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Boards of Canada - Tomorrow's Harvest

Guest cult fiction

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Well that's the thing with critique. Just as there are qualities we appreciate, there are ones that we don't. Why is one more legitimate than the other? Truthful critique is subjective, but it may as well be expressed, just like praise. Everyone will have to make up their own minds

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Some good discussion on here. Would people be talking about this so much if someone mostly unknown had published it on here? It's difficult to say.

Lots of people will ask why this deserves so much attention. After all, there are thousands of talented people out there who could have written this and then watched it sail away on a sea of indifference.


We're not exactly short of ambient beats these days.


But for me, there is a difference albeit a small one and its importance really depends on your own individual perceptions.


For me, there is a difference - there's a depth here that I don't find elsewhere. But mostly it's a quality that I just cannot define with words - it's just more 'there' somehow.

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Guest CraniumXII

(kinda sounds like the flashbulb...)


QFT... If he released it, it would be too sterile and bad...


It's okay, but need to hear it in context...

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Reading up on the CS80 that might have been used on that track. I wonder if they had access to a vintage unit or whether they used some emulation? Vintage units look damn expensive.

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the arguement about if another artist made this or another artist made that, would it be relevant? is a bit silly IMO. that is a huge part of the context of the art in question. if menudo wrote stairway to heaven would it garner the praise it does? no. but led zep wrote it.


for me, following my favorite artists' path is kind of the point.

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Guest tht tne

i wouldnt have been suprised if they hadnt of returned simply because of the insane level of scrutiny anything they make is going to incur.


you are aware that probably like 90% of the people in the world give zero fucks who boards of canada are

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Just saw the video... Super psyched for the album now. I was trying not to get my hopes up to avoid potential disappointment, but I am in full on fanboy mode now.

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Reading up on the CS80 that might have been used on that track. I wonder if they had access to a vintage unit or whether they used some emulation? Vintage units look damn expensive.

I am pretty sure they use and own the real thing. They don't seem too keen on using computers as a source of their sounds.

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I think the reason this track is more important coming from Boc than from some unknown is that it continues the narrative of their work. Thats one thing that i've always found special with Boc, even the shortest simple tracks are part of the bigger picture. This one is no different.

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while im happy to enjoy a sample tune, im certainly not gonna read a step by step review of what it kind of sounds like, that sounds like its ruining abit.

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while im happy to enjoy a sample tune, im certainly not gonna read a step by step review of what it kind of sounds like, that sounds like its ruining abit.


I don't agree. These sort of reviews are interesting but ultimately a bit daft. They guy hears it once. He can't even remember what the last piece sounded like.


They're typically vague and never tie down to specifics. I wouldn't worry about it ruining it for you. Hearing someone describe music is a million miles from hearing it yourself.

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Having said all of the above, it does sound like a very intense listening experience is heading our way.


As member 'Job' commented on another thread almost a month ago:


"we should expect some warm disturbing uncertain nostalgic keys and drums, soon."

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