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Skyfall 3/10


What a overhyped piece of crap.


no way bra, that shit is super fresh on rotten tomatoes, there is no such thing as herd mentality, that many critics just can't be wrong i can feel it. Metacritic is off the charts too bra



It was a shitty Bond movie. Aside from the last Bond movie, which was a shitty, shitty Bond movie, every Bond movie is reviewed as the "BEST BOND EBER." Remember when they said that about the one with Denise Fucking Richards?


As far as shitty bond movies go, Skyfall was basically averagely shitty but not messing all over itself like the erotic diarrhea fantasy that was Quantum of Whateverthefuck.

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Contagion: I appreciate a movie that makes a slight effort to portray realistic science and scientists, and this was fairly accurate if obviously super time-compressed and fictionalized, and much less prone to making me really angry about its portrayal of science than most Hollywood movies about viral Outbreaks, but that's sort of about all I liked about it, and what the hell is with the Fight Clubby desaturation and what's with Gwyneth Paltrow in fucking general/10

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Guest Mirezzi

Weird, I thought she was passable in what was, let's be honest, a pretty fucking awful movie.


Soderbergh has become his generation's Eastwood or Levinson: A safe, tame, on time and under budget director who will make just about fucking anything. The results of his minimal effort are the proof in the pudding. He makes mostly crap now and when he manages to make a decent movie, the quality is very often because he's aping better filmmakers - E.g. The Informant.


It was Soderbergh who was interviewed a few years ago and said he would stop directing films. Since that time...well...he's directed four more movies. "Why can't I quit you, Hollywood?"

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I suppose my feelings re: Gwyneth might be entirely irrational because her face calls to mind the terrible floating skull which haunted my childhood dreams.


I have not seen many of Soderbergh's movies post-Ocean's 11 (just Solaris, this, the one with Sasha Grey, and about 15 minutes of Ocean's 12 which was just objectively horrible), but your assessment sounds about right. Sex, Lies, and Videotape might have launched a little indie boom, but I'm sure its extreme cheapness is what launched his prolific career.


The guy can certainly streamline: those 3 minutes in Contagion where M. Cotillard looks around at stuff, points to some reading material, and moves her mouth emphatically as if there were any actual dialogue to speak (it must have been important because the score was very loud) probably saved $600,000.00 on re-writes and ADR.

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Guest RadarJammer

Iron Fists - 1/10


i give iron fists a generous 6.8/10 for being a simple pretty fun movie by a new director but i watched it on an 8.9" screen so the cheap special effects didn't seem too pronounced or distracting though I can imagine they would have been laughable on a big screen.

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Guest Mirezzi

Bernie - 8.5/10. Very much enjoyed. Pure Texas hilarity mixed into a good character study, mixed into a 48-hours-style murder story.



It seems WATMM is neglecting to watch this one. :trashbear:

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Skyfall 3/10


What a overhyped piece of crap.


no way bra, that shit is super fresh on rotten tomatoes, there is no such thing as herd mentality, that many critics just can't be wrong i can feel it. Metacritic is off the charts too bra



It was a shitty Bond movie. Aside from the last Bond movie, which was a shitty, shitty Bond movie, every Bond movie is reviewed as the "BEST BOND EBER." Remember when they said that about the one with Denise Fucking Richards?


As far as shitty bond movies go, Skyfall was basically averagely shitty but not messing all over itself like the erotic diarrhea fantasy that was Quantum of Whateverthefuck.



That whole opening scene where Bond is racing on some rooftops on a dirt bike, is a testament to how retarded this movie is. I don't remember Casino Royale being that over-the-top and silly.


Kept hearing good things about it. And I really enjoyed Casino Royale. So I was pretty optimistic about it when I went to the theater. But It turned out to be possibly the worst movie I've watched this year. I was so bored throughout the whole thing.


And I found every single character in the movie to be annoying. Even Javier Bardem's character. He seemed to be perfect for a villian role, and he's an amazing actor. How could they fuck that up?


And don't even get me started on that new Q guy.

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Memories of Murder (2003) - Brilliant thriller, great acting, simple but effective story, superb mise en scène 10/10

Was this the one about the detective? Beautiful movie, I loved it.



yeah great film!

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Stalker - 10/10

Been meaning to watch this for ages.





It was the same for me. I couldn't get past the first 30 minutes until now - I didn't have the patience for it. But it was certainly worth it. It's a very different, dreamlike film. Kind of like das boot meets alice in radioactive wonderland.

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Stalker - 10/10Been meaning to watch this for ages. It was the same for me. I couldn't get past the first 30 minutes until now - I didn't have the patience for it. But it was certainly worth it. It's a very different, dreamlike film. Kind of like das boot meets alice in radioactive wonderland.

Wow, I'm glad I'm not the only one who had that problem. I knew it would be excellent but I never tried watching it earlier in the day when I'd stay awake.

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I always want to watch Tarkovsky and then I'm just like "some other time." It's a rare mood I have to be in to watch a movie that slow. At least Fellini and Kubrick have relatively rapid changes that happen throughout their movies. Tarkovsky is just flat out snails pace.




Bernie - 8.5/10. Very much enjoyed. Pure Texas hilarity mixed into a good character study, mixed into a 48-hours-style murder story.



It seems WATMM is neglecting to watch this one. :trashbear:



I really liked Bernie. I thought it had a technical edge which most movies lack. Also, come to think of it, Jack Black was great in that one.

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i'm surprised it looks so bland, i had heard about Pacific Rim for so long i was honestly expecting something a little more than the... expected.

i guess i would expect a Gullimero del toro movie to have actual 3 dimensional characters unlike a Michael Bay film, but the trailer just makes it seem like Battleship or something of that caliber. At least Stringer Bell is doing his proper british accent, is that other guy McNulty?

something like this would make a really cool short film with a length of 10-15 minutes, but a whole movie I'm not so sure, unless it has an interesting story beyond robots vs monsters

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