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Oh good, a colleague mentioned it (The WItness) the other day - so I'll take the chance and pick it up. :)

Well worth it - the mystery of the game is intriguing; I hope the payoff is worth it.

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Guest bitroast

bought the witness. and ... holy shit am i still addicted to dark souls. great game. currently building my character up a bit because the garden guardian boss keeps kicking my butt and not let me access the rest of the dlc. but still great game. can't wait to dive into the witness a bit more properly :)

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bought the witness. and ... holy shit am i still addicted to dark souls. great game. currently building my character up a bit because the garden guardian boss keeps kicking my butt and not let me access the rest of the dlc. but still great game. can't wait to dive into the witness a bit more properly :)


Easily the boss that requires the most patience. You'll likely only ever get one or two hits in at a time. Just roll like a madman during his melee attack chains or lightning shit. I seem to recall the best time to get a hit in is after he does a diving attack, but it's been a while. His recovery from animations is very quick so you'll be chasing after a hit for a long time. Don't even bother going for cutting off the tail without 1/2 other people to help. Oh and after you beat him, do visit the arena later on in the game!

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Found a pretty cool NES-inspired bluetooth controller for your retro gaming needs - works on iOS/Android, PC and Mac:






The BoingBoing Store (where I got wind of it) has it cheaper right now as well:




God damn it Joyrex stop making me spend money


gotta get those click throughs somehow. anyways you actually laid hands on this thing yet? i'm always pretty skeptical of these noname brand neo retro controllers



I just received mine and it's pretty sweet!

After finally getting it to work (instructions are vague) you can use it as a normal controller or as a keyboard, so I can play with my Scrap Mechanic vehicles with a controller now. :w00t:

Looking forward to playing about with it more, especially with some other keyboard only games like Project Zomboid.

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The great part about DOOM is its modding community is still active today, even more than 22 years after its original release. Also worth mentioning, John Romero released a DOOM map just last month for e1m8. Thousands of shooters out there today and it's still among the top ten.

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Is it just me or does it look worse (graphic-wise) than it did last year? And I was kinda hoping it would be more extreme and have more enemies on screen at a time

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shit, Twilight Princess HD is confirmed not to support Wii Remotes, you can use Gamepad or Pro Controllers only. Fishing with a Wiimote was one of the best time sinks in that game. However, Hero Mode plus a Ganon Amiibo ramps up the difficulty x4 for the hardcore enthusiasts and speed runners. IGN says it looks much better than the trailers would have you believe.

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Guest bitroast

happy to hear!! always found the motion controls felt tacked on... altho know plenty people who enjoyed the motion controls ..

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Guest bitroast

new doom looks like its a mere stonesthrow away from something im really excited to play.

the interrupting the gameplay/rhythm things like constant melee attack animations and picking up soldier heads for door scans etc look more along the lines of ' annoying bullshit clutter ' than fun gameplay elements and this is just judging from short 1 minute curated trailer : S

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glad they're not required but seems odd to take them out for the few weirdos like rubin who want them

It was already coded into the game, and the Wii version sold many times the GC version, so a lot of people grew up with that one...oh what the hell, why do I bother



on a lighter note Mother 3 will probly get released in English on the eShop, yeah for Wii U likely



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think i'm going to start super metroid for the first time, very soon. bought it for the wii u.

You're in for a treat, Yek. My favorite game in the Metroid series, not to mention one of the best platformers of all time. The music is awesome, too.

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think i'm going to start super metroid for the first time, very soon. bought it for the wii u.

You're in for a treat, Yek. My favorite game in the Metroid series, not to mention one of the best platformers of all time. The music is awesome, too.



awesome. i've been watching a youtuber play it lately, looks dope

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