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This was a pretty great movie to watch. Touched some interesting concepts, such as being the master of your own destiny but also being a slave to the whims of it.



I absolutely friggin adored the evil spirit entrance (and her eerie song!) and the shot of the forest walking towards the castle.




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it wasn't even the destruction i had a problem with, it was the bizarre pacing editing and story arc they chose to go with for the actual present-time part of the film. I thought most of the flashbacks in the beginning were very well done until it got to the whole tornado thing. It was such a movie ruiner esque scene on it's own honestly. I got that they wanted to create this emotional pa kent scene but it came off as totally comical. Just the sheer amount of cgi was strange too, people make fun of the MAtrix Reloaded because of the clone Agent Smith fight scene or Peter Jackson because of the dinosaur chase in King Kong,

don't forget the most recent addition to the "we took on too many shots" syndrome - the rabbit sled sequence in the Hobbit. Most embarrassing last-minute-slapped-together sequence I've seen in a feature film in a while...

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Guest bitroast

it was the worst superman movie, im deadly serious. I've never seen superman and the mole men. I'm talking about everything from Donner on. Is it really contrarian to speak openly about how much I hated Man of Steel? I walked into it actually pretty excited after seeing the last trailer. Please point out how i'm being contrarian to my own opinions, did i at one point rank it above 3 & 4 or something?

Ill happily back you on this one. I was pretty much horizontal by the end of the movie. Slouched in my seat and moaning of boredom.

It's an absolute mess of a film.


Favourite bit was he casting:) I liked the casting:)

it was the worst superman movie, im deadly serious. I've never seen superman and the mole men. I'm talking about everything from Donner on. Is it really contrarian to speak openly about how much I hated Man of Steel? I walked into it actually pretty excited after seeing the last trailer. Please point out how i'm being contrarian to my own opinions, did i at one point rank it above 3 & 4 or something?

Ill happily back you on this one. I was pretty much horizontal by the end of the movie. Slouched in my seat and moaning of boredom.

It's an absolute mess of a film.


Favourite bit was the casting:) I liked the casting:)

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If I can remember anything about man of steel, it's that it wasn't memorable enough to even argue about on the internets. Basically like every movie that's come out of Hollywood in at least three years.



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kinda (?) interesting. a documentary about how casting directors (helen mirren's hubby hates them) started doing their thing. it's more or less a bunch of really interesting stories about how (mostly) 60s-70s actors got their first acting gigs

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dark as hell. barely finished it. pure depravity. it's shot so beautifully that it's impossible not to keep watching. the camera hovers around characters, sometimes physically attached to them. pretty crazy that this was made in 1983. shout out to awepittance on the 80s tip. maybe they were a better time. lol



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you are joking though.

I'm not, did you not remember how awful that scene looked or something? It deserves far more scorn than any of those classic 'terrible' cgi scenes from Matrix Reloaded or King Kong. completely 100% serious. I was pretty amazed. IT was just weird because with much special effects were already in it did they really need Superman fighting a liquid metal robot for 4 minutes? absolutely ridiculous

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The scene was shit, that much is true, but I don't think it looked worse than T2, haha. T2 has held up amazingly well, but it was definitely better looking than T2



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Filth 8/10 - I saw this six weeks ago and forgot to review it. Pretty impressed with it actually. it begins as an all out comedy and for the first half hour i was like 'WTF this looks like a light hearted romp' but then as the darkness descends the comedy and serious elements clash, creating something pretty unique. As Chris Morris once said 'It's the like the bizarre euphoria at the end of an hours vomiting'


The Bling Ring 3/10 - More candy floss bullshit from Sophia Coppolla. A film about a bunch of useless spoilt brats made by one. Papa seriously gotta consider cutting her allowance.

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Thor - Dark World 6.5/10 - good story/plot, not too bad script but let down with, rushed editing, uninspired directing and shoddy camera work that at times made everything seem like a poor man's Lord of the Rings mixed with Power Rangers. Shame as this could have been a really good film that just seemed like it was going though the motions. Started to get Man of Steel deja vu but the film picks up a little in the latter half.


Screamers - Can't believe I missed this first time round, this is what 90's sci-fi B-movies are all about! Going gay for Peter Weller/10


Assassination Games - Van Damme vs Scott Atkins must mean some decent fight sequences? No, the film was too busy trying to look more sophisticated than it actually was and failing quite dramatically. 3/10

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the hunter - 9/10


willem dafoe hunts tasmanian tiger in australia, gets involved with locals. good story type movie, if that makes any sense. acting, cinematography and editing are all good; solid flick, only thing keeping it from 10/10 is that it's not freaking mind blowing.


netflix instant, in the us anyway

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hellraiser, loved the atmosphere and story, great effects, hammy acting, would of loved to see a version with the ditched coil soundtrack mixed in, i see now where 'come to daddy' gets it inspiration from.

I've wondered what this would be like too if they replaced it with Coil's score, someone should do a fan-edit eventually. Interestingly though the Christopher Young score works extremely well for the movie, and I would argue (even though im a huge coil fan) it works better for the movie than if they went with Coil's score. I can't say for sure obviously since i haven't watched the movie in this way, but I think a lot of Coil fans out there poo-poo Young's score because Coil got cut out the deal, but it's actually a really fucking excellent score. It's hard to imagine hellraiser without Young's music.

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I watched Holy Mountain a few weeks ago. Some wicked imagery, but I thought the ending was the deftest touch of all.

I'd seen some of Fernando Arrabal's work and was surprised at the thematic and visual similarities.

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