.

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when Britain gets strange very hot weather b4 May Day's Beltaine revelries, you go to the supermarket & 9/10 cunts in the check out line have trolleys loaded with temp bbq kits, burgers & sausages when rain is forecast overnight & for tomorrow


plus weather envy, when its hotter here than Rome, but only for 56hrs

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A colleague walked out of the cubicle in the changing room after taking a shit, he was naked from the waist down. He was showing off new tattoos on his arsecheeks, a "W" on each cheek. I said what the fuck is that and he said that when he spreads his anus out like goatse it spells out WOW....before giving a demonstration


What if he does a handstand, and is upside down?


It spells mom? =/



Impossible, g-spot. his hands are parting his cheeks to give the illusion of a very crude and indistinguishable ''O'', he'd have to be spinning on his head like the break dancer in La Haine to pull that off, and even then it would be like ''MOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOM''

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I just spent a week messing about with various linux distros, trying to choose one to run on my netbook that only has 30Gb of flash memory because the windows 10 install on it can no longer be updated because there no room for the updates and it wont shut the fuck up trying to remind me to update, i bought a usb stick to put gparted on and im about set to go. I wake up this morning, the cat has knocked my netbook on the floor, its bottom facing me and i see a ssd sized door on it with a single screw. Fuck me.

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...handicapped spots...

Handicapped spots are largely a bunch of bullshit and that guy was clearly an insecure dipshit looking to earn some white knight points. The only thing you did wrong was not pointing out that he was clearly the asshole in the situation.


Thank you.


FWP: this mysterious invisible ad keeps popping up when I'm taking Scrabble turns on facebook where a lady prattles on about how her pet stopped eating.

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A colleague walked out of the cubicle in the changing room after taking a shit, he was naked from the waist down. He was showing off new tattoos on his arsecheeks, a "W" on each cheek. I said what the fuck is that and he said that when he spreads his anus out like goatse it spells out WOW....before giving a demonstration


What if he does a handstand, and is upside down?


It spells mom? =/



Impossible, g-spot. his hands are parting his cheeks to give the illusion of a very crude and indistinguishable ''O'', he'd have to be spinning on his head like the break dancer in La Haine to pull that off, and even then it would be like ''MOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOM''




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i got chucked out my sanctuary (parents) because i started alcohol a year ago and i am hooked... Just imagine doing nothing but blasting tunes out like i owned a night club 24/7 for around 16 years getting minced on whatever... Sleeping on the speaker when RDJ is warping your brain with some fucking mind bending tunes... I now live in a place that is crazy... But i want to go home and turn that fucking volume right to the max...


I am 30 years of age and i know nothing bar what i am missing... HOW DO I GROW UP???

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I found out yesterday that I gained 7 lbs (about 3.17 kilos) since I began working out six days a week on the 11th. Seems ass backwards, but apparently the weight gain is actually attributed to the recycling of muscle tissue, accompanied by the increase in water stores and glycogen production (which fuels the muscles). So I guess it's not fat, but rather more water retention and muscle mass I gained.

I heard the weight is supposed to start dropping after 3 weeks though, provided I keep up the exercise.

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dont even bother looking at your weight, just keep working out and take photos of your body so you can see the difference. you can gain a kilo and a half drinking loads of water, not taking a dump, and eating a big meal with absolutely no change in body mass.

ive only gone from 91kg to 88 in 2 months of regular weight training, but i look so different. 

Edited by messiaen
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Had drive into downtown today for a meeting, which meant instead of going against rush hour I was going with it. Nothing better than stop’n’go traffic first thing in the morning. Fml Ottawa needs good public transit.

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First and foremost, get rid of the Aphex avatar. The rest of your life will fall into place after this.


Done, but no nothing will ever be the same... I have given up.

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First and foremost, get rid of the Aphex avatar. The rest of your life will fall into place after this.


Done, but no nothing will ever be the same... I have given up.



lol I was mostly making a joking reference to a (thus far true) hello spiral theory...but yeah, um, first maybe don't go to an IDM forum for life advice. Whining is fine of course, but you should probably seek real people to help (if you couldn't tell by the music we listen to and make, we're mostly bots). And if those real people aren't telling you to stop drinking immediately then find someone who does tell you that and listen to them. But most importantly, make sure and keep that avatar RDJ free for at least a year before considering it again.

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Scotland & booze are interdependent though


jokes aside, booze can be insidious so go to your GP, be honest & try n get a referral to either your local CMHT for an assessment, or detox if its raging


both will have a local option & if your GP is a cunt contact a local health advocacy service, GP's act v differently when 1 is present & in a good way

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