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If ever i get a choice of seeing a scene from a movie/programme/tv etc on my death bed I shall request that its the scene with gordon, albert and diane. I loved it so so so much omg. Lynch is amazing. Everyone is perfect its so amazing *dies*


the "fuck you, tammy" got a huge lol.


'tempered' diane might have saved the series from blatant fan-service.


liked this episode. things finally seem to pick up. still waiting for coops first full sentence though

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If ever i get a choice of seeing a scene from a movie/programme/tv etc on my death bed I shall request that its the scene with gordon, albert and diane. I loved it so so so much omg. Lynch is amazing. Everyone is perfect its so amazing *dies*


the "fuck you, tammy" got a huge lol.


'tempered' diane might have saved the series from blatant fan-service.


liked this episode. things finally seem to pick up. still waiting for coops first full sentence though



yeh I gave a hearty lol to the fuck you tammy- I think lynch knows shes a terrible actress so added that in for the lollllssssss

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those scenes are needed. I really think that.
lemme bulletpoint this:


  • its a FUK U to all these bullshit cliff hanger on the edge of your seat series we have now


  •  its showing how these characters lives just go on it makes it all more real


  •  it sets up a mood for the next scene


  • its a beautiful troll 

Lynch is a god and i am sad bcus i know he will die some day and I cant wash his feet like the jezuz he is 

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Ok can't edit the above post, so here's another one.


Who is the tramp like guy dressed in black who appeared at the mortuary? We last saw him sat in a cell next to the school teacher who got framed for the murder.

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Ok can't edit the above post, so here's another one.


Who is the tramp like guy dressed in black who appeared at the mortuary? We last saw him sat in a cell next to the school teacher who got framed for the murder.



Is it the same person?


When the one in the cell appeared, I was sure it was Jerry but all blacked up. Now I'm not so sure, as this second appearance of a blacked up person doesn't look quite the same.

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Dougie Jones is getting help from the black lodge because bob shortchanged them on garmbozia. Now evil dale is getting help from the police because he's got dirt on the warden.

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EP7 was the worst episode so far. kind of a snooze fest

Fuck you, QQQ


(ooh that rhymes)



obviously I didn't mean such filth, was in keeping with the episode


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all the lamps & lampshades all have that particular light effect, reminds me of the moods in Blue Velvet @ Ben's & @ Dororthy's gaffs





Edited by cwmbrancity
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That screen popping out the desk was lush.


lolled so hard at that



It looked like something you'd see in a Texas Walker Ranger cameo on Tim & Eric. Two seniors on Skype. It was brilliant.

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If ever i get a choice of seeing a scene from a movie/programme/tv etc on my death bed I shall request that its the scene with gordon, albert and diane. I loved it so so so much omg. Lynch is amazing. Everyone is perfect its so amazing *dies*


the "fuck you, tammy" got a huge lol.


'tempered' diane might have saved the series from blatant fan-service.


liked this episode. things finally seem to pick up. still waiting for coops first full sentence though


yeh I gave a hearty lol to the fuck you tammy- I think lynch knows shes a terrible actress so added that in for the lollllssssss







If ever i get a choice of seeing a scene from a movie/programme/tv etc on my death bed I shall request that its the scene with gordon, albert and diane. I loved it so so so much omg. Lynch is amazing. Everyone is perfect its so amazing *dies*


the "fuck you, tammy" got a huge lol.


'tempered' diane might have saved the series from blatant fan-service.


liked this episode. things finally seem to pick up. still waiting for coops first full sentence though


yeh I gave a hearty lol to the fuck you tammy- I think lynch knows shes a terrible actress so added that in for the lollllssssss



my wife has been a very, very gradual fan of laura dern - not liking her to liking her in some movies, to slowly warming up to enjoying her being cast in this. after that fuck you tammy line she was like "I love her."


So a lot of people are thinking Tammy is purposely over-the-top in bad acting - like a female James Hurley - I'm still not really convinced even that's working as an angle. I've been trying to give her a chance but so far it's like watching her try to impersonate Jessica Rabbit - but with the face acting of Milla Jovovich as Katinka Ingabogovinanana in Zoolander - all while in FBI agent garb.

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^yeah when I saw her in that first scene in the boardroom I assumed she must be a Friend of Lynch.

The unconvincing and ott 'sexy' face acting she does twinned with her name when I checked the credits: 'Chrysta Bell', made me assume she was ex-porn. Like when Sasha Grey went on to more serious acting.


Turns out she does croon-y torch singing ala Julee Cruise and Lynch produced one of her albums. Same album has that track from Inland Empire on it.



But yeah, the disgusted eyeroll and "fuck you Tammy" was brilliant.

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Going back to the point about Cooper getting help from the lodge; He went into the lodge with love so actually he's probably in both the black lodge and the white lodge. In any case, the black and white lodge are one and the same, a paradox of time and space. 

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I haven't seen Chrysta Bell play other roles so it's really hard to judge her as an actress, however, I am kind of surprised you guys think she's that bad. She doesn't have much lines in TP so she's basically just following around with her gorgeous hips and legs, but whenever she spoke she gave a solid impression (for me, at least, or I simply have a soft spot here:). There is some quirkiness to her but I wouldn't say it's bad acting. Her role is simply not defined that well to begin with. I dunno, maybe her role is supposed to develop later on.


btw, didn't Jacques Renault die in the original TP? Because now he's answering the phone in the Roadhouse - or at least I think that's the same actor.

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btw, didn't Jacques Renault die in the original TP? Because now he's answering the phone in the Roadhouse - or at least I think that's the same actor.

This was Jean-Michel Renault (a 4th brother)
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If ever i get a choice of seeing a scene from a movie/programme/tv etc on my death bed I shall request that its the scene with gordon, albert and diane. I loved it so so so much omg. Lynch is amazing. Everyone is perfect its so amazing *dies*

the "fuck you, tammy" got a huge lol.


'tempered' diane might have saved the series from blatant fan-service.


liked this episode. things finally seem to pick up. still waiting for coops first full sentence though

yeh I gave a hearty lol to the fuck you tammy- I think lynch knows shes a terrible actress so added that in for the lollllssssss



If ever i get a choice of seeing a scene from a movie/programme/tv etc on my death bed I shall request that its the scene with gordon, albert and diane. I loved it so so so much omg. Lynch is amazing. Everyone is perfect its so amazing *dies*

the "fuck you, tammy" got a huge lol.


'tempered' diane might have saved the series from blatant fan-service.


liked this episode. things finally seem to pick up. still waiting for coops first full sentence though

yeh I gave a hearty lol to the fuck you tammy- I think lynch knows shes a terrible actress so added that in for the lollllssssss

my wife has been a very, very gradual fan of laura dern - not liking her to liking her in some movies, to slowly warming up to enjoying her being cast in this. after that fuck you tammy line she was like "I love her.".

Laura Dern is awesome, she knocks it out the park in Inland Empire.

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btw, didn't Jacques Renault die in the original TP? Because now he's answering the phone in the Roadhouse - or at least I think that's the same actor.

This was Jean-Michel Renault (a 4th brother)


A fourth brother whom shouldn't exist, since the whole reason that Jean Renault was so hell bent on killing Cooper was because he lost all his brothers due to "dis biz nessss"

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Lynch gave him the role because he has health problems and his SAG insurance was expiring so he needed a way to pay for his medical bills.


Well, thanks for making it so I can't be annoyed with the lack of continuity without looking like a massive cunt!


(this is a really nice reason)

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