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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

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Bjork singing over every track, but made into incredibly harsh beats as to render her unrecognizable. And then her singing in whispers over that. And a couple tracks with J Mascis.

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Guest disoriental express

1 second songs. they must wear party hats and be havin pizza parties while recording, i can tell the difference.

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I can very much relate to the vibe they're going for on Duntrfls, because i am like the AE boys done with true feels. It's a cold distant and somewhat emotionless album, sounds like it was made by machines or something but it still has that lushness we've all come to love about Autechre. It's just a really personal and sad album in many respects. There is even a really weird take on an NIN song from Broken on it, i won't spoil the surprise though. Shit's deep.

edit: this album is culmination of everything AE, the linear notes go into detail about their falling out with Coil, why 'Intercourse' never came out (it's a really intense story that frankly is hard to believe). Even a really vicious take down of Tom Jenkinson and Aphex on here, they also seem to reveal Steinvord's secret identity... you'll be really shocked to find out who it is. Or rather who HALF of the rephlex roster actually is.

edit2: weirdest thing i didn't expect was a fold out panel of AE in the studio with kit list, and of course they list max/msp. They also seem to be rocking the sid-box a lot on this album loaded with 8 chips. I loled when at the very bottom of the kit list they have a hand written scrawl saying 'FUCK NATIVE INSTRUMENTS', i guess it's safe to say they don't use Reaktor.

Edited by Awepittance
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Did you see that part when you lift the back part of the plastic off the case, there's a pack of Reason patches in there with wires and stuff?


Unbelievably next level. And those AIDS t-shirts they were wearing? Who would have thought of THAT?!? I mean c'mon. Pure. Genius. Best album ever.

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