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13 minutes ago, MadameChaos said:

Yeah, they really needed a scene in Barbie where someone says "I can smell your c*nt!" and she shots a serial killer.

No but just like at least make it convincing enough that it contrasts with the unrealisticness of Barbieland

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2 minutes ago, hoggy said:

No but just like at least make it convincing enough that it contrasts with the unrealisticness of Barbieland

I just don't think it was that kind of film, it's all concept and japes and pink stuff really isn't it.

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Girlfriends (1978) - lovely film, shades of Mike Leigh and Joey Soloway - ahead of it's time as far as the Joey Soloway elements - or maybe Joey was influenced by it. I love quiet, spacious films like this, and I loved the characters and their relationships - I love films about friendship. The music was delightful too, reminded me of Happy Go Lucky vibes

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3 hours ago, hoggy said:

Girlfriends (1978) - lovely film, shades of Mike Leigh and Joey Soloway - ahead of it's time as far as the Joey Soloway elements - or maybe Joey was influenced by it. I love quiet, spacious films like this, and I loved the characters and their relationships - I love films about friendship. The music was delightful too, reminded me of Happy Go Lucky vibes

Yeah the film is hugely influential, Greta Gerwig & Lena Dunham both copied it and I'm sure there's more!

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Saw the Barbie movie tonight. It definitely was punk as fuck to drop all of the REALITY (not just feminist theory) in the audience’s lap and let them decide how to handle it over the course of 2 hours. It was super fun and fresh. My only major gripe is that they could have found someone better than Will Farrell for his part. 
Side note: I was taken out of the movie more than a few times by uncomfortable, wannabe-alpha-males grumbling things like “fuckin stupid” or “stupid bullshit” in their seats behind me (one of which was a big muscle-bound dad who was wearing a plastic crown (I’m assuming because he was with his daughter and thought it would make her happy to dress up for the movie, like many are doing). The dad with the crown also left for a long time in the middle of the movie to get refreshments and also was the first person out of the theater when it ended, leaving his family behind. There was also a very conservative looking couple who, as soon as the credits rolled, shot for the door saying “let’s get out of here… I hate (indescribable)”. 
If (certain) people are hating it so much then it’s definitely doing something right. 

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doesn't count for shit in the real world, and especially not for the untold number of disadvantaged women on this planet whose lives are not affected in the slightest by these inane self-congratulating western spectacles. that's the "reality". enjoy your big dumb blockbuster movies or whatever but don't pretend you're making a difference in the world by doing so. the fact that Mattel are already trying to use this as a springboard for their own cash-grab cinematic universe completely undermines the idea that this movie is some kind of statement or movement.

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15 hours ago, usagi said:

[...] the untold number of disadvantaged women on this planet whose lives are not affected in the slightest by these inane self-congratulating western spectacles. [...] the fact that Mattel are already trying to use this as a springboard for their own cash-grab cinematic universe completely undermines the idea that this movie is some kind of statement or movement.

Interestingly, the marketing budget was $150mil, $5mil more than the actual production cost.

I kind of agree with the bits I quoted, I think it might have had more value if it helped disseminate a more intersectional perspective, i.e. bringing in the intersection between economic inequality and gender, or immigration status and gender - no idea how they'd do that in a film about Barbie coming to the real world, I think that might be a bit outside the capability of the film, like, it might make it feel glaringly hypocritical - to have a pop-cultural phenomenon born out of money and advantage decry that stuff, unless it was very cleverly written. In a sense I don't care that it's a big Hollywood blockbuster - I'd rather judge a film on it's merits, and I do think it had some, though yeah, it's not perfect at all. It is unique in some ways still - it's more overtly about feminism (and also a little bit of existentialism, here and there) than any big blockbuster I ever saw, which potentially opens the door to deeper themes in pop culture - though you might argue that those themes will just get lost in gloss and money and marketing hype, I dunno

The spread of opinion on Google is very Marmitey btw, wow (on RT it's more universally positive)


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Upgrade (2018) This was a really decent slice of thriller sci fi. Only wish they´d gone more all out with the body horror/Tetsuo style elements.

Searching (2018) I’m gushing over this film, I dunno perhaps I was just pleasantly surprised at seeing a normally abysmal technique actually tickle my goolies for once, cause I went in not really expecting much at all but the way this handles the ´screenlife´ concept was really engaging and a total joy to watch. Rather than a hurdle or gimmick, the tech here feels more like a natural stage for the story and there´s a degree of attention to detail regarding the placing of images on screen and juxtaposition of various open tabs/windows/applications etc. that along with some sharp editing and music create a dynamic of tension and immersion that works great for the storytelling, really impressive and actual holds a torch to films of the same genre done in the more traditional way.


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On 7/31/2023 at 10:21 PM, hoggy said:

SIlence of the Lambs - just incredible.. the shot composition, the placement of music, the distress and sickened fear in the music, the acting... beautiful film









I also rewatched SOTL this year. It’s definitely in my favourite films of all time, maybe not at the top but still in the list (which isn’t that long tbh). Yeah it’s a classic. Hopkins and Foster are perfectly cast.

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My niece and nephew were begging me to watch Spider-Man Into The Spiderverse as my sister doesn’t have Netflix but Disney. So huffing and puffing and losing a battle I reluctantly put what I expected to be some cheesy comic book horseshit on. It wasn’t too long before I was telling them to be quiet ? thought it was brilliant. A very unexpected treat. Pretty wow actually. 

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6 minutes ago, beerwolf said:

My niece and nephew were begging me to watch Spider-Man Into The Spiderverse as my sister doesn’t have Netflix but Disney. So huffing and puffing and losing a battle I reluctantly put what I expected to be some cheesy comic book horseshit on. It wasn’t too long before I was telling them to be quiet ? thought it was brilliant. A very unexpected treat. Pretty wow actually. 

It's fucking amazing! The sequel even moreso.

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9 minutes ago, Squee said:

It's fucking amazing! The sequel even moreso.

Yes they’ve seen the new one at the cinema. Might have to watch it myself. 

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Yeah, I've seen both too, and the art style is amazing. I actually had a mild case of sensory overload after the first one, cause it's so fast and so much going on all the time, I felt like I'd been run over by a bulldozer. That's what MTV must have felt like for my granny, lol.

55 minutes ago, beerwolf said:

Yes they’ve seen the new one at the cinema. Might have to watch it myself. 

Be aware though that it's only half a movie, even though it's two and a half hours long by itself. Li'l IDEM and me felt a bit cheated, we had no idea that there was gonna be a second part of the second part. Plus part 2 is gonna be affected by the writer's strike and not goint to be reased until fall 2024 at the earliest, and if you're anything like me you'll have forgotten everything by then and will have to rewatch it anyway.

It was fun in the theater though.

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45 minutes ago, IDEM said:

Yeah, I've seen both too, and the art style is amazing. I actually had a mild case of sensory overload after the first one, cause it's so fast and so much going on all the time, I felt like I'd been run over by a bulldozer. That's what MTV must have felt like for my granny, lol.

Be aware though that it's only half a movie, even though it's two and a half hours long by itself. Li'l IDEM and me felt a bit cheated, we had no idea that there was gonna be a second part of the second part. Plus part 2 is gonna be affected by the writer's strike and not goint to be reased until fall 2024 at the earliest, and if you're anything like me you'll have forgotten everything by then and will have to rewatch it anyway.

It was fun in the theater though.

It is indeed ‘sensory overload’ no doubt I’m going to rewatch it asap. It’s hard to concentrate with a 5 and 8 year old because they are never quiet, even when they are supposedly watching a film ? 

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Went and saw "Talk to Me" this past weekend with my girlfriend.  Not a bad horror flick at all.  Kind of a mix between Sixth Sense and The Ring.  Nothing insanely original about it, but the actors did a fine job.  It was a fun watch at the theater, hadn't been for a while.


talk to me.jpeg

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On 8/3/2023 at 12:23 AM, IDEM said:

I've watched all six Scream movies so you don't have to.

Ranking looks like this:

Scream (1996)

Scream VI

Scream (2022)

Scream 4

Scream 2

Scream 3

Don't trust anyone who says different.

The most horrifying part was helplessly watching Courtney Cox's face cycle through increasingly ghoulish iterations.

I will now go listen to loads of Autechre to restore the lost IQ points.

Thank god!


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On 8/15/2023 at 9:27 PM, lyst said:

Went and saw "Talk to Me" this past weekend with my girlfriend.  Not a bad horror flick at all.  Kind of a mix between Sixth Sense and The Ring.  Nothing insanely original about it, but the actors did a fine job.  It was a fun watch at the theater, hadn't been for a while.


talk to me.jpeg

movie was quite ok. official swag :wtf:.. what happened to the spoiler?

#spoiler start



#spoiler end

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