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Nine Inch Nails - Hesitation Marks


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Gotta say though, I still think the lyrics are cheese as hell & the music isn't really breaking new ground, but frigged if this song hasn't been stuck in my head all day. The rezzler must still be doing something right...

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Gotta say though, I still think the lyrics are cheese as hell & the music isn't really breaking new ground, but frigged if this song hasn't been stuck in my head all day. The rezzler must still be doing something right...


This, really. I don't think it's his best work and I never listened to NIN for the lyrics anyway. It's a catchy track.


Even if the "came back haunted" part does sound like NIN doing country music. :biggrin:

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if he's still contemplating suicide as the album title suggests, i think Lump is right on the money.

God damn that's a lot of Reznor cliches for one song. Rhyming couplets, that verse vocal melody, that chord combo for the chorus AGAIN (equivalent of Cmaj, Amin, Emaj for two bars/repeat transposed wherever), and that descending guitar lead with that particular effect that he's been raping since Fragile. I wonder if he just doesn't realize he's already written and produced this a dozen times before, or if he just doesn't care. It's weird that a guy who wrote two of the most unique albums of the 90's could fall back onto the same generic musical patterns over and over again without being self conscious about it (I can only assume he isn't or it wouldn't happen so much). Surely he has a few honest colleagues who have pointed it out to him. Ah well, guess he doesn't really need to prove anything at this point, but if it were someone else's formula he was aping he'd be sued for plagiarism by this point.

well put, I can't get over the fact that it seems un intentional. Modey was trying to paint it as something of an intentional melodic motif call back but i can't get on board with that, it just seems like he's stuck in an infinite loop and cant get out of it. I honestly feel bad for him at this point, even though he's a millionaire with a hot asian Twitter celeb wife.

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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Maybe not intentional, but definitely an ingrained melodic style. He might just be stuck in a rut, where it's easy to crank out these formulaic tunes that fans will largely consider to be good. I know this because I was in a similar rut a couple of years ago where all of my progressions started sounding the same because I'm not the best at improvising and I tried to just 'feel it' rather than sitting down to intentionally compose something different. I think a great deal of post-With Teeth NIN work has been largely created from jams, and while that does work for a lot of people, it starts to sound rather samey when Reznor does it.


edit: I do like his style, but I agree that it would be nice to hear him branching out a bit, melodically (and also in sound design).

Edited by modey
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I thought Ghosts did a decentish job of stretching his melodic range a bit. There's tracks on there that sound downright playful


(of course this might have been due to Ghosts being a bunch of guys in a room freestyling on instruments, hard to tell how much was actually Reznor on that one)

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Hesitation Marks = scratches on wrist from hesitating before suicide? Oh jeepers.

Yeah, that album title is just terrible... Trent's a fucking millionaire, with a hot asian wife, am I really supposed to believe he's still contemplating suicide? The dark, brooding and angsty vibes of NIN used to be believable and genuine but this just seems like Hot Topicy middle school "hey guys, I'm depressed, see?" vibes.



I think it's a double entendre. The suicide reference doubling as "I almost ended NIN, but I decided not to."

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a double entendre involves one with a sexual connotation, not sure what you're trying to say.


Ah, well I guess just replace that with something gay. Throw that into the mix. Nine Inch... Nails?

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stains on his underwear after browsing for cock on craigslist but changing his mind after ejaculating?



edit: there it is, the most immature thing I've posted on watmm. might as well call it a day.

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stains on his underwear after browsing for cock on craigslist but changing his mind after ejaculating?

edit: there it is, the most immature thing I've posted on watmm. might as well call it a day.

lol, i thought maybe encey hacked your account for that one

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clinging to the old days

record companies that is

you know, the ones Trent hates

oh you mean kinda like "the internet is evil, wake up" and Boards of Canada?



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what the fuck? the album isn't being released until September? but it's already been announced?


what is it with hype these days?



There's a tour announced, and tickets are going on sale in a couple of days. The hype is for that reason, and only that. $$$

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what the fuck? the album isn't being released until September? but it's already been announced?


what is it with hype these days?



There's a tour announced, and tickets are going on sale in a couple of days. The hype is for that reason, and only that. $$$


I wonder if this is the live stuff BoCult have hinted to in the recent interview...maybe they're doing support for NIN, for added hypetrain.

skid marks

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