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Warp just posted this on Facebook....


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didn't Move of Ten come out with almost no announcement at all? I remember it being almost a total surprise, besides the fact that an EP usually follows an AE LP. Even if Joyrex denies it, I bet an EP is on the way (although one didn't follow Draft or Untilted.. did it?). Hopefully it has better quality control than Move of Ten or Quadrange.

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Guest Aserinsky

Don't most, if not all of their stuff get announced with as little attempt to build hype as possible? Ae certainly don't seem like the type to pull BoC style shenanigans like this (the nearest we've got was tDR saying a new album was going to be released soon, which wasn't exactly some secretive announcement). Were it a tour / EP / webcast, it just seems a bit odd that Warp themselves would be pulling a stunt like this. I know most of us would probably suck Sean and Rob's cock for that sort of announcement, but just doesn't make sense they'd go to this length to promote it (and if it does turn out to be one of those things, it's still quite out of character). I just get the sense there's something a tad bit different going on. Either that or Warp / Ae are getting us back for the Bull Wallet thing and fucking with us for shits and giggles.

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