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Yeah, that was great. Love Tarantino but he also scares me. But fuck me, I can't stand David O. Russell. He seems like such a fucking douchebag and the clips of him going apeshit on set don't really help.

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Yeah, that was great. Love Tarantino but he also scares me. But fuck me, I can't stand David O. Russell. He seems like such a fucking douchebag and the clips of him going apeshit on set don't really help.


I like David O. Russell. Or rather, I like his films, and that leads me to somewhat overlook his undeniably prick-ish behavior. I have a huge hardon for Flirting with Disaster, in particular. Haven't seen his most recent one. And I liked his last comment about Woody Allen, and turning making films into a lifestyle. I'm inclined to give him a pass, I think like all the other guys up there (with the exceptions possibly of Affleck and the English bloke) he's got filmmaking deep in his blood.

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anyone got a gif of that zoom-in on Leonardo DiCaprio, in Django Unchained? :emotawesomepm9:




edit: found it lol

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Django unchained. Tarantino has gotten really self indulgent hasn't he? He is getting uncomfortably close to scary movie land with his endless references to other greater movies. He should just drop that schtick and try to focus on what makes a movie engaging. Anyway, the film is waaaay too long, but as always with Tarantino there are some golden moments. Completely loses it's pace about halfway in, only the excellent waltz and dicaprio chewing the scenery makes the last half tolerable. Anyway, there are awesome bits in here, with a tighter script it could've been amazing. 6.5/10.

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Guest Shit Attack

django unchained - 6.5/10 - bit disapointing + was definetly worse than inglorious basterds , at least in that you got why the jewish chick wanted revenge right from the start , jamie fox is so dull i never even got the impression he really gave a fuck about getting his wife back or whatever + Di caprio appears too late to be all that effective as a bad guy, although i did think the movie got better at those parts. They could easily have cut an hour out of this movie and it probably would have been a lot better, it was like they were trying to make an epic movie without having an epic story to tell + it was so cartoonish I didnt give a shit about any of it anyways. Still maybe just wasnt in the mood + overall it was okay but definetly agree Tarantino's interviews are more entertaining than his films nowadays.

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inglorious basterds had a nice pace and build up, still remember the first time I saw it in theaters. The end in the theater was one of his finest cinematic moments and of course the intro sequence is one of his best scenes of dialogue. Overall I think its a great film. Something about the story in Django was lacking suspense. From the beginning of IB we are on edge. Every time Landa appears the tension increases. The most brutal scene in the first hour is a flashback. Which is too distant of a circumstance for building up suspense.


Inland Empire - Enjoyed this more in the first half I think, but I definitely will need to see it a few times. Great cinematography, at least in terms of framing of shots and perspective stuff, really weird and creepy, editing was trippy as well. Gooood stuff. The acting was hilarious and horrifying. 9/10

Edited by compson
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Seven psychopaths. Good cast, walken and rockwell definitely gave performances that were better than the film deserved. Really shitty script, terrible. Weaksauce/10

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Seven Psychopaths - I don't know it could've been good it wasn't, average at best.


I saw that about three weeks ago in theatre but ended up walking out about a half hour in. Rented Inception on DVD from Blockbuster afterwards, which was a breath of fresh air in comparison. First time watching both.

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Beasts of the Southern Wild - Nice try I guess...but no. It was more or less a plotless music video featuring photogenic, manufactured hardship with an Arcade Fire inspired soundtrack. It reminded me of Where the Wild Things Are, but not nearly as annoying. As much as they wanted to make an "essential" Katrina film, they instead made something more exploitation than exploration. This was Bunuel's Land Without Bread without the humor or ironic purpose. Therefore, I give it 0 out of 0 stars. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.



Looper was quite the surprise. I loved it.


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argo - utter wank


yeah, it's pure hollywood trash, there's very little "cinema" about it (as pretentious as it sounds). the first half an hour is decent enough and interesting, but then affleck decides to shove his inability to act as a "troubled hero" in your face for the rest of the movie coupled with a streak of idiotic contrivances that are supposed to create tension and to finish it all we get like 3 schmaltzy happy endings "return of the king" style. the film also seems to mistake cleverness for nauseating smugness which is apparent in numerous dialogues.

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also, it's interesting that zero dark thirty is pretty much the opposite of this in terms of quality but quite similar in terms of subject matter, and they're both nominated for oscars best pic.

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I liked Seven Psychopaths. The story was a bit of a mess, but I liked the characters, and I absolutely loved Christopher Walken. Maybe his driest role to date?

It had the same serious and sad undertones that In Bruges had, but it was more over-the-top than In Bruges, which was ok, but I could have done without it.



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