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After the Hardline beta I decided to try some BF4 multiplayer. I bought the game when I got the XBone, but never bothered with it. So I played a couple of matches and I fucking wrecked the place. Being a Rank 4 n00b destroying people who have been playing for little over a year felt great.

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Being a Rank 4 n00b destroying people who have been playing for little over a year felt great.


Frankly, that sounds like a flaw in game design.


Never played it, though.

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*pays Tyrone to send congratulatory message to Squee on his 420 noscope pro domination*


We really need to get him to do a WATMM script reading.


Being a Rank 4 n00b destroying people who have been playing for little over a year felt great.


Frankly, that sounds like a flaw in game design.


Never played it, though.



I played Bad Company 2 back when it was hot, so I think some of my experience from that game carried over to BF4.

Or maybe I was just being lucky.

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some nut job has ported Street Fighter II to the Virtual Boy, yeah Virtual Boy!



Wait, was the Virtual Boy really that powerful or is this just shenanigans ?! The framerate and number of sprites doing their thing seems crazily impressive.
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Anybody played Evolve yet? I've heard despite all the debate over how they handled DLC that it's actually a pretty damn good game and the 4v1 is actually more dynamic than initially appears... I don't really have any shooters for my ps4 right now and I've got 3 games I haven't been playing at all lately and probably won't again that I could trade in and pretty much cover the cost. I'm really thinking about going to pick it up from Gamespot tomorrow.

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Missed the "20 bucks OFF" and was like, are they laundering money or what

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Playing Grow Home, a cute little 3d platformer where you have to grow a huge plant up into the sky, climbing up mounts and floating boulders as you go.




Finding some weird bird




Touching the weird bird.






Pretty beautiful (if blocky) stuff






Deaded. Job well done. :nacmat:



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Anybody played Evolve yet? I've heard despite all the debate over how they handled DLC that it's actually a pretty damn good game and the 4v1 is actually more dynamic than initially appears...


Don't get it until they patch the Wraith (one of the monsters), it's too damn OP and ruins what could have been a great game.


Ok I'm exaggerating a bit, if everybody works together it's GREAT fun, a lot like Natural Selection meets L4D.

Edited by chim
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Had to send my 3DS back for repair already, dead pixels on top screen. Found a reddit thread, and apparently the manufacturing errors are widespread, even for Nintendo. Unless you're after a limited edition, I'd recommend waiting for the 2nd wave of product to hit stores.

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Just begun Gunpoint, a stealth puzzle game which allow you to re-trigger levels (you can rewire the objects of the map between them to achieve your purposes). Original game mechanics + funny story telling = win !


EDIT : oh and by the way I saw videos of an upcoming DLC for the original Binding of Isaac, looks like they want the game to be harder, again :gamer:

Edited by StocKo
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EDIT : oh and by the way I saw videos of an upcoming DLC for the original Binding of Isaac, looks like they want the game to be harder, again :gamer:





EDIT: wait, the original? Not the Rebirth? That's a bit weird... I thought Rebirth was the way he always wanted it, and that using Flash was very limiting... Feels weird going back to that



Edit Edit: Ah, its DLC for the new and old game, the latter being free, I approve ==> http://bindingofisaac.com/post/110884940374/afterbirth

Edited by triachus
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im actually stoked as fuck. 100 new items.


He's also currently asking reddit which synergies they want the most, he said its a bitch to code them all in because there is literally too many combinations, but some wacky monstros lung combos will be awesome.

Edited by messiaen
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Anybody played Evolve yet? I've heard despite all the debate over how they handled DLC that it's actually a pretty damn good game and the 4v1 is actually more dynamic than initially appears...


Don't get it until they patch the Wraith (one of the monsters), it's too damn OP and ruins what could have been a great game.


Ok I'm exaggerating a bit, if everybody works together it's GREAT fun, a lot like Natural Selection meets L4D.



Yeah I ended up picking it up and playing a lot this weekend, and overall it's a pretty good game and definitely addicting... I'm pretty damn awful at playing the monster so I spend like 90% of the time as a Hunter. Wraith definitely needs a slight nerf I agree, I've managed to take a few down but they really are just a pain in the ass. I think nerfing the decoy would be a big help, either make it so the decoys can't do damage to the hunter, and/or significantly increase the cooldown so it can't just be spammed by the monster...


Against any case the important part seems to be that hunters know their roles and follow them... A team of hunters doing their jobs can stand up against most stage 3's even.

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Man, the more I talk about video games the less interesting of a person I feel like. Well screw it, I'll do it anyway.

Back into Borderlands 2, level 39 Siren on the True Vault Hunter playthrough. Still think BL2 is better than The Pre-Sequel was.

I'm probably gonna get back into Fallout 3 with mods next, but that might be another month away. I'm itching to see how it works on the Lenovo laptop - four months later it's still kicking ass.

Wasteland 2 tho...that's one I've barely scratched. I've played the 1988 original game too, but kept getting my posse wiped out by either mutant critters or ruffians in a club. The second one was described by one critic as "what Fallout 3 would have been, had it not taken the FPS route." Pretty accurate description.

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guys, i want to play some new games, but i dont have the time to immerse myself for hours. i want a really good casual system for things like platformers & shooters. who shall i go with? xbox/ps/wii?



least money outlay as well, im trying to sort out my studio, just needing some relaxing time inbetween shiz.



im thinking a second-hand wii? i havent played any of the wii marios or other games yet

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guys, i want to play some new games, but i dont have the time to immerse myself for hours. i want a really good casual system for things like platformers & shooters. who shall i go with? xbox/ps/wii?



least money outlay as well, im trying to sort out my studio, just needing some relaxing time inbetween shiz.



im thinking a second-hand wii? i havent played any of the wii marios or other games yet

wii u and mariokart 8

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Grow Home is so cool, but it actuallly triggers my vertigo like fuck. ive only grown my plant a few times, but looking down, or stumbling at that height makes me queasy as fuck.

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guys, i want to play some new games, but i dont have the time to immerse myself for hours. i want a really good casual system for things like platformers & shooters. who shall i go with? xbox/ps/wii?



least money outlay as well, im trying to sort out my studio, just needing some relaxing time inbetween shiz.



im thinking a second-hand wii? i havent played any of the wii marios or other games yet

wii u and mariokart 8



my new gf won some tournaments years ago in battlefield, so shes pretty good at computer games. and i havent played a mariokart since the '64. that could be really fun.



i expect it will get heated. she hates losing

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Just begun Gunpoint, a stealth puzzle game which allow you to re-trigger levels (you can rewire the objects of the map between them to achieve your purposes). Original game mechanics + funny story telling = win !


EDIT : oh and by the way I saw videos of an upcoming DLC for the original Binding of Isaac, looks like they want the game to be harder, again :gamer:


Come at me, bro.


I'm still having trouble getting Meat Boy though. I've gotten three cubes using the Book of Revelations and then can't get the fourth because Mr. Fred spawns in Utero. SO FRUSTRATING :catnope:

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