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re-viewing of ep's 1-4 revealed just how futile language can be trying to describe this show


the co-ordinate numbers come through more, the symbolism of archetypes is almost tarot-like, the role of the subconscious, as well as Lynch's sound design being mint as fuck.....the casino scenes with that quiet melodic drone composition is sublime and hope that gets an official release somewhere down the line as trying to rip it via software produced mixed results


the scenes in with Lynch himself run smoothly you'd almost be forgiven for forgetting thats the director in the frame, especially when he quips about not liking the course of events and the Cooper doppelganger interview


even the waiting is welcomed

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re-viewing of ep's 1-4 revealed just how futile language can be trying to describe this show


the co-ordinate numbers come through more, the symbolism of archetypes is almost tarot-like, the role of the subconscious, as well as Lynch's sound design being mint as fuck.....the casino scenes with that quiet melodic drone composition is sublime and hope that gets an official release somewhere down the line as trying to rip it via software produced mixed results


the scenes in with Lynch himself run smoothly you'd almost be forgiven for forgetting thats the director in the frame, especially when he quips about not liking the course of events and the Cooper doppelganger interview


even the waiting is welcomed


Totally agree (I would also hope that the sound design stuff gets a release, as it's awesome).


I was too young to watch the show in it's original run, on a weekly broadcast basis. I think the week gap really helps. It'd be a headfuck to have all 18 hours instantly streamable all at once.

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(I would also hope that the sound design stuff gets a release, as it's awesome).


me too




























































































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Am I the last to discover Fire Walk With Me is getting a Criterion release?

It's infuriating as fuck that these releases are only available in the US


We ended up with a pretty good version though with the recent BluRay box set of the series/film (that seemed to be only £15 in HMV for a while!)
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Am I the last to discover Fire Walk With Me is getting a Criterion release?

It's infuriating as fuck that these releases are only available in the US


We ended up with a pretty good version though with the recent BluRay box set of the series/film (that seemed to be only £15 in HMV for a while!)


You mean the one that hardcore Twin Peaks fans jumped on for pre-order at £40? :p


Yeah it is a very good set. It's just that Criterion are renowned for doing amazing transfers, and really nice packaging.

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good season. It's a grower. Im so used to the old show.

the bands are real. That everly brothers group is called the Cactus Blossoms, but i noticed lynch replaced their real bassist with a guy with hair. Lynch likes that 50's hair style. 

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Why all of those twin peaks band members looks/sings like they are retarded?


It's the only way you can sing that shit with a straight face.


I think it's the weakest part of the series thus far, this "closing musical number" thrown-in cheese. Kinda makes other scenes more arbitrary too

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after having seen ep4, i have to admit there are a couple of times where i just had to skip the scenes of cooper endlessly staring into the distance like an idiot. i want the old cooper back. the one with a brain. not the zombie. and i'm not really interested to monitor the hints of him slowly recovering. which is already taking place (or the acting is just inconsistent - which i dont think is the case  -feels intended).


he's basically in a toddler state of mind - it's like watching my 2 year old walk around after a nap. imitating phrases and speech (that "helloooo" bit is very akin to something my kid would copy from someone he saw and then make it like a game), staring at things he finds interesting, being generally confused but upbeat.


I just got to dig in tonight but I'm floored after ep1. This is going to be fucking great. Probably gonna be up all night to get to ep4--just have a feeling


Madeline Zima (Tracey). Lawd those legs went all the way up to the heavens mercy me




my wife was like "she has this perfect body and he has the body of pee-wee herman" lol - she was really bummed out about their death too, which is a compliment to lynch for making two minor characters so engaging. nudity helps tho i guess.



How about that Cooper had to wait 25 years to take a piss, wtf?


I've had some pisses like that. Reminded me of that Austin Powers bit.






Man I know Lynch delivers the dread but he is so fuckin' funny also. All 8 hours of my shift tonight, I thought about Michael Cera as Wally for nearly every second. I kept thinking about his name embroidered in that font on his jacket and the beat poet pastiche. Our laughter looks just like fear in the rest of the animal kingdom so this all works great so far.

Exactly this.

When I first clocked it was Cera I thought "oh no this is gonna be terrible". Then as I realised the T&E-esque scene that was unfolding I was irl lol-ing until I was crying, I had to pause it at the end to regain my composure.

my god that scene was incredible. His pseudo-impediment, his dialogue, his delivery, their reactions ... If I die immediately after this series has finished, that scene will definitely ensure my life was worth living



i heard someone say it was the best part of the new show hands down. part of me can't disagree. I lost my shit when he said "cock-kay-asians" 


your dharma is...


"                         "


Lynch does rednecks like no other, Its a world of truck drivers. More toothless rednecks


Him and Mike Judge should collaborate





You might like the Everly brothers

Im learning a lot about plastic surgery



reminded me of this


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Seems a lot of people on twitter, Reddit and other places aren't happy that there isn't more background music.

Personally, I got tired of that same slow motion jazz theme that seemed to strike up everytime a woman came on screen in the 1990 series.


This new work is much more effective with Lynch just doing the sound design. You can have too much music, effectively ruining the whole thing.


I like what he has done so far. My only worry going forward is that it maybe just too weird for some people - I don't want to think that it's just going to be strange for the sake of it, with no plot whatsoever - someone on here mentioned about lots of dream sequences linked together.


That's fine for Lynch fans but it will need to be a bit more coherent plot-wise if it's going to really succeed. These shows tend to nose-dive by the halfway point. Hopefully that won't happen here.


Completely agree about the sound design and sparse use of music. It's a nice break from a lot of shows that are chock full of background music.


In fact I think it really made that scene with Bobby crying when seeing Palmer's picture so saccharine and an effective throwback to his past. Very effective musical cue by using the original theme so sparingly in the new season. 


Everything ties perfectly. Even the lynchian moments have so much stuff behind them - this is pure archetype Jungian delirium. There is no need to analyze it, just open your mind and try to connect with yourself. This is the most lucid and artistic introspection into the darkness/lightness of human mind ever attempted imho. The form is perfect, the substance is relevant and strong. Lynch is probably at his peak here and I love him for that. I'm enjoying the hell out of it, and I'm happy that someone is willing to explore the less known or appreciated realms and bring them on screen.



edit: The meeting of Cooper and Gordon is brilliant and terrifying





His imagery is the closest thing to the most bizarre dreams I've had. I am sure many others can attest to this. It's not just the surreal aesthetic and vibe but the fact that it makes you feel beyond just uneasy or perplexed, there's something deeper to it: it's not nightmare-ish because you're not simply scared, it's not psychedelic because the imagery is stark and often minimal. In a sense you are completely aware of what's going on even if everything about it is absurd - including I might stress the sense of proper geometry, dimensions, physical and visual perception, etc. I wouldn't say comforted but there is something that makes you very, very introspective. 

Edited by joshuatx
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Episode 5



Found it a bit frustrating to be honest, nothing big happened to progress things along. Nice to see the RR Diner and the Bob bit in the mirror was freaky.

Cool music too - I guess the Lynch in the band is related to David? The coke trip scene was ace too.


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So good music in this one ... especially the end credits:



What genre of music was playing in the R&R bar - Like an instrumental dark rock&roll/ska hybrid ?

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I enjoyed it thoroughly.. this Cooper limbo is just wtf of the highest order.. when Frank was angry that Coop got his coffee and wanted it back.. but then couldn't help awkwardly smiling when trying the Green Tea Latte. wat?

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was really surprised to see one of my fav musicians  dirty beaches now called last lizard in the band, he could also be a character from twin peaks.
the lead guitarist is the son david lynch btw

  Edited by Kavinsky
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