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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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On 7/7/2021 at 9:43 AM, luke viia said:

arghh! My swfp here is that the bearings in my GPU fan (an aging gtx 1060, barely worth saving if the market wasn't so screwy) are going bad real fast. dunno if it's related, but the trouble started during the pnw heat wave (I absent-mindedly left the PC idling one day while at work). I can't afford a decent new one - my GAS fund is not to be used for such nonsense - nor do I feel like getting ripped off by cryptocumming douchebags, so... DIY. It's a dumb design and I have to pull the entire heat sink off just to remove the shroud, so I've avoided anything beyond cleaning and readjusting the flimsy bastard. I really don't like working with electronics; "light touch" is not my M.O.  hopefully the fans I just ordered are actually the right ones. as it is, the card sounds like it's being operated by crickets with rotohammers. mama mia.

wtf is going on with this post jfc 

and my internet just went out 

faqu technoglogy

I'm still rocking a GTX 770 from 8 years ago. if your DIY job doesn't work out, you could consider a sidegrade as a cheaper option, some places should still be offering 10xx cards.

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decided to try the open core method and force big sur 11.2.3 onto my mac pro 5,1 

this could end horribly.. or simply never end. 

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On 7/6/2021 at 5:43 PM, luke viia said:

arghh! My swfp here is that the bearings in my GPU fan (an aging gtx 1060, barely worth saving if the market wasn't so screwy) are going bad real fast. dunno if it's related, but the trouble started during the pnw heat wave (I absent-mindedly left the PC idling one day while at work). I can't afford a decent new one - my GAS fund is not to be used for such nonsense - nor do I feel like getting ripped off by cryptocumming douchebags, so... DIY. It's a dumb design and I have to pull the entire heat sink off just to remove the shroud, so I've avoided anything beyond cleaning and readjusting the flimsy bastard. I really don't like working with electronics; "light touch" is not my M.O.  hopefully the fans I just ordered are actually the right ones. as it is, the card sounds like it's being operated by crickets with rotohammers. mama mia.

wtf is going on with this post jfc 

and my internet just went out 

faqu technoglogy

I’d be willing to part with my 1080ti FE if it helps you somehow

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Two large cups of pop from Burger King fell over in my skip bag, drenching the food as well as the seat underneath the bag.  First time in over 3000 deliveries that that's happened.  Was told by the chat team to just leave the scene and mark the delivery as done.  Guess they don't want to risk any violent altercations with customers vs drivers.  I saw the dude though and explained to him what happened, and that they were prob going to send him another.  He was so bummed out, but didn't take it out on me at all.  Just looked sad.  I did end up eating his fries, which were still alright.

PS this is from 3 days ago.  I am a fraud.

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10 hours ago, ignatius said:

decided to try the open core method and force big sur 11.2.3 onto my mac pro 5,1 

this could end horribly.. or simply never end. 

why did i do this? because i'm an idiot. computer now stuck in a reboot loop. can't start up from time machine for bootable thumb drive for reinstall of mojave because whatever i did w/open core has made my graphics card appear as 'non-metal compatible'. going to have to try and put an old ass OS on it and go from there. FML. what an idiot i am. 

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Bought a brand new coffee percolator but am too dumb to use it properly. Idk if having an electric stove negatively impacts it or not. Apparently it's supposed to perc for 7 to 10 minutes once it reaches boiling point, but I don't wanna burn the shit either. I think I poured my first batch prematurely.

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Yeah, I think it takes some trail and error to get it right. Used one for a couple of years on a gas stove and it always took some attention to get consistent results. Worth it though. 


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9 hours ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

Can't find a Hackers stream anywhere.  Unbelievable.

i feel like it's gotten quite a bit harder to torrent films/shows in the last few years, which is the opposite of what i would have expected/hoped for. Music's still pretty easy to come by though


speaking hypothetically of course


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So, I stopped using or updating Pro Tools around 2013 because it's a garbage program that I only used because I was doing freelance audio book editing at the time and the recordings were always delivered as Pro Tools sessions.  When the company I was freelancing for was bought out and shut down their local studio I never opened it again.  


There's a decent chance, though, that I'll be starting to do some audiobook work again this summer, so I figured I should get PT10 installed on the new laptop and practice a bit so I'll be able to work fast if I have to use it again.


And, surprise surprise, the PT-10 installer literally bricked my laptop, after the required reboot it couldn't get past BIOS. More specifically, it was the ilok driver, because I did manage to do a system restore eventually and rolled it back to this morning, before the ilok driver was installed.  Working fine again.


Anyhow, I've never seen a piece of non-malware do that (20 years ago something I downloaded erased my boot sector and it took me about 3 hours to figure out how to rebuild it since the DOS command isn't officially documented and I didn't have internet access at home).  

So Pro Tools 10 is just like I remembered it. 


Hopefully if I do get this work it'll be OK to render the raw recordings to a stem and do the actual editing and mastering in Reaper, where I have a better workflow, better performance, better stability, and plugins that actually sound good.


EDIT: also, even though I have the ilok drivers installed (doing it manually instead of from the PT10 installer works fine) and Pro Tools itself is loading, none of the bundled plugins recognize it - but that has been a problem since about 6 months after I first bought it, I'd just forgotten.  They worked fine out of the box, and then one day they just didn't and since then they've never worked on any computer or OS I've tried, I guess an ilok driver update must have broken compatibility and Avid didn't care to fix it because at that point they'd dropped AAX support anyway and fuck people using older versions of their software, right?

Edited by TubularCorporation
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SFWP: I needed a breakfast yesterday when it was Sunday and I was in a cheapo hotel that didn't even have any kind of cafe or restaurant. So being Sunday most places were closed early in the morning and the few that were open were packed full with potential covid super spreaders so I went to the almost empty hypermarket cafeteria and got a croissant and it had fucking mayo as a filling. Wtf? Is this common? By the way, I also hate mayo inside a sandwich so much and those are fucking everywhere.

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That sounds ghastly.  The mayo, I mean.  Load sounds par for the course.

I think i have a suite viewing tomorrow?  The date was set a few days ago, but my follow up messages were ignored (regarding whether we should meet in front, or if I should buzz a number, or...).  Really hoping it still happens, and that I get it, as the location is perfect... and one of my matches outlined in graphic detail the kinds of scenarios she'd like to play out in there with me (we'd be minutes walking distance from each other, and her work).  So I really want to make that dream a reality.  Living in a tiny cabin far outside the city does have its drawbacks.

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They scheduled someone else for the 11am slot I agreed to on Fri, and didn't mention that until this morning.  WTF - dicks!  Luckily they were able to offer up 12:15, but I bet someone who views it before me will accept it on the spot.  Two other places I contacted responded with bizarre rambly word salad about leaving for ____ because of some church thing and needing a tenant asap as a result, so just write down all your info here and it's yours.  Telling that half the ads that seem like reasonable offers in my area are scams.

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fuckin cringe post right here!

been getting daily (week days) radiation treatments for a few weeks. 9 left to go. there's a nurse there i chat w/every time and we have a good rapport and good chats. lot's of questions and answers. beyond the necessary medical stuff.. this is normal i think and chats happen in these medical offices.. it's just what happens when you're hanging out before/after appointment and are there frequently.  i can't figure out if we're flirting though. typically i don't flirt w/people when they're working because it just seems creepy and someone shouldn't have to be hit on when they're trapped at work.. still.. i want to flirt.. maybe will just ride out the chats and make room for flirts as a possibility. 

so rusty at it all and my social skills are like a 3 out of possible 10 after cancer stuff over the last few years and now pandemic. maybe i'll just awkward myself to death. reminds me of that meme.. 


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1 hour ago, ignatius said:

so rusty at it all and my social skills are like a 3 out of possible 10 after cancer stuff over the last few years and now pandemic. maybe i'll just awkward myself to death. reminds me of that meme.. 

based on your temperament and interactions on here, I would say you probably don't come off as an awkward creepy person IRL. at least that's my take. I would also take a guess that the nurse doesn't necessarily view y'alls interactions as flirting, since if she's the least bit attractive, then other single dudes are probably doing & thinking the same as you. it would be in fact super awkward if you did try and make some sort of advance that she politely declines because she's actually married or something, and you still have to go there for several more appointments. so yeah, wait until the last one before dropping to your knees and asking her to bang you.

but tf do I know...I've been married 10+ years and have lost any such "game" I once had. I've also lost the ability to act normal in social settings, since I have a wife I can hide behind. I can sit there, not talk, drink beer, and stare into space while she gabs on with others. the pinnacle of human achievement right there, I suppose.

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so yeah, wait until the last one before dropping to your knees and asking her to bang you.

actual lol

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There's nothing wrong with light flirting. People do it all the time almost without noticing. So go for it, just don't ram your tongue down her throat. :ok:

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7 hours ago, rhmilo said:

Nurses are like bar people. The answer is no.

yeah i mean.. i know.. and as said generally not gonna flirt w/anyone who's at work because they're trapped and shouldn't have to deal w/that shit on the job. but still enjoying the idea that we're flirting a little and time will tell. 9 appointments left to enjoy the atmosphere. 

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