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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

Guest pixelives

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holy shit, just found this (because duh I am pitchfork hipster reviewer, obv am googling myself). I guess I'm flattered that the Untilted review still garners attention. Have to say, not the best thing I ever did, and it's painfully obvious to me now that i was way more interested in that book than in reviewing a record. Hopefully not all of it is useless? I haven't actually heard the record in a while, and fwiw probably wouldn't approach writing any review in that style again (if I still wrote reviews). Still, I'm not actually a hipster, so please adjust the flavor of your hatred for me.


but what I really came here to say was Cy Ableman???? haha



Dude, hats off for your honest response and having the cojones to post in the middle of this Ae topic war zone ! Nice work man :)
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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="gl0tch" data-cid="1937499" data-time="1359044953"><p>

Fuck you Bleep and your latest emails that don't have updates on digital releases and/or push of Exai. Shit.</p></blockquote>

this happens almost daily now. gets me excited every single time. fuck bleep.

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Guest RandySicko

I am pretty ashamed to admit this, but for almost 7 years I thought the name of the album was called untitled. World thoroughly rocked as of 5 minutes ago


edit: found out by searching 'autechre untitled' on pitchfork thanks to this thread

Edited by RandySicko
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Hello again Randy, good to see you back. Was looking through the Bull Wallet Versions yesterday and your covers are fucking hilarious

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Guest RandySicko
Hello again Randy, good to see you back. Was looking through the Bull Wallet Versions yesterday and your covers are fucking hilarious



Thanks =) Yeah I couldn't keep away for as long as I thought ..I completely understand the Mad-Dogs And Englishmen clause now. Nice to be back and going to try and keep my posts much less volatile in nature.


Congrats on your promotion too.

Edited by RandySicko
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Nah pretty much the entirety of the review is worthless. I read that before I even joined WATMM and found it perplexing and silly.


All the same, welcome to WATMM. I can't be held responsible for hostilities :)

Also read the rules.


i wrote this last night but it was late and my internet died so I didn't post it, but


is Argo available at 720p yet?


I like that Pitchfork Untilted review, It sums up the contradictory nature of the album, it's both serious and absurd. It's (almost hysterically) funny how unpenetrable to listen to it is the first few times, and the review reflects that hysteria. Sean himself in a pitchfork interview actually talks about how some of it can sound funny. I much prefer the review style to the more pompous ones on Pitchfork, it does read to me like the writer is an Autechre fan and isn't pretending to be or doing that embarrassing thing of giving importance to an album, which Pitchfork does an awful lot, like in the Kid A review, which is not a subtle example.


It's actually the least self-important review of an album on Pitchfork I've read I think, because it avoids describing electronic music scenes or giving an overall objective view of the album. It's more of a personal one that's pretty spot on, like;

'My point is, I am still moved by this music. Not just the form, not just the hidden beats and seemingly chaotic shifts in meter.'


Most reviews adopt a sneering authoritative tone, the Pitchfork Squarepusher review of Go Plastic suggests Tom hasn't bothered to learn his software properly, or the drukqs review basically ignores the quality of Richard's piano tracks because they're not innovative enough for him and too similar to Erik Satie and Phillip Glass. And this is refreshingly free from that kind of thing.



'The point is, despite their abstraction over the last few years, Autechre aren't an altogether different beast than when they started. In fact, they're smarter, more refined.'


Very true, refined is how I'd describe the album. The description of how alien the tracks sound at the beginning (using Pro Radii as an example) before they mutate into something more palatable is true as well.


The review addresses the music fan who perhaps only liked Tri Repetae, Untilted is the exact point in Autechre's 'career' where they could be left behind and ignored altogether by a portion of music fans. I know that when Quarstice came out the impression I got was that people would say; 'who cares, what's the point of them anymore?'



'I'm saying that interest is found where you are sufficiently motivated to look. "Fermium" would fit perfectly in the Berlin mix you made for your nephew. A little busier, perhaps, but....'
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Guest Aserinsky
holy shit, just found this (because duh I am pitchfork hipster reviewer, obv am googling myself). I guess I'm flattered that the Untilted review still garners attention. Have to say, not the best thing I ever did, and it's painfully obvious to me now that i was way more interested in that book than in reviewing a record. Hopefully not all of it is useless? I haven't actually heard the record in a while, and fwiw probably wouldn't approach writing any review in that style again (if I still wrote reviews). Still, I'm not actually a hipster, so please adjust the flavor of your hatred for me.


but what I really came here to say was Cy Ableman???? haha




Jesus, I'm amazed my parody review actually lead to this!


Anyways man respect for giving a decent response, glad you were able to see the funny side of it and were honest with your views on the review. Don't take the hate personally, we're just jaded nerds with nothing better to do than posting stupid shit on a music forum whilst desperately waiting for a record from an obscure electronic duo. Nothing satisfies us, most people here will even whinge endlessly about the record when it's released :derp:

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holy shit, just found this (because duh I am pitchfork hipster reviewer, obv am googling myself). I guess I'm flattered that the Untilted review still garners attention. Have to say, not the best thing I ever did, and it's painfully obvious to me now that i was way more interested in that book than in reviewing a record. Hopefully not all of it is useless? I haven't actually heard the record in a while, and fwiw probably wouldn't approach writing any review in that style again (if I still wrote reviews). Still, I'm not actually a hipster, so please adjust the flavor of your hatred for me.


but what I really came here to say was Cy Ableman???? haha




Jesus, I'm amazed my parody review actually lead to this!


Anyways man respect for giving a decent response, glad you were able to see the funny side of it and were honest with your views on the review. Don't take the hate personally, we're just jaded nerds with nothing better to do than posting stupid shit on a music forum whilst desperately waiting for a record from an obscure electronic duo. Nothing satisfies us, most people here will even whinge endlessly about the record when it's released :derp:


lol, yes.


Also, I'm pretty sure many of us who have dipped into GEB have become completely obnoxious about it, although typically with the luxury of not having many people pay attention to us. What is a cringe if not an act of empathy?


Well, I mean, we're mostly a bunch of sociopaths, but there's some empathy. Probably.



Edited by baph
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holy shit, just found this (because duh I am pitchfork hipster reviewer, obv am googling myself). I guess I'm flattered that the Untilted review still garners attention. Have to say, not the best thing I ever did, and it's painfully obvious to me now that i was way more interested in that book than in reviewing a record. Hopefully not all of it is useless? I haven't actually heard the record in a while, and fwiw probably wouldn't approach writing any review in that style again (if I still wrote reviews). Still, I'm not actually a hipster, so please adjust the flavor of your hatred for me.


but what I really came here to say was Cy Ableman???? haha



i mean i give props to awepittance for calling this like three years ago wow google alerts and all

Edited by dr lopez
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I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was
rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig
to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in
waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, The olny iprmoatnt tihng is
taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be
a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is
bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but
the wrod as a wlohe.

So, i understand if you read it wrongly.


I am pretty ashamed to admit this, but for almost 7 years I thought the name of the album was called untitled.
Edited by xox
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holy shit, just found this (because duh I am pitchfork hipster reviewer, obv am googling myself). I guess I'm flattered that the Untilted review still garners attention. Have to say, not the best thing I ever did, and it's painfully obvious to me now that i was way more interested in that book than in reviewing a record. Hopefully not all of it is useless? I haven't actually heard the record in a while, and fwiw probably wouldn't approach writing any review in that style again (if I still wrote reviews). Still, I'm not actually a hipster, so please adjust the flavor of your hatred for me.


but what I really came here to say was Cy Ableman???? haha




Still, it's such a hipster thing to post here...


I'd love to further review your post on a deeper level, but I'm more interested in playing with my 60's vinyl collection.

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things this thread has achieved:



- photoshops appearing as first results when google image searching for 'autechre exai'


- make a pitchfork reviewer come down and join the party


- slightly annoyed warp/tdr/autechre [citation needed]


- ???? (future achievement)

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