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Zelda Breath of the Wild is already getting a $20 season pass with two updates, Summer 2017 and then Winter. First one seems mostly cosmetic, while update 2 will feature a new story. Not sure about this...



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Zelda Breath of the Wild is already getting a $20 season pass with two updates, Summer 2017 and then Winter. First one seems mostly cosmetic, while update 2 will feature a new story. Not sure about this...



First one is purely fucking cosmetic beyond the "Cave of Trials", which if it's anything like the Twilight Princess DLC they had for the Wii U remake it won't have taken them much effort to put into the game. It's just so they can say they put out something - the second DLC is what you're really paying 20.00 USD for. Pisses me off too that you cannot "buy them separately", which would probably warrant a much lower price for each.


I guess we should be happy at least they are trying to modernize...

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like the worst possible incarnation of modernization so... yeah... no. not happy about it ;p


cancelled my switch order. going to cancel zelda preorder. too much stuff to play anyways. stuff i'd rather spend money on too

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Zelda Breath of the Wild is already getting a $20 season pass with two updates, Summer 2017 and then Winter. First one seems mostly cosmetic, while update 2 will feature a new story. Not sure about this...



First one is purely fucking cosmetic beyond the "Cave of Trials", which if it's anything like the Twilight Princess DLC they had for the Wii U remake it won't have taken them much effort to put into the game. It's just so they can say they put out something - the second DLC is what you're really paying 20.00 USD for. Pisses me off too that you cannot "buy them separately", which would probably warrant a much lower price for each.


I guess we should be happy at least they are trying to modernize...

I was thinking one of the new bad guy Amiibo would unlock hard mode anyway, 16 days til this game and system release and we have no idea wtf these new figures will do, what the eShop and Virtual Console will be like, what will be available on day 1, will there be a massive firmware update (probly yeah). C'mon, they should have learned more from the Wii U launch.


Btw - Tomorrow Corporation confirmed their games can be played with touchscreen or pointer controls, suggesting other games can follow the same.

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like the worst possible incarnation of modernization so... yeah... no. not happy about it ;p


Yeah, this, exactly this. I was really happy about Nintendo not following this shitty marketing path with their biggest games but a Zelda having DLCs is somehow heartbreaking.

Like, you just want to buy a game the old fashioned way, as you did when you first played a Zelda game but no, fuck you and your inner child and put some money on the table. Very sad.



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There's nothing wrong with DLC. Nintendo are just handling it badly. For once.

I was hoping for a 2nd quest like the old school Zeldas, just maybe not before the game is even released. I will probly play this game for years anyway, so the more story the better. a Switch shirt on Link seems ludicrous, who will see it? It's single player.


yeah the DLC announcement went down well, lol



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Guest bitroast

it really does seem like something that should be patched in for free .. as incentive to get you to buy the new gaming console they haven't yet released. 

like, hitman 2016. is a game where you can buy it and know the devs got your back in giving you new content (new levels cost money but new challenges are released every 2 weeks on existing maps for free). or overwatch, knowing you'll be getting new maps and characters for free, which'll pull you back in and wanting to play. cheers. if you knew you could buy the switch + zelda, and have a game where few months down the track they're gonna put out a free patch with new challenges and difficulties and shit like that, it's like fucking sure i'll buy that why not. 


but instead it just sounds like ' spend money on this new console so you can buy deluxe editions of games you played on the wii u but now we're going to rip you off even more with paid additional content that probably should be included for free ' ... : ^ |

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I think it's really a matter of Nintendo just not really being agile developers when it comes to more modern game-making techniques. They've recently claimed they have "mastered" Unreal Engine 4 (LOL), and feel like they can hold their own with Western devs, and it's a good thing they are finally using industry-standard tools, engines, and frameworks to make their games versus writing the software to make the games themselves (as they have done for a long, long time).


However, I just don't see Nintendo having the programming chops (they typically outsource netcode to Namco Bandai like they did for Smash and Pokken) to do modern game features and techniques.


It was recently revealed that Iwata (RIP) was the technology lead behind the Switch development, so I think (and I know this sounds bad) that now he's gone, Nintendo will either give up on hardware altogether if Switch fails to be a hit sales-wise, or at least have someone with a different vision of what works (a high-spec console that is in parity with the existing consoles so third-parties will flock to it, and still make Nintendo games that will draw in the fans).

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I heard some game sites bitching on YouTube about a good point: the people that spent $130 on the Zelda Master Edition still have to pony up another $20. That's bullshit, they should email out codes with a proof of purchase or something.

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Just gonna buy the whole thing for about 20 quid when it ends up in a clearance bin ...

Despite the Wii U being a failure, most games have retained their value. Even old GameCube games still command impressive prices.

i may get zelda when the switch fails and this ends up on steam for $2.99 (50% off)

I think Nintendo games on PC would be the last thing that would happen - other consoles first I would think, but then again, perhaps PC is a neutral enough platform like mobile is that Nintendo would consider it... the lack of DRM would prevent this from happening most of all though.

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just finished watching a complete playthrough of The Last of Us, which I've never had a chance to play. and then I watched the trailer for the new one. I guess I might be getting a PS4 soon.

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I am playing gta v and it's pretty fun but I am so so bad at video games lol

I actually don't understand it- I'm probably younger than 95% of you (im 24) and yet I am so poor at video games save sim city and myst. And it's not for lack of trying or interest either. And my hand eye coordination is fine, I think I just get scared of all the shooting

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it seems to me that every gta gets progressively less fun. characters less likable. i played v for like 2 hours and haven't put it back in.

also, re: your ability to play gta. it's probably not you. the controls are ass

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