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Jamie Lidell - Jamie Lidell


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yum, sounds like a trip back to muddlin gear crazyness.

that queef dupstep beat is meh but the sample does make me think muddlin madness! :w00t:

hell yeah i'll be looking out for this, stay true 2 the game Jamie keep it motherfukkin warp

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The thing is that he's king of the intro even if the rest of the track falls a touch flat (IMO), that's why I'm a bit tentative with making any judgements with this teaser. Another example being the intro to this:


(probably the only segment I liked in the entire album)

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Tentatively excited


Same. He's capable of greatness and Compass had a few great tracks (The Ring, Compass, Gypsy Blood, Coma Chameleon). But I really don't like it when he goes too far into the blue-eyed soul stuff (She Needs Me, etc). It doesn't sound authentic to me. I never thought Multiply was that good (I probably like the aforementioned tracks on Compass better) and I never heard Jim. Muddlin Gear was good but maybe lacking a bit of soul. Really I'm more of a Super_Collider fanboy and keep hoping he'll release something that sounds like that. The good Compass tracks were the closest I've heard, so there's still hope I guess.

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Guest kalpol_introl

The first thing I thought of when I heard this track was Super_Collider. And that's still my favourite Jamie Lidell stuff. So I am excited about this.

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Warp's just moved in a different direction now. They still have the 4 'IDM big names' on there (though only Ae & Squarepusher seem to be the only active remaining artists) but apart from that Warp nowadays ain't the same Warp as it was, not for better or worse, just different (and they seem to be doing pretty darn well commercially with their current roster)


Nowadays as a result I look more towards labels like Raster Noton, Kompakt or Line rather than Warp for new music.

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What do you guys make Warp out to be? They "always" had these kind of artists: Jimi Tenor, Red Snapper, Broadcast, etc. A different direction, wtf? Jamie Lidell has been on Warp since 2000.


I don't have that feeling that Warp has done strictly IDM releases (or electronic music in the same vein of each other for that matter) in the past, do you really? :s

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