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Just seen first x-files episode. What a poorely written piece of junk. Every piece of dialogue was a cringefest. And I don't think it's the actors. Just those aweful dialogues.


I'm sure the team behind tp can do much better.

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I'm not that excited for this now.


Have any of you watched the new X-Files stuff?


It seems weirdly out of place and time now. I loved it as a younger guy in my mid twenties but there is something not quite right with it now. They have commendablly stuck to the format but as a result the new episodes seem like something left over from another era.


I have a feeling the same thing will happen for Twin Peaks.


i agree with you about the new x-files episodes, but i don't know if you've watched the old episodes in recent times. a lot of it doesn't hold up well. chris carter was NEVER a good writer. i tried rewatching the old series and only, about 4 episodes were really good while the rest of the episodes (i made it up to season 4) were mediocre at best.


what made x-files good for it's time was timing. which is why a lot of people who are enjoying it are doing so mostly because of nostalgia.


lynch on the other hand has never disappointed (discounting dune). also, i think lynch is a real artist. i'd honestly have been very skeptical if someone else was doing it because of how everyone has aged and how it won't "feel" like twin peaks, but lynch is probably the only person who i think can pull off something like that and make it work.


btw: a lot of people think season 2 twin peaks was bad compared to season 1 which i never understand. season 1 was all about who killed laura palmer. i felt like that was such a small part of the mystery of twin peaks and it's only during season 2 we finally get to explore other parts of that world. i don't see how people expected to continue with the laura palmer mystery. it was over after the mystery was solved. imo, the whole thing about the black lodge and windom earle was infinitely more interesting.

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I was going to say the second series starts and ends strongly but is complete tosh during the middle, then use James' song as an example of the drop in quality only I've just discovered this happened during the third episode so I don't know what to believe.


It's always worth posting anyway.




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  • 2 months later...

Plot Spoiler.



girl says, "Have you watched Twin Peaks",

It's really good, Watch the movie first,

Just so you know it was her Dad..."


I never talked to her again.



David Lynch, is the greatest,


my favorite of his is Mulholland Drive,

by far, one of the best films ever made.

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Plot Spoiler.



girl says, "Have you watched Twin Peaks",

It's really good, Watch the movie first,

Just so you know it was her Dad..."


I never talked to her again.



David Lynch, is the greatest,


my favorite of his is Mulholland Drive,

by far, one of the best films ever made.


Everything about Mulholland Dr. Is amazing, especially the soundtrack

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Plot Spoiler.



girl says, "Have you watched Twin Peaks",

It's really good, Watch the movie first,

Just so you know it was her Dad..."


I never talked to her again.



David Lynch, is the greatest,


my favorite of his is Mulholland Drive,

by far, one of the best films ever made.


why the fuck would she say that

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I was going to say the second series starts and ends strongly but is complete tosh during the middle, then use James' song as an example of the drop in quality only I've just discovered this happened during the third episode so I don't know what to believe.




you're nuts! that sounds like lynch wrote it himself and is a throwback in a great way. very cool i think. to each his own, the army guy with the aliens made the second season a slog imo.

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I recently released an EP of Twin Peaks covers with my friend (there's also one original in there that just fit the vibe). Aesthetically the production's not too far off from my Zephyr Nova stuff, but there's also guitar, vocals, trumpet, and singing --these are all Julee Cruise covers, composed by Lynch and Badalamenti. Apparently she's heard it and likes it. Thought some of you peeps might be interested. It's free.



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